Siege of Spaldei - Legacy Military Conflict in Astraesto | World Anvil
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Siege of Spaldei - Legacy

This is a legacy version of this article, for use with the Spring Improvement Unofficial Challenge by Chrispy_0.   For the current improved and updated version, see Siege of Spaldei
It would of been less costly to just blow the whole damn place up from the start!
The Siege of Spaldei was the longest, and one of the bloodiest battles during the 2nd Galactical War. It was also one of the very first conflicts during the Galactic War. Due to the sheer amount of resistance on this planet, even after the defence forces were eliminated, the Jeraci advance was severely slowed, allowing for Federation forces to regroup and mount a defence.   Spaldei's military garrison at the beginning of the siege was under the command of Edward Verno. As the siege progressed, he became the de facto military governor of the planet. His leadership, especially in the earliest parts of this engagement, was especially vital in keeping Federation Forces fighting and in high spirits.   By the end of this siege, millions on both sides had died in both militaries. Not to mention millions of additional civilian casualties. Cities were levelled, and once lush plains had been reduced to deserts. This siege turned a planet once considered a powerful member of the Federation into a pile of ruin. It's pride lost and scattered to the wind.   The rebels never stopped their fight, not till the war's end. Militias led by previous Federation commanders began to pop up all across the planet. The capital of the planet lay in utter ruin, most of the Planetary Government were dead or had fled. And more than a dozen rivals declared themselves governors of the planet, despite none even controlling more than a few cities. These rivals burned down an already burnt planet, some places to the point of absolute destruction.

The Conflict


The Siege of Spaldei was a planet wide skirmish. It was fought in a hundred different cities, across endless plains and dry deserts. The battlefields were nearly always chosen by the defenders, allowing them to hold off their enemy for such a long period of time.   The largest battles were fought around the Spaldei capital of Lenglay. Layers and layers of defenders made most attempts at taking this strategically important location near impossible. It took years before the defence began to show cracks, and another few years before it began to disintegrate. The final defenders holed up in the Lenglay capitol building. Fighting for every last inch until at last, those final few died, and Lenglay fell to the Jeraci.

The Engagement

The Siege of Spaldei was not just a single engagement. But a hundred different ones. It was after all, a planet wide engagement. The first battles however, began around the landing zones of the Jeraci forces on the Terraniu Plains.   The biggest and most deadly battles were fought around the cities of Spaldei. Specifically the Planetary Capital and the massive city of Kelpio. Federation forces fought for each and every home in this siege of attrition, taking hundreds of thousands of casualties. Mines were placed around the city, bringing down centuries of architecture and construction. The Federation did anything and everything to prevent the planet from falling into Jeraci hands.


The Siege of Spaldei proved a costly victory for the Empire of Jerace. It slowed down Jeraci supply lines for many years, and due to the large amount of soldiers and materials needed to continue the occupation and suppression of resistance groups it slowed down the entire war immensely. It may have very well changed the outcome of many battles.

Historical Significance

With the outbreak of the 2nd Galactical War, the 5th Federation fleet was moved from Peradin to Spaldei. Military strategists at Anfieden had intended to mass several fleets at Spaldei. Preparing to strike at Jeraci space.   Little did they know, that the Jerace Empire had a similar plan, just they had massed far more resources, manpower and equipment into it. Spaldei, while having significant anti space and air weapons, was an open target, which Jeraci Forces exploited.   Less than a month after the 2nd Galactic War officially began the Jeraci forces struck. The 3rd Armada, one of the largest collections of ships in the universe was used for the initial attack. The 5th Fleet didn't stand a chance.   It was a massacre. And several dozen Federation ships were destroyed, along with their crews. The few ships that did survive decided to retreat to the surface and assist the defenders there. They would be instrumental in the defence of the capital. Only a single Jeraci ship was destroyed in this opening engagement, making this battle the most one sided in Federation history.   Now controlling Spaldei space, the Jeraci prepared for their final push on the ground. Where on they intended to capture the Spaldei Capital and force a quick surrender. They intended to land upon the Terraniu Plains, a large open area and only a short distance away from the Capital.   Aware of the incoming invasion, and suspecting the Terraniu Plains as the obvious landing zone the Federation Foces on the ground prepared their defences accordingly. Dozens of anti air guns were put into position. And more were set up around the capital, supported by heavier cannons that could easily eliminate most enemy fighters in a single hit. The ground was heavily mined, primarily with anti infantry mines, but several anti tank mines were also put into position.   Federation Tank Forces were spread around the plains, and majority though, were stationed within the capital to be able to quickly respond to additional threats. Infantry made up the majority of the defence however, and they would prove vital to the upcoming battle.


The Siege of Spaldei is considered a historic moment for many people that live in Spaldei today. Despite now being under Jeraci control, the siege has become a rallying cry against injustice. Almost every rebellious force active on the planet can trace their origin back to the Siege.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
4029 (Resistance Falls)
Conflict Result
While many large scale rebellions were eventually defeated, smaller scale resistance groups continued to hound Jeraci forces for the rest of the war.


Jeraci Aligned Forces


Navy:   5th Fleet:
  • 45 Destroyers
  • 49 Cruisers
  • 6 Battleships
Army (Land):   ~2,000,000 Defence Personnel   ~36,000 5th Fleet Crew Personnel   ~3,500 5th Fleet Marines
Navy:   3rd Armada:
  • 268 Destroyers
  • 212 Cruisers
  • 96 Battleships
  • 37 Carriers
Army (Land):   ~9,000,000 Third Army Soldiers   ~5,500,000 Eighth Army Soldiers


Navy:   5th Fleet:
  • 39 Destroyers
  • 41 Cruisers
  • 6 Battleships
Army (Land)   ~1,650,000 Defence Personnel   ~25,500 5th Fleet Crew Personnel   ~3,500 5th Fleet Marines
Navy:   5th Fleet:
  • 39 Destroyers
  • 41 Cruisers
  • 6 Battleships
Army (Land)   ~1,650,000 Defence Personnel   ~25,500 5th Fleet Crew Personnel   ~3,500 5th Fleet Marines


To protect Spaldei from enemy forces.
To capture the strategically vital planet of Spaldei.

Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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