Imperial Church of Loviatar Organization in Amanor | World Anvil

Imperial Church of Loviatar

The Imperial Church of Loviatar is a sect within the broader Empyreal Faith, dedicated to the veneration of Loviatar, Goddess of Secrets and Evil. Despite the controversial nature of Loviatar's divine status, this sect operates within the hierarchical structure of the Imperial Ecclesiarchy, the central religious authority of the Heartlands. It is a sect shrouded in mystery, its followers keeping to the shadows of society, dedicating body and soul to the pursuit of knowledge and the quest for power.   At the head of the Church of Loviatar stands the High Priestess, a position held by a chosen individual believed to possess a direct connection to Loviatar's divine power. The high priestess serves as the spiritual leader and administrator of the sect, overseeing its activities and guiding the faithful in the worship of their dark goddess.   Beneath the High Priestess are the priests and priestesses of Loviatar, who carry out the religious rituals and ceremonies in accordance with the teachings and tenets of the faith. These clergy members undergo rigorous training and are selected based on their unwavering dedication to Loviatar's cause. They are responsible for conducting many communal rites and rituals, offering guidance and counsel to the followers, and interpreting the words of the Black Apocrypha.   In terms of organizational structure, the Church of Loviatar is divided into regional chapters, each led by a regional overseer known as a Hierarch. These Hierarchs oversee the operations of local temples and ensure the adherence to the doctrine and practices of Loviatar's faith. They act as intermediaries between the High Priestess and the clergy, providing guidance and support in their respective regions.
Founding Date
ca. 700 ER
Alternative Names
Church of Loviatar, the Black Faith
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


Order of the Enigma

The Order of the Enigma is comprised of loviatarites who focus on the acquisition and preservation of hidden knowledge and ancient secrets. They believe that unraveling the mysteries of the universe and amassing wisdom is the ultimate act of devotion to Loviatar. Members of this order delve deep into ancient texts, pursue arcane secrets, and seek out tidbits of forgotten history. The Enigmatists view Loviatar as the embodiment of the unknown, and embrace her as the guide to uncovering the secrets that lie beyond the mortal realm.  

Order of Whispers

The members of the Order of Whispers embrace the dark and clandestine aspects of Loviatar. They see themselves as the protectors of secrets and the agents of subtle influence. Their practices involve manipulation, subterfuge, and espionage, often walking the fine line between mischief and malevolence. The Whisperers believe that by operating in the shadows and wielding the art of deception, they can bring about the upheaval and change they see as necessary in the world. Whisperer temples are havens for professional criminals, unsightly mercenaries, and spies.  

Order of Redemption

The members of the Order of Redemption focus on the transformative nature of Loviatar's myth. They view adversity and suffering as purifying forces that can lead to enlightenment and redemption. These penitents emrace physical and emotional distress – and even willingly subject themselves to such – in an attempt to transcend the limitations of mortal existence. The Redemptionists believe that through hardship, they can achieve spiritual growth and become better than they were before. Through acts of fasting, self-flagellation, and meditation on personal traumas, they seek to transform their pain into a source of strength and enlightenment.  

Scions of the Pyre

The Scions of the Pyre are an uncompromising order of zealots that view themselves as purveyors of divine retribution. Its members believe that Loviatar's domain of evil allows mortalkind the implementation of swift and severe justice. The Scions tirelessly seek out the guilty, investigate crimes and gathering evidence. Embracing the ritualistic aspect of their faith, they conduct secret ceremonies where the guilty are condemned and then immolated on the pyre, cleansing the world of their wickedness. In their view, death by burning purifies the soul and redeems it of past evils, spiriting the deceased to a blissful afterlife. Through their actions, they believe they are enacting the will of not only Loviatar but of all Empyreals, instilling fear in wrongdoers and ensuring that evil is expunged from the world.  

Order of the Black Mask

The most elusive and unsavory of the orders within the Church of Loviatar is the Order of the Black Mask. Its members – known as the Masked Ones – interpret Loviatar's teachings through a lens of ambition and power, embracing her legacy as the Archbetrayer. They perceive Loviatar as a catalyst for change and progression through treacherous means. This order consists of people who believe that seizing control and exerting dominance are essential for the advancement of their ideals. They view betrayal as a tool to dismantle oppressive systems and establish their own rule. Their focus lies in the manipulation of power dynamics, both within the Ecclesiarchy and in the wider world, with the ultimate goal of creating a society that reflects their vision of a perfected order.  

Cult of the Thorned Ones

The Cult of the Thorned ones sees excruciating physical pain as a form of divination. Its members believe that pain opens up a channel of communication with the divine, allowing them to gain insights and visions that would be otherwise inaccessible. Thus, they often use various methods of self-harm, such as cutting or burning themselves, to induce a state of heightened awareness and receive messages from Loviatar -- the Lady of Pain.   The Thorned Ones are fanatics that follow a strict ascetic lifestyle, eschewing all forms of pleasure and comfort. Instead, they embrace pain and suffering as a means of achieving spiritual enlightenment and communion with their dark goddess. They adorn themselves with spiked chains, piercing their flesh with the barbs as a form of penance and to show their devotion to Loviatar.   The Thorned Ones are a mysterious and reclusive group within the Imperial Church of Loviatar, operating as an almost occult sect in the Heartlands. However, outside the Heartlands, where Loviatar's worship takes on different forms and interpretations, the Thorned Ones are widely respected as an echelon of the goddess's clergy. They are known for their unflinching devotion to Loviatar and their rigorous self-discipline, often subjecting themselves to extreme physical and mental tests to prove their worthiness to the goddess.

Cover image: by CraniumBeaver


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