The Dragoness Who Stills The Heartlands Character in Avestra | World Anvil
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The Dragoness Who Stills The Heartlands

Empress Elise Draganar Von Calmé Corazón (a.k.a. The Dragoness Who Stills the Heartlands)

Dukes of Crystalia, it is time to welcome a new duchy to Crystalia. Damian, former king of Beru, has joined your prestigious group after his promotion by King Edward. I am sure some of you are upset about this since you expected to carve up the territory for yourselves. However, I must remind you that this war is not to expand your influence or gain more power for ourselves, it is to unite the Aerin people under one banner and keep the peace after we've done so. And Damian will no doubt help us with that.   So if any of you would like to discuss or debate the royal family's decision on this matter, I am more than willing to have this discussion with you. Should you, however, wish to take action which I would like to advise that you don't, I hope that you are contemplating the consequences of those actions. And in what form those consequences may very well be.  
Her Imperial Majesty
Empress Elise Draganar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite the years of stress that she's gone through, Elise looks no worse for whether than her husband. While on the shorter end, she makes her authority known when she serves as Empress of Crystalia.

Facial Features

Elise has started to have the way of age on herself but not as harshly as people would expect for an Empress. Well into her 5th decade on Avestra, she has some wrinkles but thanks to her status, she still attains some of her youth. Despite countless assassination attempts, she bears no marks or damage from these would-be assassins.

Identifying Characteristics

While she may not be a Draganar by blood, she has inherited the ability to glare as harshly as the Draganar family. Her eyes, while not shaped like a dragon, can pierce into one's soul like one and she's quick to use it when she believes that someone is lying or they stand in the way of their goals.

Apparel & Accessories

Elise wears elegant Imperial robes with color scheme of purple and black. She only wears the crown for ceremonial matters but she is always wearing her wedding band from Edward and the signet ring that marks her as royalty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elise was born as the second daughter of the Ambrose family, a prestigious family in eastern Crystalia. Due to their proximity to the eastern mountain pass, her family inherited plenty of wealth from trade. Since raids became less common in the region, they were able to avoid spending money on that as well. This gave the house excess money to spend on their family. Elise used this wealth to educate herself. While her tutors were not on the scale the Imperial family had, she became quite intelligent nonetheless, especially in the field of economics. While her elder sister stayed home to court suitors, Elise went out with some of her family's trade caravans to see the different parts of Crystalia.
During one of her expeditions at the age of 17, she came across another noble who was exploring Crystalia: Imperial Prince Edward Draganar. From the stories told of that first encounter, they connected on their first meeting as they debated the state of the realm and plans for the future. The two were impressed by each other's cunning and knowledge on the region and their ambition to make it better. For those who saw this, they had no doubt that the two would make a fine pair.
After this meeting, Edward made the decision to court Elise, offering her gifts and trinkets he found on his own while he explored Crystalia as well as his own crafts such as poems, papers, and more. When the two of them were well into their 18th year, they were wed and Elise was welcomed into the Draganar family. This was not a moment too soon as Eren Draganar had fallen ill from the stress of the throne and decided to abdicate the throne. Edward was crowned the new Emperor of Crystalia and Elise the Empress. The two of them set about ruling Crystalia as Elise took on the domestic operations while her husband dealt with military affairs. With the former Empress Alexandra as an advisor and supposedly as a spymaster, Elise played the political game while also instituting political, social, and economic reform where she could.
After the course of her reign, Elise did much to secure the internal stability of the empire. She helped to ration food and help with struggling farms that could've led to famine and helped to mend ties between merchant guilds and workers. It is even said that she was able to stop plots by Gulran forces within the Empire. Whatever the truth may be, Crystalia continued to prosper under her care.
During her reign, she had a son with Edward, named Wilhelm. She doted on him as any mother would their child. She made sure to tutor him when she was able and even take him along with her when she had to fulfill her duties to give him a hands on approach when he was old enough. Elise was in the beginning stages of finding a suitor for him when the Imperial family was given a surprise. A 10 year old boy and girl arrived at the capital, sent by the Baron of Cavewharf. This wouldn't have been a problem had the boy not shared a resemblance to Edward.
While Elise's exact feelings aren't known, she investigated this thoroughly with her husband and they discovered thanks to wizards and oracles that the boy, William, was indeed the son of Edward, but not by an affair. William's mother had passed away before he was found so it was just him and the girl, who turned out to be an oracle as well and a powerful one at that. The imperial family decided to take the two in and legitimize William as the son of Edward.
Elise treated William as if he were her biological son, tutoring and teaching him as much as she did Wilhelm in the past. William was often on her heel when he resided in the capital, books in hands and discussing their content or other matters with his adoptive mother. Some like to say that this drove a wedge between Wilhelm and his family as they accepted William too easily but there is no evidence to support that rumor.
Whatever cause, Wilhelm rebelled in 1241 of the Eternal Age and Crystalia’s enemies minus Beru united to invade the region as well. William went off to try to stop Wilhelm’s rebellion while Edward went off to stop the great fleet that was coming to invade them. All the while, Elise put out fires at home, convincing key groups to stand by the Imperial family and dealing with subversive factions in the region.
All that hard work saved her empire, but it couldn’t save her son. William and Edward returned home with the body of Wilhelm. The Imperial family tried to resurrect him but all attempts failed and Elise was forced to bury her son beneath his favorite tree in their garden. While she was clearly hurting from this lost, she didn’t let it stop her from carrying out her duties as she was by Edward’s side when they recognized William as their heir to the throne.
Now, Elise continues her work to keep Crystalia and its new conquered land united under one banner. Whether it is a genuine goal of hers or now simply in honor of her late son, no one can truly say. However, her strength in the face of tragedy is a symbol to those who look to her, even the Imperial Prince who still stays at her side.


