Session 157 Report in Aeternia | World Anvil

Session 157

A Chill Pill

General Summary

  • The party described to one another the dreams that they partially shared the night before.
  • The tavernkeep of The Cloak and Stagger warned the party that he's been redirecting some bounty hunters looking for Theran — all he asked for in return was:
    • for them to keep quiet about where they've been sleeping — especially from the government — and
    • that they not "think of certain people as negatively", clarifying that "some people are actually out there to help others" as he "laid all [his] cards on the table".
  • They met with Tex at his magical saloon.
    • His first order of business — after conjuring up some drinks for everyone — was to clear the air: while his position in the capital government gives him tremendous authority to force pretty much anyone to do pretty much anything, he doesn't want that to be the basis of his relationship with the party.
  • Dazki presented the party's list of requests for assistance on their mission, expecting to have to do some kind of negotiating on some of the items, but Tex seemed content with everything as requested, and sent their document along to be processed, which he says should take about a day.
    • Dazki also had one additional request that they didn't have time to add to the list, because he had just thought of it that morning after the past night: he wanted to figure out more about the state of the rod that enforced Annu's constraint of the mind. Tex was more hesitant on this one: he happily told them everything he claims to know about it, but he isn't convinced that this is relevant to the task at hand, so he isn't planning to divert resources to look into this any further.
  • Tex then laid out his thoughts on the mission: he believes that the Alizarin Woods government are too singularly focused on the big obvious worms, such that they're missing a second "flavor" of Turmoil that follows in their wake as a sort of parody / plagiarism; his concern is that if the mission stops after defeating the source of the worms, then this may allow the second "flavor" an opportunity to take full control.
    • Dazki summarized the overall situation surrounding Mirage Prime, and he name-dropped Riley Ellasandra as the likely source of the secondary Turmoil, though he and Dwardazik insisted that they be given a chance to try to turn her against Prime before Tex brings the full weight of the capital down on her.
    • Tex was clearly heavily conflicted over this; he is willing to given the party some flexibility to try it their way first, but he strongly urges them to be mindful that Riley is known to be highly manipulative. Especially, we haven't seen her signature henchmen yet like we have with the other sycophants; it's possible that she's using The Quicksilvers to fill this role, having them clear out the primary source of Turmoil just so that she can lay her own secondary source in their wake.
  • Shortly after leaving Tex's saloon, the hummingbird returned, damaged, with a dire (and garbled) message from Siraye.
    • They rushed over to the Quicksilvers' estate, which has been turned into a crime scene: Riley was a mess, Kris had been partially petrified, Apple was probably dead under a sheet (minus one or two severed limbs that the sheet didn't cover), and Siraye was barely hanging onto life across the room with a piece missing from her side and the flesh from her hand completely removed. All that Riley could say to anyone was: "Why did you make me have to do this?"

Full Recap

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The party all wake up after their separate experiences. Dazki awakens to the usual tavernkeep sitting by the fire, who — relieved that Dazki isn't dead — points him towards Soves at the bar. Soves asks for his sack back, which Dazki gives him. Soves immediately asks what he can do for Dazki to repay the favor and not have it hanging over them. Dazki just asks him to watch over their cart and oxen while they are gone ("sounds like just job... I will do; not a fair trade — but eh, you could be dumb"). Dazki also asks what was in the bag, to which Soves has a hard time translating from Draconic: he says the words "irthiski", "noachi", and "waethvrak". He was particularly interested in making sure that they neither ate nor crushed the bag's contents.   Dwardazik rushes downstairs and orders the bartender — who is currently one of the fake-rogue patrons — to fix him up some ale.   The sub-groups who had their separate encounters the night before — Marvin + Theran and Dazki + Dwardazik — regrouped separately to discuss what had happened. Some information was shared across the sub-groups:
  • Dwardazik and Dazki experienced Mirage Prime, Riley Ellasandra, and "The Quicksilver Mage".
  • Dazki thinks "it wasn't a vision — I think we were there, at the moment", and that while "the main conversation was between Riley and the Quicksilver Mage, Prime was throwing in his (its) comments to force all of us along".
  • Theran woke up with a mouthful of red sand, and Marvin woke up holding the Far Gear.
  • Marvin says that he and Theran had an active conversation at the Red Desert: his dad was there, though they couldn't say much back and forth.
