Pirate Isles Geographic Location in Asyur | World Anvil

Pirate Isles

The Pirate Isles are a collection of rocky islands that dot the Sea of Starlight and are inhabited by pirates. There are twenty-five (and counting) named islands but around one-hundred and sixty in total. The islands that comprised Atletan Isles were not included in the Pirate Isles, despite their proximity.


The general makeup of the islands was mountainous terrain with high rocky cliffs. This meant that there were not a lot of ports in the Pirate Isles.   Aquila This small island is home to many families of eagles, and those few Aarakocra who have been claim it to be a spot of great power.   Cabeza Roja This pirate port and now fort, was home to a bar whose popularity was credited with the islands growth. Owned by a female pirate calling herself 'Lord Roja' for her bright red head of hair, it is now owned and run by her decedents, who have settled down with the family name 'roja'.    Crescent Island All animals and plants are half their size on Crescent Island. Fish do not seem to suffer this affect, and the bay of the island has always had an abundance of fish.   Flotante The Flotante is a floating town of some 450 pirates near the border of the Pirate Isles and the Atletan Isles.   Fort Conrad A large pirate fort home to some 1,300 pirates. It is also home to the First Church of Gunny.   Goat Island Goat Island is a nightmarish hellscape of torn up bushes and ground. The loud crying of the goats on the island keep most everyone from visiting this dreadsome isle.   Isla Arena This island is where pirate disputes were settled when the proper rules of the code were fallowed. Now, the island is home to a mock colosseum of the much larger, non-wood counterpart in Carcino. Pirates frequently hold matches between various fearsome creatures and pirates themselves in tests of great strength and bravery.   Isla Arana Arana was a pirate stronghold of some 800 pirates.   Isla Cocosolo The native inhabitants of this island are believed to be the first to discover how make and use coco powder. Since then, the seeds of the coco plant have been stolen and sold by pirates, causing the natives to be hostile to any who land on their island of sweets.   Isla Conejo This island is a spot often visited by pirates. The island is home to two huts, both belonging to a family of rabbit hunters that live on the island. They get everything they need trading rabbit meat and pelts to pirates and have no notable enemies in the island chains.   Isla Gigi Home to a native tribe of master fishermen, pirates tend to give this island and its waters a large birth, or risk being overtaken by canoes and the natives that they hold.   Isla Iguana Many species of iguana that can only be found in the pirate isles call this island home. The large island has allowed for many unique and specialized species to evolve.    Isla de Heirro This island is home to a large port and iron mine. Home to some 1,000 pirates, the iron produced by the mine is used by pirate smiths all over the isles.   Isla de Manga Some 2,000 pirates call this island and its pirate stronghold home.   Isla Pajarito This small snake shaped island is rather barren of plants and animals.    Isla Pelicano This small island is home to an ancient shipwreck.    Isla Rata This island is shunned by any and all who visit it. The ground from a distance looks like a fine healthy brown, but as one approaches they notice the brown is moving and that the brown is in fact thousands upon thousands of rats. It is believed the rats swim out into the ocean to feed, or just turn on the rat next to them if it is plump enough.   Isla Redonda This island is extremely round, to the point that the pirates have avoided building anything on the island, in fear of disturbing the perfect sandy sphere.   Maiden Island Avoided by all pirates and sailors at all costs, Maiden Island marks the first island on the eastern side of the isles. It is rumored to be home to a coven of mermaids who's calling will cause any ship to crash and break upon its rocky shores.   Monico Point This rock always stuck out above the waves and it acts as a marker for a particularly dangerous reef. At extreme low tides this reef becomes visible, and the wrecks of ages can be seen littering the walls of this reef.   Pepper Island Pepper Island was a famous pirate fort and smugglers port founded by a pirate with the name of Pepper at the start of the classical age.   Puerto de Pescado This island was famous for its vast fishing industry and port, which smugglers loved to use. Now a days the port is run down with the depletion of whales in the area after thousands of years of hunting the beasts for oil.   Puerto Plano This island is extremely flat, to the point that any storm that comes through leaves the port here in extreme disrepair. Most of the structures are built of stone, and are low and long, recessed into the ground whenever possible.   Sandy Island This island grows and shrinks with the tides. It has a single palm tree at its center, whose bark is stark white.   Vincenzo Observatory Built by the astronomer Vincenzo, this large white building acts as a marker for many vessels sailing the Pirate Isles. It is also home to a small lighthouse to prevent ships from breaking apart on a reef that appears at low tide around the southern side of the island.

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