Elise spent time with the tutors money could buy second only to the Imperial family. She also learned from her parents and from her own travels across Crystalia. She continues to learn from Alexandra and other advisors in their court.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Reforms in the Crystalian Empire
  • Stopping further rebellion during Wilhelm's rebellion
  • Being the defacto ruler of Crystalia when William is away from the capital

Morality & Philosophy

Sometimes being a ruler of people requires you to do acts some would see as heinous. That's why Elise has been wiling to hire assassins and mercenaries and the like to get the job done where diplomacy and kindness fail. Advisors have commented on how they're never noticed her to enjoy having a life taken and she even laments deaths that could've been avoided with time she didn't have. Which is why she tempers any violence with diplomacy and deals before pulling out a blade in the dark.

Personality Characteristics


Elise wishes to see the dream of a united Aerinor come to life in honor of the fallen, including her son. However, while her husband can be driven relentlessly by this goal, she advocates for taking their time and knowing when to back away. She has had to do this for her husband and son alike to convince them to take a break whether it be from war or planning. Her ability to do this has no doubt helped their health as she saw the aftermath of Eren's relentless drive during his time as emperor.



Elise currently reigns as Empress of Crystalia, her reign beginning in 1220 when she was 22 years old. She took over Lady Alexandra's position as dealing with internal matters but came to rely upon her as the mother of Edward was still the Spymaster since her health wasn't as bad as Eren's. She has dealt with countless internal matters when it came to the economy or matters of state and was given the title of Minister of the Interior as a joke by her husband. While her husband does help here and there, Elise keeps the supply lines and the economy in check during both war and peace.

Contacts & Relations

  • The Shadow Guilds. While not officially affiliated with them, it isn't that hard to tell Elise sometimes calls upon their services. Alexandra was a prominent user of their services and her role as a spymaster allows Elise to do so easily. When a threat to Crystalia and the Aerin Valley that must be dealt with quietly appears, they are dispatched whether by killing them or by making sure their reputation is ruined to the point to where they are no longer a threat.

