Frog Species in Arelia | World Anvil


These animals are characterized by a kind of hunched body, webbed toes, big, bulging eyes, and moist skin. The enormously long legs enable some of them to leap great distances, 20 times or more their body length. Technically, there are over 7,000 different type of frogs but generally, all have the same features listed above. However, of note, some frogs have unique adaptations to their own environment. Some have translucent skin through which, you can see their own organs, yet they developed this to blend in to their environment. Others have discs on their fingers and toes that enable them to climb up surfaces like trees and walls. Some, called Flying Frogs, glide 50 feet, from trees to ground, using the expanded webbing between their toes and fingers. Some have spade like structures or claws on the backs of their feet that enable them to dig through the dirt. More famously, are those that have skin that is so poisonous, simply touching them is enough to cause death.

Cover image: Frog by Thure Koch


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