Elven Alliance Organization in Alendia | World Anvil

Elven Alliance

The Elven Alliance is a confederation of all six elven factions in western Durarin. Comparable to The Human Empire, the Elven Alliance represents the dominion of all Elves (excluding the drow). It is responsible to make geopolitical decisions in the name of all elves. Additionally, the Elven Alliance sets a rough frame of laws and rights of all elves living in Durarin.  


The Elven Alliance always existed more or less. When the Elves were born, they all worked together no matter their location. Later, when the elves started spreading over the whole continent, the elves decided on splitting the territory into multiple regions and factions. The noble families living in these regions were assigned to be responsible for governmental purposes.  


The Elven Alliance is administered by the elven council and its president. The council contains 29 seats, occupied by rulers or envoys of the six factions. The number of seats in the council can be very different due to the different influences and importance of some factions. The distribution is as follows: The council elects a president, the 30th member of the council, who has to be from an elven legacy and is not part of the current elven council. Often, this president is a highelf, and only in very rare cases, a woodelf claims the spot of the president. This group decides on geopolitical issues and ensures cooperation between the different elven factions. It also discusses inner political decisions, which are then passed on to the rulers of each faction.
All decisions and resolutions must have at least 19 (66%) advocates in the council and additionally, the president has to agree to it.  


The Elven alliance doesn't interfere too much with the economy of the elven factions and leaves major decisions to the respective aristocracy. However, in case of a bottleneck of goods for one or more factions, the alliance is allowed to adopt resolutions to help out the affected faction. Additionally, the elven alliance supports trading between different elven factions and also enables them to find trading partners outside of Durarin.  


The flag of the elven alliance shows a ring fixed to antlers and stars crowning on top of it on a green background. The antlers are the symbol of woodelves and the stars represent highelves. The ring is a symbol of their cooperation and alliance.


Dominion: Eastern Durarin (all six elven factions)
Largest dominion: Eastern Durarin (all six elven factions) (current dominion)
Capital: Ilithyl
Current Area: 340.000 sq-miles
Aliases: The Elven Confederation


Government: Alliance of aristocracies Races:
  • Elves (90%)
  • Half-elves (8%)
  • Humans (1%)
  • Other (1%)
Religion: Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods, The old pantheon
Population: 20 million
Alliance, Generic
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

Character flag image: Flag of the Elven Alliance by Lucimon