Starships in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil


"When ya gotta get places, it's best to do it in style"

Non-terrestrial vehicles


Built upon a vast array of interlinked and networked systems, starships are often hailed as one of the most important innovations in UGF history, even if a lot of it had to be re-innovated, after the Blackout.

Base Frame

Most of the systems array is baked into what's known, colloquially, as "Frames", coming in a variety of shapes for a variety of mission profiles.
Courier frame
Size: Tiny
Maneuverability: perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0)
HP: 20 (increment 5 DT —; CT 4
Mounts: forward arc (1 light), aft arc (1 light)
Expansion Bays: 1*
Minimum Crew: 1; Maximum Crew: 1
BP Cost: 6
  Limited Expansion Bay: The bay on the Courier is very small, and the cargo hold can hold up to two medium objects. Options for the bay are limited as well, being either a cargo hold, a brig, or a sealed environment chamber.

Drift Engine

At the heart of many mid-sized and larger vessels is a device known as the Drift engine. No one knows the origin of the signal, but many of the cultures across Palaxian space received a spaceborne wave, containing 3-dimensional blueprints and a number of esoteric equations that would one day lead to the convergent development of this engine. While its exact mechanisms elude many, it is widely believed accepted that the Drift engine pulls together an extradimensional aperture that the ship then propels through.
Some vessels lack in a Drift drive, but can still make use of Jump Gates.

Power Core

The most important system on a ship, as it provides power to every other system, they come in a fair variety of styles, with differing mechanisms.
UGF power cores are known colloquially as "Pinch Cores", using pinched magnetic fields to compress and heat fusion-borne plasma, ultimately outputting a great deal of power. Some say that this replicates the conditions of the core of a star. This power isn't without cost, though, as a breached UGF Pinch Core is potentially disastrous; if all safeties fail to engage, the fusion spirals out of control, and produces a small supernova.
Ranedian power cores act similar to UGF's Pinch Cores, save for the fact that theirs are fueled generally by Aetherite, a material that the Ranedian people are somewhat reluctant to share with the wider galaxy. This exotic material seems to be quite efficient, in terms of energy exchange.
Every 10 points of a ship's Power Core (PCU) equates to 6 days of operation before refueling is necessary.
50 PCU equates roughly to 1GWth, which means every singular unit of PCU equates to 20MWth.


Funneling exhaust mass from the power core's processes, vectored with mechanisms and short-range magnetic fields, the inertial electrostatic thrusters offer respectable sublight propulsion to starships. Because thrusters feed off of power core exhaust, they cannot operate if the core is disabled or turned off.

Other Systems


The baseline hull is important, but protecting the hull from ruptures is the job of armored plating. Usually built of some titanium substrate, laminated and woven in with strong but flexible alloys, the plating comes in a range of thicknesses, though the thicker will have impacts on the maneuverability of the vessel.


The brain of the starship, the computer core contains a rudimentary artificial personality. These personalities can't perform duties as a crew member, but they can assist crew members in various tasks. However, many spacefarers claim that over time, a starship’s computers can develop temperaments and personality quirks that set them apart from identical computers in other ships.

Crew Quarters

Only appearing in ships larger than fighters and interceptors, the crew quarters are pretty much what one might expect; places where the crew can eat, sleep, and bathe in-flight.

Defensive Countermeasures & Security

Lock-on jammers, anti-hacking systems, pretty much the suite of defense and security tech on-board a starship.

Expansion Bays

Simple bays for expanding a ship's functionality.


The eyes and ears of the ship, sensors allow a crew to see what's in the space around the ship, whether planetary bodies, other ships, a dangerous asteroid field, or some monstrosity from the depths of space. Sensors are a combination of video cameras, multispectrum scanners, radar arrays, signal interceptors, and optical telescopes.


There are many things that fall under the umbrella of "Shield"; from the low power nav-shield that protects from spaceborne debris, up to active shielding system. Conventional shields consists of a thin, electrostatic membrane that envelopes a ship, absorbing impacts until the emitters are depleted. Deflector shields, meanwhile, are likewise an energy membrane, but acts more to bounce impacts away than absorb them.