Family Ties

  • Frank Ambrose. Despite being a second daughter, Frank treated his daughter as well as he could. While he wasn't sure how to feel about her explorations, he was absolutely happy about the result when she began to be courted by Prince Edward.
  • Gisela Ambrose. Gisela made sure to give her daughter as much attention as Elise's sister. Even as tutors took Elise's time, her mother made sure to keep an eye on her and motivate her ambitions. Sometimes, Elise accredits her ability to explore Crystalia and meet Edward to her mother.
  • Eren Draganar. While the first emperor was failing in health, he still gave a striking figure to Elise when she first met him. She could tell what influences Edward got from him and even as she spent more time with his wife than with him, she made sure to question the Emperor and learn what she could to assist Edward in his reign. After Eren abdicated the throne, he was heard to have said that he leaves his throne to two worthy successors, seeing Elise as a capable daughter-in-law.
  • Alexandra Draganar. Alexandra was the first member of the Draganar family Elise met after Edward. Some stories the two tell at dinners describe their first meeting as tense. Alexandra stared Elise down and questioned her heavily to see if she'd break or show a side of herself that would make her reject her. If it is to believed, Elise was terrified of her at first. But once the two got to know each other, Elise quickly saw Alexandra as a mentor. Even as she took the throne and rules the empire, she still looks to Alexandra for advice or discussion.
  • Edward Draganar. The other half of her rulership. Even at a young age, the two seemed in sync. They knew the other's strengths and weakness and knew how to cover said weakness as best they could. When Edward was unsure of how to proceed in domestic matters, Alexandra was often there to take over or offer aid. When Alexandra had a feeling diplomacy would turn to violence or aggression, Edward was there to do the same she did for him. 26 years later, their bond is still as strong as ever to the eyes and ears of others, even after the loss of their first son and the ascension of this mysterious second son.
  • Wilhelm Draganar. No one can doubt how much Elise loved her son. From the time she spent with him to how much Wilhelm's attitude and actions were as much influenced by his mother as his father. Many servants and nobles who met with Elise during the rebellion can recall her hoping for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. And though she never showed any outward emotion, it is safe to assume that she was devastated when her son returned dead.
  • William Draganar. She may not be his biological mother but Elise has clearly treated William like he is her son. She teaches him the exact same way she taught Wilhelm and he is often on her heel just as much as Wilhelm was. Since he is being groomed as her heir now, he has appeared more and more during her time governing, aiding her as needed or simply watching as he learns.

Religious Views

Elise seemed as religious as others in the Aerin Valley during her childhood and when she took the throne alongside Edward. However, that seems to have changed after Wilhelm's death. Most notably, she used to keep a necklace with the Aerin Gods' sigils on it. However, the Raven Queen's sigil has become strangely absent at first and now she neglects to wear it at all. Due to the suffering she's gone through, it makes sense that she would have a crisis of faith.

Social Aptitude

While the royal family may know the tells of Elise when she needs aid or has doubts, no one else in the valley has been able to see it for themselves. When pressured, she stays calm and collected and even she displays passion, she finely words it as she can keep control of herself. It is this talent that makes her an excellent diplomat and even a shrewd interrogator when she questions those she suspects. While Edward would never openly or backhandedly insult someone, Elise does so with grace, her rivals and opponents knowing just what she means never being able to call her out on it. But she rarely pulls this side of herself out as she'd prefer to let her charisma beguile them before enraging them.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Florian was Elise's favorite horse when she was a teenager. He was the steed she rode across Crystalia and rode into the capital with as a Queen. While beyond a lifespan that an ordinary horse would have, Florian's days of exploring the valley have come to an end. She takes him for short rides throughout the city and keeps him pampered until he eventually passes away.


The Dragon Who Conquered Beru

Husband (Vital)

Towards The Dragoness Who Stills The Heartlands



The Dragoness Who Stills The Heartlands

Wife (Vital)

Towards The Dragon Who Conquered Beru



Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Crystal Empress
  • The Second Empress of Crystalia
  • The Dragoness Who Still the Heartlands
  • The Minister of the Interior (Not official)
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1198 EA 46 Years old
Dark brown
Long, black of hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Words can cut just as deep as a blade. They've brought nations to their knees and brought many friends together. And torn half as many apart."
  • "Why it is such good fortune that I was first to speak to you. My other half sometimes elects to deal with things like this in a different manner."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common: Fluent
  • Arinth: Fluent
  • Dwarvish: Adept
  • Elvish: Adept
Ruled Locations


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