Captain Joska Worly
Captain Joska Jack Worly (a.k.a. Calico Jack)
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Body Features
Facial Features
Physical quirks
Special abilities
Mental characteristics
Personal history
He is a Squaran, his father was an Aquatic Elf and his mother was a Squaran. So he was born with legs and inherited abilities from both races. He was born in the Birth Cave Ritual, and raised in the nursery lagoon on Sylvania. Joska was considered a special child, both because of the events at his birth and the blending of his parents.
His first job was in the city militia, then the guard, but he decided that it wasn't for him soon after. After a few years, on the spur of the moment, he jumped ship) literally to become a merchant seaman.
Again the discipline was too much, he convinced some others to mutiny, while most of the officers were onshore for a meeting. On account of his militia training, he became the leader, and a pirate was born.
He is now a successful pirate. He is in the habit of stopping any merchant that he happens upon in his travels. If his victims, hove-to and give him what he wants, he treats them well and then lets them go.
Failures & Embarrassments
Intellectual Characteristics
Morality & Philosophy
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