Pretty self-explanatory, these are scaled-up weapons systems for surviving in the nearly lawless space between systems.


Starships come in many shapes and sizes, usually fashioned and fielded by UGF-approved star/shipwrights.

UGF Starwright

UGF Starwright
Established in an era before the Blackout, the UGF starwrights have a pockmarked reputation for sturdy, reliable, but also cheap starfaring vessels. Their craft line is notable for having solid shapes, generally coming in a generous array of colors, with room for customization.
Manufacturer Perk: Starships manufactured by the UGF are so common that parts and trained mechanics abound in the core regions of Palaxian space. Reduce the credit and UPB cost for repairs by 10% (to a minimum of 1 credit or UPB per point of damage) ; reduce the time required for repairs by 1 hour (to a minimum of 1 hour) ; and reduce the time required to refit the starship by 1 day (to a minimum of 1 day).
  • Cryptic Serpent Rapid Assault Craft: Often bathed in bright, sparkling paint, this tiny interceptor sports quite the suite of defensive countermeasures and is fitted with the respectable engines. For its offensive capabilities, under a retractable plate is a salvo of micromissiles. Ship data
    Tiny interceptor
    Speed 12; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 13; TL 18
    HP 30; DT n/a; CT 6
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Attack (Forward) micromissile battery (2d6, 20 hexes, array, limited fire 5)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Black (120 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems cut-rate sensors, mk 1 armor, mk 6 defences, mk 1 mononode computer (tier 1) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1), biometric locks
    Modifiers +1 to any one check per round, -2 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 51, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 60, essential 50, max 120
  • Interstellar Centuria Recon: This tiny racer is fashioned after popular Takuvian vehicle designs, with a sleek profile and potent engines tucked in the trunk. Rumor is that these beasts are Kina-Wattrous creations, but with the UGF contract slapped on top, it's nigh impossible to discern for sure. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Tiny racer
    Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 13; TL 13
    HP 20; DT n/a; CT 4
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Red (175 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems no sensors, mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security emergency accelerator
    Modifiers +2 Piloting; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 32, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 31, essential 31, max 175
  • Silentium Courier: This tiny, versatile racer is used for ferrying critical data within a system. In the far reaches, this vessel is also used by shady sorts for its low profile. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Tiny courier
    Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 14; TL 14
    HP 20; DT n/a; CT 4
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes)
    Attack (Aft) micromissile battery (2d6, 20 hexes, array, limited fire 5)
    Power Core(s) Micron Heavy (70 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems no sensors, mk 2 armor, mk 2 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold
    Modifiers +2 Piloting; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 28, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 41, essential 41, max 70
  • Scorpion Vector: This tiny interceptor is striking in appearance, with a clawlike body that wraps around the cockpit. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Tiny interceptor
    Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 14; TL 14
    HP 30; DT n/a; CT 6
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes), micromissile battery (2d6, 20 hexes, array, limited fire 5)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Brown (90 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems no sensors, mk 2 armor, mk 2 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security emergency accelerator
    Modifiers +2 Piloting; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 35, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 46, essential 46, max 90
  • Constellation Medium Fighter: Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Tiny fighter
    Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1)
    AC 14; TL 14
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields Basic 10 (forward 3, port 2, starboard 2, aft 3)
    Attack (Forward) light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8, 20 hexes, limited fire 5), coilgun (4d4, 20 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Micron Ultra (80 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems basic short-range sensors, mk 2 armor, mk 2 defences, basic computer (tier 1)
    Modifiers +2 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 51, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 46, essential 46, max 80
  • Lazy Fury Orbit Hopper: This medium transport was built for comfort rather than speed. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Medium transport
    Speed 10; Maneuverability average (turn 2)
    AC 11; TL 11
    HP 70; DT n/a; CT 14
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems no sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1)
    Modifiers ; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 35, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 71, essential 71, max 100
  • First Shadow Pathfinder Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Medium explorer
    Speed 12; Maneuverability good (turn 1)
    AC 12; TL 10
    HP 55; DT n/a; CT 11
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Attack (Turret) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Green (150 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems cut-rate sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 2 armor, basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers -2 Computers; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 52, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 90, essential 90, max 150
  • Substrata Gemini Carrier: This gargantuan carrier is an eternal emblem of both sanctioned and unsanctioned mercenary corps, featuring spacious hangar bays and even repair and refueling docks for mercenaries in the field. Because of the Mercenary Sanctuary Act, these ships are treated as non-targets by any law-abiding citizens or organizations, but their presence does often alert people to the presence of a mercenary team active nearby. Ship data
    (TIER 12)
    Gargantuan carrier
    Speed 6; Maneuverability poor (turn 3) ; Drift 1
    AC 9; TL 8
    HP 330; DT 10; CT 66
    Shields Heavy 240 (forward 60, port 60, starboard 60, aft 60)
    Attack (Forward) mass driver (2d6×10, 20 hexes)
    Attack (Port) counter-missile bank (8d6, 5 hexes, limited fire 6, point +12)
    Attack (Starboard) counter-missile bank (8d6, 5 hexes, limited fire 6, point +12)
    Attack (Turret) linked light laser cannons (4d4, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Gateway Heavy (400 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems cut-rate sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 3 armor, mk 2 defences, mk 2 duonode computer (tier 6) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold, guest quarters (common), hangar bay (2)
    Modifiers +2 to any two checks per round, -2 Computers
    Build Points cost 315, max 350 Power Core Units non-essential 367, essential 291, max 400
  • Thebes-Class Shuttle: Built for space and submersible activity alike, though poorly rated for the pressurized depths. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small shuttle
    Speed 6; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0) ; Drift 1
    AC 13; TL 13
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields Basic 10 (forward 3, port 2, starboard 2, aft 3)
    Attack (Forward) coilgun (4d4, 20 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Pulse White (140 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems basic short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 2 armor, mk 2 defences, mk 1 mononode computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +1 to any one check per round, +2 Computers, +3 Piloting
    Build Points cost 50, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 56, essential 46, max 140
  • Moltrix Mining Ferry: A Caldera small scale mining vessel, used more for ferrying material to and from a larger vessel. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small light freighter
    Speed 6; Maneuverability good (turn 1)
    AC 12; TL 12
    HP 40; DT n/a; CT 8
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems basic short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +2 Computers, +2 Piloting; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 35, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 46, essential 46, max 100
  • Nightprowler Recon Skiff Ship Data
    Tiny interceptor
    Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 13; TL 13
    HP 30; DT n/a; CT 6
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Micron Light (50 PCU Drift Engine None; Systems advanced short-range sensors, mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, mk 1 mononode computer (tier 1)
    Modifiers +1 to any one check per round, +4 Computers, +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 27, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 51, essential 41, max 50