  • Theran elaborates that the Red Desert is very much in pain: the entire "ground seems to be roiling with these black, root-like tendrils coming up from underneath". Apparently, "last night, its captor was distracted by something, [...] which is why the Red Desert thought it might be safe to pull us over to try to communicate".
  • Marvin got the impression that the Red Desert thinks that they owe it something, but Theran quickly clarifies: "it's been trying to help us, giving us visions and information and stuff" since they have a common enemy, and "it's kind-of panicking".
  • Theran has concluded that it doesn't seem to matter if the Manifestations of the Mirage are "reclaimed" or not: they still belong to Prime, and so they still grant him power. He doesn't seem to believe that defeating them will make the Red Desert any worse; they just need to "cut the tether", and it needs to happen quickly.
  • Theran also believes that Baxton's situation is somehow different, and that Prime likely does not actually have vision.
  • Dazki thinks that they were in the same room where he was when he experienced the vision from when Riley touched him. He also believes that Riley might have gotten Annu's control rod from the Quicksilver Mage, since she cut their conversation short when she couldn't find it on her person.
  • Theran muses that the Red Desert's captor may have been distracted by what was going on with Dwardazik and Dazki.
  • Marvin: "It was trying to guilt us. It was saying, 'why do you parley with the enemy?', 'why do you let them go?'.", and he used the example of Dazki threatening Riley to show that that's not what they're doing.
They conclude that, because Marvin was holding the Far Gear right after the Red Desert had a whole thing about giving them "gifts" to aid in the fight against its captors, then maybe the Far Gear is more important than it seems. He decides to attune to it. Otherwise, the party decide to head to their appointment with Tex, when the tavernkeep stops them.
Dazki: What can we do for you?   Tavernkeep: I believe I can do quite a bit for you.   Dazki: Oh?   Tavernkeep: Or, I should say... I might be forced to do quite a bit for you.   Dwardazik: I don't really feel like we're forcing you to do anything, but if we've put you in a difficult situation, I'd appreciate understanding. What's going on?   Tavernkeep: There were people wandering around looking for ya.   Marvin: What kind of people?   Tavernkeep: Let's just say they're... unsavory?   Marvin: How did I know you were gonna use that word? How did I know that?   Dazki: Tieflings?   Tavernkeep: Heh. No. Just your typical bounty hunters.   Marvin: Oh, great.   Theran: Bounty hunters after us?   Tavernkeep: I've taken the liberty of... delaying that problem. I don't want anybody sniffing around here.   Marvin: What do you mean by "delaying"?   Theran: Dissuading.   Dwardazik: He's running interference for us. And for that, you have my gratitude.   Marvin: Yeah. Thanks for that.   Tavernkeep: I do like you lot... and I like my building even more.   Dazki: So, what, is there something we can do for you in return? Other than, possibly, not return to this building?   Dwardazik: Gosh, I hope we do get to come back at some point. At least it was good company.   Tavernkeep: I think I'm more interested in potential future endeavors, if you are this wanted. I want you to be careful out there.   Dwardazik: As a favor? I can do that.   Dazki: We certainly don't have any intention of being careless.   (Insight 22) The tavernkeep perks up when he hears the word "favor", a red flash going through his eyes.   Tavernkeep: Now, I'm not looking to get into a bunch of trouble. And I take it you lot are not interested in any extra trouble. You seem to have enough on your plate already.   Dazki: That's an understatement...   Tavernkeep: All I hope is that you don't think of certain people as negatively.   Marvin: That's it? Just, "good vibes"?   Tavernkeep: Some people are actually out there to help others, you know.   Dwardazik: Look, we've been around the block quite a bit. From gnolls to goblins to dragons to creatures of all sorts and sizes. If you have a companion, or companions, or someone that you want us to consider of higher regard, I'd appreciate it if you were to speak a little more plainly so that I don't make any mistakes.   Tavernkeep: I don't know how much more plain I can be.   Dwardazik, throwing up his hands: What does he mean, Dazki?   Dazki: Actually, I'm not sure exactly who he's talking about...   Tavernkeep: I think I've laid all my cards on the table.   Dwardazik: ...look, I feel like we've always been good. And I've always wanted to be a good person. And I don't want any trouble. You've been a respectable gent, —   Tavernkeep: I ain't lookin' for no trouble.   Dazki: Neither are we. We will make sure to keep that clear to everyone involved and treat everyone with the respect and deference that they or their positions have earned them.   