IXS Series Starship Vehicle in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil

IXS Series Starship

A series of starships from outside of the galaxy. According to Hof Najara, IXS stands for "Interstellar eXperimental Spaceship".
  IXS-001 "Daedalus"*
statistical information unavailable
IXS-002 "Sänger"
statistical information unavailable
IXS-003 "Enzmann"
statistical information unavailable
IXS-004 "Bussard"
statistical information unavailable
IXS-005 "Bond"
statistical information unavailable
IXS-006 "Event"
statistical information unavailable
IXS-007 "Horizon", a vessel that served as a proof of concept, supposedly.
IXS Horizon (TIER 1)
Medium transport
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1
AC 11; TL 11
HP 70; DT n/a; CT 14
Shields: None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
Attack (Forward): laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10) Power Core(s): Pulse Gray (100 PCU) ; Interestellar Drive: Natario Drive; Systems: budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), basic computer (tier 1), virtual intelligence (tier 1) ; Security: biometric locks; Expansion Bays: shuttle bay, tech workshop, cargo hold (2) Modifiers: +1 Piloting; Complement 2 Build Points cost 64, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 73, essential 60, max 100 VI Bluff +7 (1 rank), Computers +7 (1 rank), Engineering +7 (1 rank), gunnery +4, Piloting +8 (1 rank), Sense Motive +7 (1 rank)
IXS-008 "Natario", hijacked and renamed "Fancy"
Medium transport
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1*
AC 11; TL 11
HP 70; DT n/a; CT 14
Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
Attack (Forward) laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10)
Power Core(s): Arcus Heavy (130 PCU) ; Interstellar Drive: Natario Drive; Systems budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), basic computer (tier 1), virtual intelligence (tier 1) ; Security: biometric locks; Expansion Bays: shuttle bay, tech workshop, cargo hold (2)
Modifiers +1 Piloting
Build Points cost 67, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 73, essential 60, max 130
Ship from beyond the veil, an interstellar exploration and science vessel. Unlike the Horizon, the habitable sections are strapped onto the hull in a very ramshackle manner, and it's said that the AI core is kept suppressed by the standing captain.
IXS-009 "Alcubierre"
IXS Alcubierre (TIER 1) Medium transport
Speed: 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1*
AC 11; TL 11
HP 70; DT n/a; CT 14
Shields: None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
Attack (Forward): laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10)
Power Core(s): Arcus Heavy (130 PCU) ; Interstellar Drive: Natario Drive; Systems: budget long-range sensors, basic computer (tier 1), virtual intelligence (tier 1) ; Security: biometric locks; Expansion Bays: shuttle bay, tech workshop, cargo hold (2)
Modifiers: +1 Piloting
Build Points cost 67, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 73, essential 60, max 130

Ship from beyond the veil, an interstellar exploration and science vessel.  Unlike Fancy, it seems to have retained its status as a pure droneship and is very shy, tending to take sensor readings from stand-off distances and jumping away as soon as any sort of danger presents itself. Seemingly tracing its lineage to the likes of IXS-008, this ship has the same kind of spherical protrusion in the middle, but lacks the bolted-on hab sections, with sleek forms suggesting completely unmanned operation. Still, it has two shuttle bays for deploying ground recon units
IXS-010 "H.G. Wells"
IXS H.G. Wells(TIER 1) Medium transport
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2) ; Drift 1*
AC 11; TL 11
HP 70; DT n/a; CT 14
Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)
Attack (Forward) laser net (2d6, 5 hexes, point +10)
Power Core(s): Arcus Heavy (130 PCU) ; Interstellar Drive: Natario Drive; Systems: budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), basic computer (tier 1), virtual intelligence (tier 1) ; Security: biometric locks; Expansion Bays: shuttle bay, tech workshop, cargo hold (2)
Modifiers +1 Piloting
Build Points cost 67, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 73, essential 60, max 130
Ship from beyond the veil, an interstellar exploration and science vessel. Seemingly tracing its lineage to the likes of IXS-008 and IXS-009, this ship has the same kind of spherical protrusion in the middle, but appears to be designed for crewed operations from get-go. It appears to be the most advanced of the IXS-class detected so far.
Starship JSON codes for use in the Starfinder RPG Ship Builder http://jamesturneronline.net/starfinder-ship-builder/
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