Dakiupran Starwrights

Dakiupran Starwrights
Featuring sleeker aesthetics than UGF, the Dakiupran Starwrights are well known for their advanced computer systems, likely as a result of the larger population of Informorphs on the planet Dakiupra.
Manufacturer Perk: The computer systems of Dakiupran vessels, are capable of supporting at least one Infomorph of Large size or smaller, per node.
  • Kamas Data Skimmer: Stripped of a lot of fancier systems, but housing a sophisticated computer system, this Dakiupran vessel can be piloted both by flesh and blood, and digital entities. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small shuttle
    Speed 12; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0) ; Drift 1
    AC 12; TL 12
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems advanced short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, mk 1 trinode computer (tier 1) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 2 (DC +2), computer countermeasures (firewall, lockout) ; Expansion Bays tech workshop Modifiers +1 to any three checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting Build Points cost 46, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 74, essential 61, max 100
  • Sumati Pinnace: Transport shuttle with mobility and cargo in mind for its design. Ship data
    80ft(w) x 110ft(l) x 50ft(h)
    (TIER 1)
    Small shuttle
    Speed 12; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 13; TL 13
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Brown (90 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 2 armor, mk 2 defences, mk 1 mononode computer (tier 1), mk 1 robotic appendage; Security anti-hacking systems mk 2 (DC +2), emergency accelerator; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +1 to any one check per round, +1 Piloting
    Build Points cost 53, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 86, essential 76, max 90

