Amphitere Species in Alvez | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Amphiteres, the smallest members of the dragon family, are snakelike creatures with long, serpentine bodies and a pair of wings on their upper back. Usually less than a meter in length, they are significantly smaller than any other type of dragon. Amphiteres can be generally classified in two distinct subgroups, the Northern Amphitere, also called forge serpents, and the Southern Amphitere.   Forge serpents are covered in scales, batlike, membranous wings and a tail that narrows to a slender point without flaring. They possess reptilian features, their heads covered in hard ridges and horns. These ridges continue along their backs past their wings, but not to the tips of their tails.   Southern amphitere possess smooth scales and beak-like snouts. Their feathered wings are smaller than those of their Northern cousins, and their tails flair out in a small, fan-like tuft of feathers. Southern ampthitere are typically smaller than the forge serpents, rarely surpassing half a meter in length.

Genetics and Reproduction

Northern Amphitere construct nests to lay their eggs. The forge serpents of the North will construct small nests of hot coals or charcoal, commonly in forges, hot springs or caves. Clutches range from 3 to 7 eggs in the North. Females remain with their nests after hatching for between three days and a full month, depending on availability of food and safety.   Southern Amphitere lay clutches of 14-21 eggs in hot, dry sand, abandoning them 3 days after laying.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn amphitere are brightly coloured, their vibrancy fading as they grow.

Ecology and Habitats

Northern Amphitere were first recorded in the jagged, rocky cliffs of the Shatterlands, spreading outwards to the gorges, forests and cities of Alvez over the next millenia. They have proven well adapted to living in vertical spaces with ample ledges, chasms and overhangs, slithering upwards and then gliding between places to traverse their landscape.   Forge serpents seek heat, and will sun themselves on stones during the day, retreating inwards when night falls. Resistant to fire, they will often curl up near chimneys, forges and even in piles of hot coals. Their choice of resting place makes them a danger of causing fires if disturbed, sending ash and sparks outwards. As a result, many forges and Windships will take precautions to prevent them from making homes in the hot ductwork or chimney flus.   Southern Amphitere also seek out heat, but take their preference from the sun, basking on roofs and hot stones. They will often burrow into hot sand where possible.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Amphitere are carnivorous, eating small rodents and bugs. They are also capable of processing heat-related Foyson, which they absorb in trace amounts from the Sun and sources of heat, such as fire or coal.   Forge serpents will cook their food, charring it to ash with their fiery breath, while Southern amphtiere


Amphitere, save for nesting females, are rarely aggressive and instead will flee or hide when threatened by a larger creature. However, when cornered, startled or chase, both varieties will actively defend themselves with powerful attacks.

Additional Information


Amphiteres have been bred for generations to improve their colouration, wing size and elemental properties. The Southern Amphiteres were bred by the Alchemists of Iram, but wild populations have since developed. Many are still used as pets or decoration in the City of the Pillars and Pharos, where entire menageries are kept by the upper class. Smaller collections are sometimes kept in the Northern Realms, but they tend to do poorly in the Northern climes.   The more aggressive and temperamental Northern breeds are less commonly domesticated, although they can be trained and tamed with enough resources and patience. As a result, most examples of this are found in the courts of the Tuatha de Danaan.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forge Serpents are common across Kornôgel and the Fortunate Isles, found in mountains, forests and cities in large numbers. They are most common in the West, along the Silvercoast between the Shatterlands and The Armorican Peninsula, but are regularly scene as far East as the Dark Kingdom of Arle..   Southern Amphitere are commonly found around the Mor Kreizdouar, but are most common in Alkebulan. They are also found, in lesser numbers in the Sea of Wine, The Golden Sea and the County of Tolosa.     Amphitere are found throughout Alvez, with the Northern variety found across Kornôgel and the Fortunate Isles, while the Southern is found largely in the Caliphate of Ubar, Slaver's Coast and the Golden Sea. Amphitere have become a staple of aerial landmasses and phantom isles, and are commonly found there.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Amphitere are capable of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Their most acute senses, however, come from sophisticated pit-organs located in their snouts, allowing them to "see" in infrared, sensing radiated heat from prey, predators and shelter, even in total darkness. Their wings are extremely sensitive to minute changes in air pressure and vibrations, allowing them to navigate air currents and thermals to glide between ledges as they hunt or avoid predators.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
~ 30 years
Average Length
0.3 m - 1.0 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Northern Amphitere scales are brightly coloured, most typically in shades of reds, oranges, purples and blues, giving the little creatures the nickname "Sunrise Serpents". Green amphiteres are very rare, but have been recorded. The Northern variety tend to be duller during Winterrule.   The Southern Amphitere is typically more subdued colours of whites, pinks and golds, with intricate patterns on their feathers and scales.
Geographic Distribution


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