Officer's Pizza Tradition / Ritual in Astraesto | World Anvil
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Officer's Pizza

The Officer's Pizza is a type of pizza eaten by Federation Naval Officer graduates, usually on the Federation Naval Officer Inauguration day. Thousands of variants of pizza have been used as the Officer's Pizza, but a simple ham, cheese, and pepperoni pizza are most often used, due to their wide appeal. The Pizza is completely free to the graduates and paid for by the naval academy.    Like many Federation Navy traditions, the Officer's Pizza began during the 2nd Galactical War. The Federation Armed Forces sought ways to increase morale among new graduates, especially as the war began to drag on for several decades. One of the ways they attempted to increase morale was by giving all new graduates pizza before their deployment. Pizza was chosen as it was widely enjoyed by most Federation citizens, and was cheap and easy to mass produce. The first Officer Pizza's were given favourable reviews, and so the pizza became commonplace through Naval graduation.    Some of the most famed Federation Naval Officers have changed the types of Officer Pizza's eaten dramatically. Admiral ___, for example, was notable for his love of pineapple, and many pizza's soon included pineapple during officer inaugurations held during his tenure as Admiral. Even more recently, Lieutenant Admiral Brian Layost reintroduced ham to the Pizza's, from which it had been mostly absent for a century.


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