Vortian Luxury Spaceworks

See also: Vortian Luxury Spaceworks
Established and run by a species known more for their agriculture than their war machines, it's perhaps no surprise that Shudrae-designed vessels eschew the trappings of warships and go instead for something more comfortable, and even luxurious. It's rumored that VLS has fielded a number of agri-flotillas, though, no evidence has yet cropped up for this.
Manufacturer Perk: Most VLS vessels have customizable decor and exterior aesthetics. Luxurious crew quarters are considered standard on VLS ships and cost only 3 BP.
  • Vortian Planet Hopper: This medium explorer has a reinforced glass ceiling - giving its crew a view to the stars. Ship data
    (TIER 1/4)
    Medium explorer
    Speed 4; Maneuverability good (turn 1)
    AC 10; TL 10
    HP 55; DT n/a; CT 11
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems no sensors, crew quarters (common), basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (2), escape pods
    Modifiers +3 Piloting; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 25, max 25 Power Core Units non-essential 42, essential 40, max 100
  • VLS Siren Nightliner: Produced for discerning customers with a taste for the extravagant. Hearkening back to tour buses of old, the luxurious seating and quarters segments stand in contrast to the more stripped down, barebones facade of the singular cargo hold and aft engineering compartment. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small shuttle
    Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0) ; Drift 1
    AC 12; TL 13
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
    Attack (Forward) gyrolaser (1d8, 5 hexes, broad arc)
    Power Core(s) Arcus Light (75 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems budget short-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 1 armor, mk 2 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security biometric locks, emergency accelerator; Expansion Bays cargo hold, passenger seating, guest quarters (good)
    Modifiers +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 47, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 57, essential 56, max 75