Tavernkeep: The second you make foul with any of these government officials, they're gonna come here lookin' at me.   Marvin: If only the same could've been afforded to Kesmet...   Dwardazik: That would've been nice.   Tavernkeep: That is none of my concern.   Marvin: Oh, of course not.   Tavernkeep: I assume he ran afoul of some angry figure or another. I don't need to know the details. It's often better, not to know the details. So, here's what you're gonna do. You're going to go to this meeting with the government officials. You're going to play along with whatever they want, while keeping your strange artifacts of yours safe. At no point will you mention that you sleep here.   Dwardazik: Seems reasonable enough.   Dazki: We never intended to let them know where we are staying.   Marvin: That never seemed like prudent information to share.   Tavernkeep: I want you to be extra sure.   Marvin: Consider us very, extra, perfectly sure.   Dazki: You have my word.   Tavernkeep: If you run afoul of these people, I will not be able to get you out of it.   Dwardazik: I appreciate you putting as much effort into this as you have. Wasn't really expecting to find much kindness here.   Tavernkeep: I am not being kind. I am only looking after my own skin, here. There are a lot of people out looking for you.   Marvin: How is it that a bounty gets put on us?!   Theran coughs.   Tavernkeep: They're looking for that little lad of yours. I haven't seen him around in a while.   Dazki: Yep. And with that, we should be going. To make sure that you see even less of us. And to make sure that he doesn't have any reason to return.   Tavernkeep: Good day, random adventurers. Whomever you may be.   Dazki + Marvin, in unison: And good day random barkeep, whoever you may be.   Dwardazik, leaving a 20-gold tip on the counter: For the ale... and your troubles.
They head off towards the meeting place with Tex, making final adjustments to the list of items that they're going to request along the way.

Tex's Nexus

Editor's note: here's the music track, in case you're interested:
Two Phoenix Guard stand flanking a large, swirling portal about ten feet tall. In front of the portal are what appear to be saloon doors. The Phoenix Guard stand strictly at attention, their large bird helmets with golden and crimson feather headdress behind. They don't even look at you.
Dazki pushes through the saloon doors, and the party follows behind him.
You enter into a large area made up to look like a dusty saloon... though everything is pristine and slightly elven in design. At the exact center of the room — practically in your face as you enter — is a large mounted brontosaurus skeleton, which takes up much of the space. There are no patrons here, just Tex sitting at his own bar and some sort of ethereal barkeep.
Dwardazik: Hey! Tex! You have good taste, this is a good place. You got any ale?   Tex sets down his drink, stands up from his stool, and turns around.   Tex: Ah, good. You've found it.   Dazki: It was a bit hard to miss.   Tex: Do take a seat.
The party members sit down at the bar, Dwardazik making sure to sit by Theran. Tex waves his hand in the air, and the ethereal barkeep spawns a silver tray with a large glass vial and several crystal rocks glasses. It places each glass in front of a party member and pours a drink, then tops off Tex's glass.
Tex: You already seem so world-weary, despite it being only — what is it, nine bells?   Dazki: Weird night. Of all things, I had a dream. Not used to that, it's always weird.   Tex: Hmm.   Dazki: I don't know how others can deal with that. Though, I suppose, you can get used to anything after a time.   Theran: I feel that lots of people forget them.   Marvin: Oh, yes! We mere mortals, we learn to deal with it.   Dazki: Touché.   Tex pulls out a large stick that smells of black licorice and takes a bite out of it, chewing it like tobacco.   Dwardazik: What, might I ask, is that? It's got such a unique smell.   Marvin: Oh, please don't get him addicted to another drug...   Tex: It is merely licorice root. An old habit, I apologize.   Dazki: Oh, no, no need to apologize.   Dwardazik: You, uh... got any ale in this fine establishment of yours?   Tex: Do you not accept the drink that I've poured you?   Dwardazik: It's... ... ...not exactly what I would call dwarven ale.   Tex: And I am not exactly what you would call a dwarf, good sir. I reckon it'll take the edge off, just the same.   Dwardazik: Well, I'll be the judge of that. (He takes a sip.) You know, this ain't half bad!   Tex: The barrel that bourbon was brewed in for two hundred years was one of the last of a royal forest.   Dwardazik: You don't say? Well, I appreciate you pourin' me a drink. Here's to Tex! (He raises his glass.)   Tex has his focus on Dazki, who is not really enthusiastically drinking his.   Dwardazik recommends it to Theran, who is drinking it but not having the best time of it.   Tex: Now that our heads are clear, I do reckon we have important business to discuss.   