Church of the Grave Organization in Arrasgoth | World Anvil
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Church of the Grave

The Church of the Grave is the religious order that follows the teachings and beliefs of Keel, God of the Grave. This religion is perhaps the smallest and strangest as they worship a sentient boat. Those that follow this domain focus on helping the journey to the afterlife and often lend themselves to other tricky journeys. Their church will take in anyone who is willing to devote themselves to the worship of the journey.   Most of the churches that follow Keel will be created on the edge of a river or large body of water as they believe The Transfer of Keel should be represented by the water moving past the door. Any who wish to join as a cleric or paladin will need to journey along their church's river or body of water.


The Church of the Grave has a hierarchy that is the same as all the other churches in the Arrasgoth Pantheon apart from the Church of Arcana. The highest member of their church would be the High Priest and there is no known record of Keel bestowing someone with the title of The Chosen. There are paladins and clerics that serve the domain of the Grave, but also priests and others who spread the word. Keel has spoken no words so his teachings tend to be interpreted from the word of Ira, Goddess of Death.

Mythology & Lore

The culture of the Church of the Grave is focused upon the idea of experiencing and trying to embrace the journey to the afterlife. The church tends to be filled with people who wish to help those understand this journey and how to go through it all. They can be known to try to speak to Keel but he has never responded as he is a boat and cannot talk.

The Journey Is Just Beginning

Religious, Organised Religion

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