RaneCorp Star-Fabrication Labs

See also: RaneCorp
Raneda's own starwright organization, constructed with loaned resources from Ranedus' allies. These starships, though few in number, stand as some of the most technologically advanced vessels in the known galaxy, truly demonstrating the sheer capability of a collective of computer-enhanced(and in some cases, fully digital) brains.
Manufacturer Perk: A Ranedian starship can use standard navigation to go into orbit or land in 1 hour, travel point-to-point on a planet in 1d3 hours, reach a satellite in 1d6 hours, and travel in-system in 1d4+2 days.
  • Pritas Light Freighter Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small light freighter
    Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1) ; Drift 1
    AC 12; TL 12
    HP 40; DT n/a; CT 8
    Shields Basic 10 (forward 3, port 2, starboard 2, aft 3)
    Attack (Forward) coilgun (4d4, 20 hexes)
    Attack (Port) flak thrower (3d4, 5 hexes, point +8)
    Attack (Starboard) flak thrower (3d4, 5 hexes, point +8)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Brown (90 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems budget short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +1 Piloting; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 55, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 76, essential 76, max 90
  • Seraphis Cargo Freighter Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small light freighter
    Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1) ; Drift 1
    AC 13; TL 13
    HP 40; DT n/a; CT 8
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) gyrolaser (1d8, 5 hexes, broad arc)
    Attack (Port) gyrolaser (1d8, 5 hexes, broad arc)
    Attack (Starboard) gyrolaser (1d8, 5 hexes, broad arc)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems basic short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security biometric locks; Expansion Bays cargo hold (2), tech workshop Modifiers +2 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 1
    Build Points cost 53, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 84, essential 81, max 100
  • Karifos Weapons Platform Ship data
    (TIER 8)
    Large destroyer
    Speed 10; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1
    AC 14; TL 11
    HP 190; DT n/a; CT 38
    Shields Basic 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)
    Attack (Forward) twin laser (5d8, 20 hexes), heavy torpedo launcher (5d8, 20 hexes, limited fire 5)
    Attack (Aft) light particle beam (3d6, 10 hexes)
    Attack (Port) light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes)
    Attack (Starboard) light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes)
    Attack (Turret) light buster cannon (3d8, 5 hexes, buster)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Orange (250 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 5 armor, mk 3 defences, mk 1 tetranode computer (tier 4) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 4 (DC +4) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (2), medical bay
    Modifiers +1 to any four checks per round, +4 Computers; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 205, max 205 Power Core Units non-essential 206, essential 192, max 250
  • Velox Dronefighter Ship data
    (TIER 2)
    Tiny fighter
    Speed 14; Maneuverability good (turn 1)
    AC 14; TL 15
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields Basic 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)
    Attack (Forward) light particle beam (3d6, 10 hexes), light torpedo launcher (2d8, 20 hexes)
    Attack (Aft) laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10)
    Power Core(s) Micron Heavy (70 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems advanced short-range sensors, mk 2 armor, mk 3 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 4 (DC +4)
    Modifiers +4 Computers, -1 Piloting
    Build Points cost 74, max 75 Power Core Units non-essential 82, essential 82, max 70
  • Imperatrix's Reach Dreadnaught Ship data
    (TIER 17)
    Colossal dreadnought
    Speed 8; Maneuverability clumsy (turn 4) ; Drift 1
    AC 3; TL 6
    HP 600; DT 15; CT 141
    Shields Heavy 240 (forward 60, port 60, starboard 60, aft 60)
    Attack (Forward) particle beam cannon (3d4×10, 20 hexes), hellfire torpedo launcher (2d10×10, 20 hexes, limited fire 5), particle beam (8d6, 20 hexes)
    Attack (Port) particle beam (8d6, 20 hexes), heavy laser cannon (4d8, 10 hexes), heavy laser net (5d6, 5 hexes, point +12)
    Attack (Starboard) particle beam (8d6, 20 hexes), heavy laser cannon (4d8, 10 hexes), heavy laser net (5d6, 5 hexes, point +12)
    Attack (Turret) light particle beam (3d6, 10 hexes), light laser cannon (2d4, 5 hexes), laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10), laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10)
    Power Core(s) Gateway Ultra (500 PCU), Gateway Ultra (500 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 4 defences, mk 2 tetranode computer (tier 8) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 4 (DC +4) ; Expansion Bays hangar bay (2), cargo hold (10), medical bay, science lab (general) ; Fortified Hull Nanocarbon plate
    Modifiers +2 to any four checks per round, +4 Computers, -2 Piloting; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 699, max 700 Power Core Units non-essential 739, essential 658, max 1000

Draconis Templum Fabrica

See also: Draconis Templum Fabrica
Once a proud starwright of the royal drekiri houses, all that remains are scattered personnel, and a few derelicts in Drakonis space.
  • Mons Dracones Cathedralship: Fielded to serve as command centers, and morale bolsters for drekiri forces. Ship data
    (TIER 11)
    Mons Dracones class Cathedralship
    Huge cruiser
    Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1
    AC 9; TL 9
    HP 230; DT 5; CT 46
    Shields Heavy 240 (forward 60, port 60, starboard 60, aft 60)
    Attack (Forward) mass driver (2d6×10, 20 hexes)
    Attack (Port) chain cannon (6d4, 5 hexes, ripper)
    Attack (Starboard) chain cannon (6d4, 5 hexes, ripper)
    Attack (Turret) twin laser (5d8, 20 hexes), heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10, 20 hexes, limited fire 5)
    Power Core(s) Nova Heavy (200 PCU), Nova Heavy (200 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (luxurious), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, mk 4 mononode computer (tier 5) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1), computer countermeasures (alarm) ; Expansion Bays science lab (general), shuttle bay, medical bay, cargo hold, tech workshop Modifiers +4 to any one check per round, +4 Computers Build Points cost 291, max 310 Power Core Units non-essential 320, essential 276, max 400
  • Azraeon's Prophet Superiority Fighter: Despite sporting respectable outputs, it's clear that the designers put more stock in comfort and luxury than performance. Ship data
  • Viator Exploration Vessel: Serving as surveyors and scouts for the Drekiri, these ships are generally lightly armed and focus more on defense in conflict, while most of their power is set towards sensors. Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Medium Viator class explorer
    Speed 6; Maneuverability good (turn 1) ; Drift 1
    AC 15; TL 15
    HP 55; DT n/a; CT 11
    Shields Basic 10 (forward 3, port 2, starboard 2, aft 3)
    Attack (Turret) gyrolaser (1d8, 5 hexes, broad arc)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems budget short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays medical bay, cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +2 Piloting; Complement 5
    Build Points cost 51, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 70, essential 66, max 100

