
The Demonic Disease

(Legacy Content)
The term Demora describes the condition afflicting any and all Doeveiga in their many forms. Considering the variety of methods for contracting this condition, and the relative frequency of new methods, this documentation will attempt to be as complete as possible, and updated as soon as new methods are revealed.

Transmission & Vectors

Due to the varied nature of Demora and its carriers - being demons - the condition has numerous methods of transmission, most of which being by direct encounters with the demons themselves. Transmission vectors are currently as follows:
  • Direct demon interference: Interaction between sapient species and demons of specific types. In the following list the first option results in Doeveiga, while the second option results in true demons. The list is placed in order of prevalence.
  1. Wrath: A near death experience brought on by a wrath demon or particularly violent fatality, or an individual performs multiple unnecessarily wrathful actions over the course of several months, will result in transformation.
  2. Lust: A sexual encounter with a lust demon, or an individual performing multiple excessive lustful actions over the course of several months, will result in transformation. (It should be noted that this process will only physically transform females into Succubi, while males are altered mentally to continue this process until they are consumed by a Succubus)
  3. Gluttony: Being swallowed, but not fully digested by a gluttony demon, or consuming material in extreme excess over the course of several months, will result in transformation.
  4. Greed: Assisting a greed demon in acquiring its focus, or acquiring vast amounts of material in extreme excess in the form of wealth, power, or otherwise, will result in transformation.
  5. Sloth: A gradual decline from activity in the form of either physical or mental, or assisting in the decline of others - especially at the behest of a sloth demon- will result in transformation.
  6. Envy: Unlike other demon types, the only method of transformation of an envy demon currently known is becoming excessively envious towards one's surroundings, resulting in a true transformation.
  7. Pride: Unlike other demon types, the only method of transformation of a pride demon currently known is becoming excessively egotistical or obsessed towards one's achievements or failings, resulting in a true transformation.
  • Demon plagues: The result of an inexplicably infectious, though non-lethal, disease infecting the normally disease-immune demons, who then seek to spread the disease through its natural transmission vectors. This altered form of the disease is referred to as a demon plague, as it not only carries the effects of the normal disease, but also carries an amplifier for demonic behavior based on the type of demon that initially contracted the disease.

    Example: Wrath Demon Plagues

    For instance: a wrath demon contracts a highly infectious variant of the Common Cold. It then assaults people and property on a busy city street, spreading the Plagued Cold through sneezing and coughing. The plague then infects other sapient beings. This plague will then go on to induce Common Cold symptoms, while also inducing excessively wrathful behavior in the infected, usually in the form of riots, violence, murder, etc. And if the disease lasts for long enough, the entire infected population of that city could transform into true wrath demons.


Demora is entirely caused by demonic behavior, or interaction with demonic forces.


If the afflicted individual is exhibiting demonic behavior, they will seem normal for the first month or so, gradually seeking to perform additional acts of such behavior as the months progress. This form of progression only occurs if the individual continues to perform these acts repeatedly.

If the affliction results from direct demonic interaction, then the symptoms are the same as those afflicting both Doeveiga and true demons. Symptoms for all demon types will be listed as follows, again in order of prominence:

  • Wrath: A need or desire to perform senseless acts of violence on everything in its vicinity
  • Lust: A need or desire to perform increasingly excessive sexual acts on willing or unwilling sapient beings.
  • Gluttony: A need or desire to consume additional biological material.
  • Greed: A need or desire to acquire more of its focus, be it wealth, power, etc.
  • Sloth: A gradual decline in the need or desire for physical or mental activity.
  • Envy: A need or desire to possess the belongings, abilities, or standings of others.
  • Pride: A need or desire to be constantly validated in their actions, be it through one's own ego, or by others' praise.

It should be noted that all of these symptoms further intensify the longer the individual demon does not feed. Specifics on symptoms not included here will be in documentation on that specific species - this is a general overview.


There exists no cure or methods to reverse or stop the effects of the disease. The only cases of individuals recovering from the condition are individuals who had started on the path of true transformations stopping the behavior that would eventually cause such. This, however, is difficult as many who did recover from this describe horrid withdrawals from the lack of such behavior, especially in advanced cases. Once a true transformation begins, the only method to prevent the individual from fully succumbing to the affliction and transforming into a true demon is euthanasia, which must be delivered before the transformation is complete.


The stages of progression are always the same, regardless of what species the individual belongs to. In the case of demonic interaction, there are only two stages: Initial transformation and Doeveiganism, resulting in a new Doeveiga. However, in the case of demonic behavior, the stages are as follows: Initial Behaviors, Repetition of Initial Behaviors, Possible Withdrawals, and finally True Transformation. This type of transformation always results in a true demon.

Affected Groups

Demora affects any and all sapient beings regardless of age, sex, race, gender, body type, or any other conditions - all people can succumb to any form of Demora.

Hosts & Carriers

Any and all demons and Doeveiga are carriers of their respective types of Demora. Demora does not exist within all sapient beings like Physica Dementaurum does. Instead, the condition seems to manifest after the initial stages. It is not known how the condition manifests, as data on the initial stages is relatively scarce.


The most prevalent method of prevention is properly instilled discipline of one's actions, followed by self-awareness. This will prevent most cases of True Transformation. However, methods to prevent Doeveiganism are nowhere near as simple, as this form of transformation only results from direct interaction. Prevention of Doeveiganism may include methods of self-defence, security, and a constant state of vigilance. If one contracts the Doeveigan variant of Demora, then a constant state of discipline must be maintained to ensure no further transformations are incurred.


Typically, Demora is found on an individual level at first, and if left unchecked could spread to an entire population. However, this is unlikely to occur in most, if not all cities and large towns. Alternatively, demon plagues spread just as quickly as the disease it has latched onto, and can be as dangerous as world-ending phenomena.


The existence of demons goes back further than recorded history, as it is well known that demons caused the original retreat into the underground by the ancestors of Aloreans, though any evidence as to where or when the demons first came to be has been lost entirely.

Cultural Reception

As is well known by the public, victims of the disease are either universally hated in the case of true demons, or negatively mixed in the case of Doeveiga. Attempts have been made by The Doeveiga to repair relations and establish their people in Alorean society during the Alorean Second Era, though due to the Second Calamity these efforts have been set back significantly.
Chronic, Acquired


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