Yngvar Skalla nar Kayya

Yngvar Skalla is a scout and hunter currently serving with the Reivan Expeditionary Army.   Setting out for his Pilgrimage in the year 1490, Ynvgar was committed to achieving a great feat as an offering for citizenship to Rannock Reivasa, and was still on this quest when the Great Beacon of Rannock Reivasa was lit during the Vudon-Reivan War. He rushed to aid the capital, but by the time of his arrival, the Empire of Vudon had already occupied Karnak Reiva and begun besieging the capital in the Battle of Rannock Reivasa. Unable to join his clan brethren inside the walls, he acted alone to harass the enemy flank. His actions managed to convince the Empire that they were being attacked by a full raiding party - a contingent of thirty men was sent to pursue this phantom 'raiding party,' allowing Yngvar to draw them away from the battle until after it was over.   By any judgment, this bold action in the defense of Rannock would have been welcomed as an offering for citizenship, but Yngvar did not believe his Pilgrimage to be complete. Holding to the traditions of the Pilgrimage, he did not set foot within the Reivasa in the aftermath of the battle, nor in any reiva since.   Ynvgar eagerly joined the Reivan Expeditionary Army in its campaign against the Empire, but has grown deeply disturbed and despondent in the face of uncompromising vengeance meted out by the army.


Yngvar Skalla nar Kayya


Towards Vathash Kerak vas Rannock


Vathash Kerak vas Rannock


Towards Yngvar Skalla nar Kayya



Year of Birth
1474 AT 19 Years old
Kayya Reiva
179 lbs
Aligned Organization