Avalon Illuminate Foundries

See also: Avalon Illuminate Foundries
Situated around the homeworld of the Naulixi Avali in the Naulixi Claw, the AIF runs a number of shipyard foundries that churn out nanofabricated starships.
  • Kefali Light Reconnaissance Craft Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small shuttle
    Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 12; TL 12
    HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Arcus Light (75 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems budget medium-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 42, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 61, essential 61, max 75
  • Merafora Light Freighter Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Small light freighter
    Speed 6; Maneuverability good (turn 1)
    AC 12; TL 11
    HP 40; DT n/a; CT 8
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Arcus Light (75 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (3)
    Modifiers +2 Computers, +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 45, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 50, essential 50, max 75
  • Anthraka Explorer Ship data
    (TIER 1)
    Medium explorer
    Speed 6; Maneuverability good (turn 1) ; Drift 1
    AC 11; TL 10
    HP 55; DT n/a; CT 11
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, basic computer (tier 1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)
    Modifiers +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 55, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 70, essential 70, max 100
  • Krinos Destroyer Ship data
    (TIER 3)
    Large destroyer
    Speed 4; Maneuverability average (turn 2)
    AC 10; TL 9
    HP 150; DT n/a; CT 30
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) plasma cannon (5d12, 10 hexes)
    Attack (Turret) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Arcus Ultra (150 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems budget short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)
    Modifiers +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 93, max 95 Power Core Units non-essential 110, essential 110, max 150
  • Aspida Bulk Freighter Ship data
    (TIER 4)
    Huge bulk freighter
    Speed 4; Maneuverability poor (turn 3) ; Drift 1
    AC 9; TL 9
    HP 180; DT 5; CT 36
    Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)
    Attack (Forward) plasma cannon (5d12, 10 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Nova Light (150 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems cut-rate sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 2) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (10) Modifiers -2 Computers, +1 Piloting Build Points cost 115, max 115 Power Core Units non-essential 121, essential 121, max 150
  • Pyrgos Cruiser: A versatile platform employed by the ADF and AEF alike, though each of them kits their Pyrgoses differently. Ship data
    (TIER 5)
    Huge cruiser
    Speed 4; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1
    AC 8; TL 9
    HP 205; DT 5; CT 41
    Shields Basic 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)
    Attack (Port) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Attack (Starboard) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Nova Light (150 PCU) ; Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 2) ; Security biometric locks, computer countermeasures (alarm) ; Expansion Bays cargo hold (6)
    Modifiers +2 Piloting
    Build Points cost 133, max 135 Power Core Units non-essential 116, essential 116, max 150
  • Teluros Skiff: Known generally as the "Avali Ship's Boat", this small vessel serves as an excellent in-between craft, ferrying the captain, an ambassador, and/or precious cargo between larger starships. Ship data
    Tiny racer
    Speed 6; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
    AC 13; TL 13
    HP 20; DT n/a; CT 4
    Shields Basic 10 (forward 3, port 2, starboard 2, aft 3)
    Attack (Forward) light plasma cannon (2d12, 5 hexes)
    Power Core(s) Micron Light (50 PCU) ; Drift Engine None; Systems cut-rate sensors, mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, basic computer (tier 1) ; Security computer countermeasures (alarm)
    Modifiers -2 Computers, +3 Piloting
    Build Points cost 30, max 30 Power Core Units non-essential 36, essential 36, max 50

Manufacturer Unknown

All across the galaxy, there exists a number of vessels that are, to date, unidentified. Most of them are derelicts from before the Blackout, while others seem to be brand new, translating into the galaxy's limits from beyond.
1 Build Point is worth approximately 650 credits.
Starship JSON codes for use in the Starfinder RPG Ship Builder