Semblance of the White Lady Item in Arrhynsia | World Anvil

Semblance of the White Lady

The Legend of Beauty

  In The Dawn of the Gods, Lameravis selects Six of his most beautiful followers to be his disciples and shepherd his called people when he chose to wander the world seeking beauty and pleasure. The Six called followers from amongst the elves, and tended them with great care. One of these, Hyadilith, was considered the most beautiful consort of Lameravis, and was the first of the Six to be lost to the treachery of Larisa, (later Ligeoa) in the Betrayal.   Hyadilith, called "the White Lady", was clever in mind and spirit and powerful in magic. She sang descant among the Six, trilling lightly, her voice dancing across the rich melodic strains laid down by the other Five. Her song had the power to move and touch the weary and refresh the spirit bowed by oppression. Her powers were those of water and life, and the water dwelling creatures answered her call.   When Hyadilith was lost, the remaining Five came together and created a semblance of their missing sister, then imbued it with the remnants of her song, sung by her grieving followers. This semblance was enshrined in Fellalond where it remains today in the palace of The Green Lady whose mother was once a follower of Hyadilith.   Those who would visit the semblance must request an audience in advance as the waiting list is long, and each person is carefully screened prior to being given access to one of the few remaining tokens of the elven gods. No one is permitted to touch the Semblance of the White Lady, and powerful spells block physical access within 10 feet of her.   The Semblance is kept in a dark room and is carefully and dramatically lit. Those who are permitted to visit do so in silence. To them, the song of the White Lady will make itself known, echoing the joyous dance of life that characterized this lost goddess. Many who come, come for healing, and come away with that healing, and more, for the song of the White Lady grants peace of spirit to those who hear her voice.   Images and replicas of the Semblance of the White Lady abound in Fellalond, where elves pilgrimage to gaze upon true art and listen to true song. Elves love song, and the music of the White Lady is a common tune that is traditionally sung by children prior to puberty and Heldua during festivals and religious observances. A significant trade in replicas of the White Lady exists in the city filling the market demand for created by the pilgrims and tourists who visit from all over the world.

Cover image: by 80's Child


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