Amazons Ethnicity in Amanor | World Anvil


Divinely blessed warrior people of Achillonia, mortal children of the Goddess of Battle

Amazons are the ancient, matriarchal people of Achillonia that live in the sheltered mountains of the White Peaks on the southeastern border of the Heartlands. Their society has ever been reclusive and mysterious, but legends and historical accounts abound of their great prowess in battle -- of mighty women clad head-to-toe in gleaming armor, towering above the heads of men, laying waste to their opponents with massive weapons wielded with deadly precision.  

Social structure, civilization and culture

See: Achillonia  

Naming traditions

Amazons only have one given name and no family names. They may earn titles -- known as Names -- for significant accomplishments, e.g. "There goes Diana the Beastslayer!" In formal situations the name of the Amazon’s Temple can also mentioned, e.g. "All hail Diana of Concordia!"   If there is need to differentiate between two Amazons with the same name and the above-mentioned two methods provide no resolution, the name of an Amazon’s mother can be used, e.g. “I am Diana, daughter of Ariadne; and my companion is Diana, daughter of Melite.”   Online generators for Greek names can be used.  

Female names

Thousia, Zene, Thigeia, Andromache, Panthia, Laverna, Maiandria, Megara, Eurynome  

Male names

Pausanias, Timotheus, Iphitos, Micythos, Lycidas, Iandros, Patrato, Isthethus

Temple names

The following is a complete list of amazon temples:  
  • Antianeirai ("equals of men")
  • Adrastia (“inescapable”)
  • Cassiopia (“she whose words excel”)
  • Antiopia (“confronting”)
  • Dorothia (“gifted”)
  • Styganor (“loathes all men”)
  • Kalypsia (“She who conceals”)
  • Laurentia (“those from Laurentum”)
  • Lykometia (“mothers of wolves”)
  • Marthesia (“snatching”)
  • Vincentia (“conquering”)
  • Orithynia (“rage in the mountains”)

Titles a.k.a "Names"

The following are examples of Names granted to Amazons for famous deeds:  
  • Godmarked
  • Goldtongue
  • Bloodfury
  • Drakecleaver
  • Hawkeye
  • Wrathbringer
  • Boarfeller
  • Spearbreaker
  • Pathguard
  • Beast-tamer
  • Scarbearer
  • Beard-taker
Achillonians, Amazonians, Vallieni, Daughters of Galatea   Body tint, color and markings
Skin tones range from pale to tan with blond, brown and black being dominant hair colors.
Special characteristics
The acclaimed divine favor of Amazon women is reinforced by the fact that they physically larger than most humans, being more muscular and averaging a height of well over two meters. Male amazons are smaller in stature -- or rather normal in stature.
Amazon men have lifespans typical to other humans, rarely living to see a hundred years. Women live much longer – up to 300 years – and also retain their physical strength all the way to their twilight years. This means that old amazon women rarely die in their beds, but rather on the battlefield.   Significant populations

Related ethnicities
Tyrians (neighbours)
Nergali (neighbours)
Related Organizations
Related Myths

Galatea's Blessing

The Amazon people is descended from an ancient Human bloodline that is blessed by Galatea. Female descendants of the bloodline are superhumanly strong and tall, while males appear like normal humans. Each Amazon woman is physically superior to even the most athletic men from other peoples, making Amazon warriors absolutely terrifying opponents on the field of battle. Amazon women also live longer than men -- up to 300 years -- and their bodies do not suffer any weakness or infirmity from old age.   This sex-based disparity of biological traits in the Amazons is known as Galatea's Blessing. It is a divine heritage that does not diminish in multi-racial offspring. The Blessing passes on with full potency to all children of any Amazon, unlike for example the racial traits of an elven parent would pass to their half-elven child. The Blessing is carried by males and females but manifests its superhuman effects only in females.


Amazons chosen as player characters should start at a high character level if their adventures take place outside Achillonia. This is because Amazons are not allowed outside Achillonia until they have reached high levels of education and martial prowess. Men are allowed abroad on exceedingly rare occasions. It must also be noted that female Amazons are very powerful as player characters; see their special racial rules below.  
The features granted by Galatea's Blessing vary by sex (male or female). The features are considered racial features but they are used in addition to the features of another race (e.g. human, half-elf, half-orc). For any features that cannot be used together (e.g. two different features named "Age" or "Size"), the player is allowed to choose which one to use.   Male characters make the following additions to their racial features:   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Tyrian and Primordial.
Galatea's Blessing: Your children will be affected by Galatea's Blessing and pass it on to their children.   Female characters make the following additions to their racial features:   Amazon Physique: Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution each increase by 4.
Amazon Spirit: Your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 1.
Skills: You gain proficiency in Athletics and Acrobatics.
Proficiencies: Choose two of the following proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, or Shields. Additionally, you gain proficiency with four weapons.
Martial Training: You can select one fighting style for yourself from the Fighter class (see Handbook).
Deftness: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Uncanny Defense: When an opponent rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll against you, you can use your Reaction to reroll the die. The opponent must use the new result.
Age: You can live up to 300 years, but you never get penalties to physical ability scores from old age. Amazons reach maturity in their late teens but are not allowed outside the borders of Achillonia until much older.
Alignment: Amazons tend towards lawful alignments but all are possible.
Size: Amazon women are typically between 2 and 2,5 meters tall (6′7 to 8'3). Your size is Medium.
Speed: You have a walking speed of 40 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Tyrian and Primordial.
Galatea's Blessing: Your children will be affected by Galatea's Blessing and pass it on to their children.   N.B. The languages mentioned apply only to Amazons that travel outside Achillonia. Amazons that stay within their mountain realm speak only Primordial.

Cover image: Assorted concept art by various artists


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