Dazki: Yep. That we do.   Dwardazik: You want to handle negotiations, Dazki?   Tex: Before we do, I think it best that we understand our relationship, here. As long as you tread upon her soil and breathe her air, you are at the mercy of those in power here. Each individual letter scratched by my quill holds such immense weight over your fate, your livelihood, and your life. Now, I ain't interested in intimidating you, and I sure as heck ain't interested in running afoul of such talented individuals. But, I could sense the tension in the air, and it's best to get it out in the open.   Dwardazik: I mean, without really tellin' ya what we're after, we're really just lookin' for tools that would help us either achieve our mission or stay alive. I think that's fair, right?   Dazki: We have had some... less-than-pleasant... interactions with the government back in Ashport, so you'll have to forgive us if our perspectives when we entered these conversations with you and those here were... slightly... ... hostile. We are not accustomed to those who are — forgive me for saying this, but — more competent, in their positions in government. It was a bit of a shock.   Dwardazik: Wait, we're not about to get bribed, or forced into something we don't want to do?   Tex: I have all the power that the land grants me to do so. I ain't about it.   Dwardazik: Well. That's a relief. Jeez! I mean, we were trying to save the countryside anyway. We don't need to be ordered to do so.   Tex: I could sense your frustrations among the more... staunch... nobility. And I ain't too fond of lectures, myself. Ain't too fond of third-person accounts, neither. I prefer to hear it from the horse's mouth. Besides, this kind of talk could be dangerous out in the open, and we both have our secrets to keep. (He takes another long swig of his drink.)   Dwardazik, looking confused: I'm getting the idea that this is a little bit more than just a discussion with a quartermaster for some items. We have some business that you'd like to discuss, then?   Tex: Indeed. You lot have piqued my curiosity, and I have pored over the information, and I want to hear it all from you. But, I believe tensions will be lifted if we deal with the problems at hand, first? You need to be properly equipped to deal with such a dangerous problem. You have had the time to think of what you may need to accomplish this grand, adventurous task. What be it?   Dazki: This is what we discussed, and what we were able to come up with. (He hands Tex the paper with all their requests.)
Tex takes the paper from Dazki, and he chews on the side of his licorice root again. He fiddles with the quill in his hand. After reading it over, he speaks.
Tex: Yes, this all seems fine.   Dwardazik: ...what? Even my —   Tex makes the paper disappear into nowhere.   Dwardazik: Oh! Thank you, Tex! You know, I specifically asked for —   Dazki and Marvin both move to hold Dwardazik back. Tex holds up his hand as well.   Tex: Whoa. Slow down there, fella. Honestly, if this is all you were looking for, this meeting could've been a lot shorter.   Dazki: There is one other thing that didn't end up getting on that list... it came because of some information that we got last night. As I'm sure you know, we have worked with Annu Adabra in the past, right?   Tex: Indeed.   Dazki: In some actions that apparently got him "put into storage", he provided us with some information that led us here. I would be interested in knowing about what's going on, as far as why he is being "put into storage", if something is wrong or something like that? Because it seems unusually fortuitous that, as this is happening, he is "put away", so to speak. Anything about who would have had access to controlling him (or releasing him) would be of interest.   Tex: That is, indeed, an interesting set of questions. And I do reckon I know some of those answers.   Dazki: Have any of the people with control over him changed / disappeared / gone dark recently?   Tex: I assume you speak of the event that caused him to be stored away?   Dazki: Yes. He had made allusions to his "mind" being missing.   Tex: As it should be. There are very few who know the location of it. I am not one of them. Only Hestia herself, a couple of the grand artificers, and the champion of the long-dead adventurers troupe that originally bound him would know where it was placed. As you may know, all of those individuals are no longer with us. Scaldor himself doesn't even know the location.   Dazki: I see.   Dwardazik takes a sip of his drink.   Dazki: Because I feel like Annu at least knew that it existed, and may have had an idea of where it was... he just couldn't communicate it.   Tex: I am not sure of the wily nature of our lich compatriot. Perhaps he had a method of locating it! It seemed to have been malfunctioning, after all. And, no doubt, he is aware of it... as the three rods are inserted at the base of his skull.   Dazki: Well, anything you could find out about that would be, I think, useful in the long-term.   