The Green Lady Character in Arrhynsia | World Anvil

The Green Lady

After the Betrayal, the elves disbanded and returned to small local enclaves some of which still exist today (see Erengyre).  The Echovad Forrest however, if not an easy place to live, the elves being generally inclined to not bother to clean out any life forms that are directly hostile and aggressive to sentient life, and several of which specifically prey on them.    It was not long until some form of government was determined to be required for defense of the people - from the Forrest, if not from surrounding peoples.  Humans, in particular posed a problem as they are highly aggressive though short lived and generally no match for the superior magical abilities of long lived elves. Unfortunately, elves seem to be constitutionally unable to form large governmental units, and their lands are repeatedly encroached by the humans who, having destrpyed the Northern Kingdom of Arrhynsia in the Shattering, are constantly looking to expand into the rich lands of the Land of the Short and the Echovad Forrest.   The Green Lady rose during the period following the Betrayal as a demi-god to speak most eloquently to the wounds of the elves and to see to the organization of their defense.  She established the capital in the boughs of Yggdrasil, and built magically protected paths through the forrest to encourage some contact with the other races and kingdoms.  Beautiful of face and character, committed selflessly to the best good for her people, and desirous of living in peace with the other sentient races, the Green Lady should be a very strong leader for the elven people.  She is the leader of the elves who most closely embodies and follows the ideals that Lameravis espoused for government - when he was interested in discussing governance at all.  There are multiple recorded occasions where he said the entire topic of governments completely bored him.   Unfortunately for the elves, the Green Lady is cursed with a debilitating disease which saps her strength and causes continual conflict between her followers and those who would seek to replace her.  She has an extremely loyal following and a superb but small military that is fully committed to her cause.  The elven tribes which follow her are treated with dignity, but are constantly bickering and pushing at her authority and scope of power.   When other races seek to interact with the elves, they immediately seek out the Green Lady as she is the leader who most readily interacts with the outside races.  She does not claim to speak for all elves, but outsiders frequently make the mistake of believing that she does.

Cover image: by Warm_Tail


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