Warforged Species in Arrasgoth | World Anvil
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"I swear there's more than two. I swear I saw a ship of them last night underwater. I had been drinking that rum that had been sitting in the chest though...."
— One drunken pirate to another, Peregrine Bay
  Warforged are sentient constructs created by Scarmont, the second God of the Forge after Migrie, God of Machines. He created these constructs at first as companions for himself in the city to help run the various systems, but soon found he wanted them to have personalities so used his godly powers to give them sentience. When he passed into The Cast of Fire, the warforged came under the protection of Migrie ever more.   Warforged can be made out of any material that is found by an artificer, but the sentience must be granted by Migrie or have originally come from Scarmont Key. Only a warforged created in Scarmont Key is ever granted sentience, and not every warforged created does gain it. Once sentient, they have their own views, thoughts and feelings, but tend to be less aware of social norms compared to any of the other humanoid, sentient races. They tend to think extremely logically rather than emotionally, but are not incapable of emotion.   Warforged can do any job any sentient humanoid can do, but tend to do jobs that either require strength or intelligence. The most popular job within their species, apart from helping tend to their settlement, is travelling under the sea, finding any magical items that have appeared and keeping them safely in their underwater city.

Basic Information


Warforged tend to be larger than average humanoids, normally standing at 7ft tall or larger, but can be shorter if the artificer that made them deemed them to be. They are predominantly machines but are made to appear humanoid. Some are more machine than others, depending on the preference or utilities needed. Most have two arms, two legs and one head, but only two warforged have ever been seen in Arrasgoth by the general populace. They can upgrade their own bodies but this is considered extremely dangerous unless a trained artificer is on hand to assist.

Genetics and Reproduction

Warforged predominantly are created through being built by artificers. They gain their sentience from Migrie at an adult level and in an adult sized body, then begin their lives. Once their gain sentience, they recognise their creator immediately and understand how the came to be. This was deemed as the only way for warforged to be created until recently.   In the last 500 years, things have changed for the warforged species. The warforged discovered that they could make constructs themselves but struggled to gain Migrie's approval for sentience. A warforged couple discovered what was missing to gain Migrie's approval; love.   The couple created a construct together, unadorned and basic, but made out of materials that both of them wore. A small piece of each of them was placed into the construct, taken from their own body. The construct was blessed with life, something that had not happened to the warforged before, and recognised them as their parents, not as their creator. This was a huge step for the warforged species as there had never been one that had 'parents' in the traditional sense, only a creator.   Since then, there are now two ways to make a warforged, but the construct must still be created in Scarmont Key and must be blessed with sentience by Migrie. A warforged created of love also has a more concrete connection to their emotion than those that were constructed by artificers. They personalise their outer shell as they grow to reflect their own personality.   Though no warforged has ever entered a relationship with another sentient humanoid outside of their species that is known, it is possible for them to enter relationships with others. They will be, however, unable to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

Warforged do not grow at all or have different stages of life. They are created in the form they will stay in, but will customise and decorate their bodies if they choose or want to.

Ecology and Habitats

Warforged live predominantly in Scarmont Key and very rarely venture out of their underwater dome. The ones that do venture out are hidden in artificer created boats known as a Sphere Wreck. It is impossible to see anyone inside those ships but it is presumed to be the warforged driving it.   Only two known warforged have ever been spotted on mainland Arrasgoth, Sword and Shield. No other warforged has ever been seen by the general populace but those two, who have been around for centuries.
Geographic Distribution
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