Tex: I don't reckon it'll be a high priority of mine.   Dazki: Of course not. Seems like there's a lot more that is of immediate necessity.   Dwardazik: Do ya have any advice about the countryside to the south, before we head on down that way?   Tex: I have a concern. An itch.   Marvin: You know, there's ointments for that.   Tex: And I do appreciate what these small folk do here with their research. But. I've noticed some intricacies that, I feel, were overlooked. And you, being the foremost experts on this situation somehow... I needn't care why, do I?   Dazki: No.   Theran: Nope.   Dwardazik: I don't think so?   Tex, conjuring up a journal of his own and referencing it: The folks here seem to think that this worm infestation, this tumultuous parasite, is the disease that is to be removed. I think it masks a different problem. I believe there are different... "flavors"? It's difficult to put a word to.   Dwardazik: Whaddaya mean? Different types of worms?   Tex: Turmoil is meant to be an entity of disastrous chaos. Of untold and random destruction. But there seem to be two different methods, here. The theory can be easily swept under the rug by observing the fact that the worms tend to reinfest without complete destruction of their internal organs, but that doesn't track with me: while that may be true, it would only beget more worms. No, some of my scouts here have uncovered a slightly different — more chaotic! — attack from this Turmoil. Hard to describe, it's almost like a parody. A plagiarism. It seems to hide in the wake of the main attack.   Dwardazik: I don't understand...   Dazki: I would agree with that, based on what we have seen.   Tex: What I'm trying to find out is why. Eliminating one would not affect the other, and therefore, I believe the capital should be involved in this, in a wider elimination.   Dwardazik: I think that the capital's resources should be more focused on the security of the area. Let us act as the detectives that we are, and figure out if there really is any evidence related to this "double" Turmoil effect.   Tex: Well, I want to hear your opinion on the matter? Not in a tactical regard, but that which you are "advisors" for in the first place.   Dazki: There are — or, there were — six individuals that made a deal with an entity that we're calling Mirage Prime. They are the ones who have been causing Turmoil to become more active. We're not entirely certain how, or what Mirage Prime is doing to control all of this yet; we're still searching for the entity. Baxton Mandrim was one of such people, as were Pendel Codagio and Vicra Lammergeyer. We have managed to hunt them down and... we weren't able to convince any of them to turn on their master, so we have eliminated the direct threat that they posed. But the larger threat is this "Fogwalker" that's mentioned on here. He is attempting to pull another plane towards this one.   Tex: Is he one of the two disrupting this forest?   Dazki: No, to our knowledge.   Theran: However, as you can imagine, having a plane that we believe has the capability of devouring other planes being pulled in the direction of this one, it's a rather urgent threat that we would be looking into, if not for us needing to resolve the situation down here!   Tex squints his eyes as he looks at Theran ("Nathan").   Tex: An illusion? What are you hiding...?   Theran: Are you sure you don't want plausible deniability for this?   Tex: ...I believe that our relationship here is built upon... some low levels of trust... and, hopefully, not fear. Do you wish to keep your secret? If you do, best not to tell me. But if it hinders, in any way, our shared quest here, I must demand that you tell me.   Theran: If it does, I will.   Dwardazik: Look... I know we're all speakin' clever-like and everything here, but you understand that we're gonna go out there to beat the shit out of some Turmoil creatures, right?   Tex: I understand what the Alizarin Woods believe to be the correct response to this threat. And I do believe it is quite clever in getting rid of this... parasitic Turmoil.   Dwardazik: Well... yeah.   Tex: But if they believe that it is the disease that is reinfecting these areas, then they are going to be surprised. Blindsided, even. ...that is my theory, anyway. If, indeed, this terrible energy and destruction follows in the wake of these six warlocks, then there are two that we must hunt here.   Dazki: The other one, she is... I'm not sure if she intends to betray her master or not. It seems that way.   Tex: That is no concern of mine. The foul energies are still being spread by this individual.   Dazki: Her name is Riley Ellasandra.   Tex: Interesting.   Dwardazik: Look. We'll deal with it, all right? That's what we asked for all these tools for! If we can't handle it, that's when we come back to you and ask for you to use your governmental power to nuke the shit out of this area. But c'mon, give us a chance? These are still people, and this thing's a little bit of an organic scenario.   