The Wilderness Geographic Location in Aradeia | World Anvil

The Wilderness

Between the villages of the Omni, the Cathedral of Lorla, the free city of Camorand in the west, the nomads in the east, the dwarven kingdom in the south and Sithaline in the north lies the dry, abandoned land of the Wilderness. The Wilderness is part desert, part grassland, barely inhabited and without a unifying system or law in place. People living there are often those seeking refuge from other countries, due to political or personal reasons. Its inhabitants stand up for each other and share most of their possessions, even though an underlying distrust concerning valuables is engraved into their being. Self-proclaimed leader of the pack is the Jester King Iomer who lives in one of the largest settlements in the north-west of the continent. Over the decades, he gathered a small group of followers around him that settled around his colourful circus-like tent and that used the temporary peace to build families and set up market stands and tiny houses. Visitors should be careful trading, but especially those interested in old relics should dare to take a peak at their wares. The Wilderness's merchants are known for their ruin dwelling, bringing old artifacts to the surface that have been lost for centuries.
If treated with respect and generosity, the outcasts invite you into their culture and let you take part in their everyday activities, as multi-cultural as they might be. They are quite reserved towards Capitol Elves and Dwarves; but otherwise easy to approach, especially for trading.
In the north-east, close to the mountain range of the Dûngar tribe, lies a special settlement of ostracised Elves of all shapes and sizes. Many Halfelves found their home here. They prefer the company of the Omni over all other ethnicities. If you manage to befriend them, they might show you something special - the former manor in which the extinct faery folk praised their paragon.   Visit the Wilderness, if you:  
  • are interested in the history of Aradeia
  • want to find out more about the Jester King
  • want to attend the Masquerade of Madness
  • need a new home or place to go
  • dare to take a risk in order to become rich
Be careful if you're Elven or Dwarven. Do NOT attack them if they are in large groups. They will try to kill you and they will get rid of all traces.   Warning: Do not stay for longer than seven days, unless you really need to. Make sure you have a magical compass with you at all times!
Alternative Name(s)
The Desert, The Wasteland
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by AI (artbreeder)


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