Hobgoblin Species in Avestra | World Anvil
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A group of Hobgoblin mercenaries came into town. They were asking about some people that disappeared a couple days ago. Now there's whispers that we might have an aberration nest close by. Might be a good idea to get out of town for a few days if that's the case. Micah tells me not to worry but wherever those Hobgoblins go, there's sure to be a fight to come.
— A recovered journal from Risun, a town that was obliterated by aberrations before a mercenary band cleared the nest.

Basic Information


Hobgoblin have the bipedal anatomy that both their goblinoid cousins share. However, they appear close to humans or elves due to their size and length.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hobgoblins have the ability to see in the dark in shades of gray, same as their cousins.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  • Crystalia: Due to their patron god being another interpretation of one of the Hobgoblin favored gods, its no surprise that Hobgoblins find a good home in the Empire. Hobgoblin drums and banners fly in their armies as they march to unite the Aerin people under one banner.
  • The Dakoblin Holds: The Hobgoblin man the defenses for the Holds, questing into Aberration territory near by to attack nests or free captured prisoners.
  • The Jade Tribes: The typical example of Hobgoblins in the east. With threats from the north and south alike, more and more Hobgoblins have begun to push for United Tribes as Aberrations and creatures from the mountains push into their lands.


The Hobgoblins developed side-by-side with their Bugbear and Goblin cousins. While the Bugbears relied on their strength and stealth and the goblins their mind and stealth, the Hobgoblins chose to be a union of the three types. Many who don't know the history of the Hobgoblins all assume that they were always the tactical warriors of the three goblinoids. That their lives were ruled by military doctrine and that that they saw the thrill in fighting honorably, man to man.
Lesser kings and lords have thought the same thing and they were proven horribly wrong. Hobgoblins, while they were excellent at warfare, did not seek it out constantly. And they didn't just strengthen their bodies but their minds as well. There are stories of Hobgoblin citizens who became powerful battlemages, able to turn the tide of a battle or a siege with a few spells. And while they can't match Bugbear rogues, there have been Hobgoblins who achieved feats of stealth and assassination that have decided the fates of many.
And all that was born from their time in their homelands, defending their tribes and people from enemies such as other goblinoid tribes and even Dwarven and Elven forces that would march on them. The only reason tribes would branch out into lands such as the Aerin Valley would be to raid or trade with the local region, pushed by Hobgoblins. However, their diverse nature would soon push some of them out of their homelands and into other regions.
And that is why stories spread far and wide of Hobgoblin warriors, mages, and rogues. And what caught the attention of the Elders during their invasion of Avestra. Since they were already trying to dominate Goblins and Bugbears, they decided to add this third goblinoid race to their faction. And the ones they controlled were a might boon for their forces. The Aberrations do their best to continue to dominate these forces while other Hobgoblin groups have made it their goal to free their brethren, going on quests to hunt down these creatures.
These quests have influenced many, helping in the rise of the Crystalian Empire and pushing for Dakobolin Holds to ally with other kingdoms if simply to crush Aberration holdings near them. The Elders might have made a mistake when they took their people, and now the Hobgoblins will pay back this slight tenfold.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hobgoblins have to be the rigid and rule-focused people amongst their goblinoid cousins. They view the Bugbear as lazy, always having to push them to do their tasks. It explains why it's so hard for them to live in a tribe together. The Goblins don't share this trait as the two of them are able to get along well enough. Hobgoblins view their greatest rivals as the Elves or Dwarves depending on their location, even clashing with the mighty Firebrand in southern Alus.
If there's one species the Hobgoblin have an affinity with that's not goblinoid, it would be Humans. The two have influenced each other time and again in the Aerin Valley, fighting against and alongside each other.
Genetic Descendants
100 years
Average Height
5 - 6 feet
Average Weight
150 - 200 pounds
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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