Tex: ...Riley Ellasandra...   Marvin: I assume you're familiar?   Tex: Indeed I am.   Dwardazik: Look, not everything's so black-and-white. Unfortunately, we'll probably have to make the difficult decision. But until then, let us give it a shot, and see if we can't resolve the situation?   Tex: So, she is the one creating the foul parodies in the wake of the worms?   Dazki: Yes. In an attempt to actually eliminate them, it seems that this Mirage Prime has possibly made it so that his sycophants are unable to directly stop one another. So that when you eliminate one, it's replaced with something else.   Tex: Are you sure she's not merely taking advantage of a situation to gain ground? That seems more like her.   Dazki: Am I certain of it? No.   Tex: It would make sense, if the two entities were in disagreement, to blame one... and secretly seed your power behind it.   Dazki: Based on the conversations I've had with her, I genuinely believe she thinks that none of this is her fault.   Tex: Unfortunately, thoughts and goodwill do not bring a person back from the grave, restore their livelihood, or forgive anybody for breaking any major law.   Dazki: I agree. I am simply saying that — at least initially — mayhaps, a lighter touch might be attempted?   Dwardazik, slamming his fist on the bar: We'll figure out what's really going on here, all right?   Dazki: Dwardazik. We need all the help we can get.   Dwardazik: I understand that. And I understand that, if we fail, I expect the full law of the land to take effect. I want you there to destroy Riley if necessary. But give us a chance, OK? This situation is not as black-and-white as you're thinkin'! (Persuasion 23)   Tex: I am currently attempting to follow the lay of the land here, with regards to the rules. But... I am not House of Steel. I will give you an amount of time. But then, she will be eliminated.   Dazki: I understand, and I would not expect anything different. Would you be so kind as to give us... not necessarily an exact warning, but at least notification once your time is nearing its conclusion?   Tex: That shouldn't be an issue. May I see your sending stone? I believe it was one of your requests.   Dazki, handing it to him: That it was.   Tex: Whom would you feel more comfortable with?   Dazki: I would say, at the moment, likely yourself? If you have the time and capacity to handle occasional check-ins.   Tex: This is my sole priority at the moment.   Dazki: Very well, then. You would be my first choice.   The others agree.   Dwardazik: I agree. You seem exceptionally reasonable, and I look forward to working together. We're all on the same side, it's just, you gotta understand, you're focusing more on the governmental matters, while we're out here in the bush! Shit's a little more crazy.   Tex: I am not as sheltered as you think I am.   Dwardazik: Never said that. I just understand that you've got people who look up to you. You're like a clanfather. You've got people you have to protect. And, to be completely honest, I respect you for your commitment and your resolve. And I really do appreciate you getting us some leeway to try and resolve Riley and whatnot our own way.   Tex: You won't be thanking me later if you fail.   Theran: We won't be thanking anyone if we fail.   Tex: I believe we have located an appropriate forward base location, a day's travel from where we believe the hive to be. I can arrange transport directly there, via the House of Stone leader here.   Dwardazik: A day away from...?   Dazki: A day away from where the queen worm is located.   Dwardazik: Aye.   Tex: That is about as close as I feel comfortable, with a forward camp.   Dazki: That is entirely sufficient, thank you.   Dwardazik: And you've taken measures to bring elementals of supreme purity?   Tex: Elemental forces are still a bit slim at the moment. But we can certainly trail, after you've done a majority of the work. I take it you've maintained integrity of the annihilating spheres? ...given that the town seems to still be relatively intact, and free of horrid screaming?   Dazki: That does seem to be the case.   Dwardazik: If I could not keep charge of such an artifact, I would expect to be consumed by it.   Tex: I can inform the leader of the House of Stone here of potential transport by tomorrow, if you are ready?   The party all agree.   Tex: I would ask you to be incredibly concerned of this friend of yours.   Dwardazik is initially a bit confused about this, though it gets cleared up.   Dazki: Trust me, we are. And to say "friend" would be to use that term a little bit too lightly.   Tex: If she is anything like that magistrate, you're in for a wild ride.   Dwardazik: I wish sometimes you guys would just speak what yer tryin' to say! Just sayin'... you always make it so confusing...   Tex: I am trying to be straightforward, here.   Dwardazik: nah... I understand...   Tex: If you wish to spend the night in this area — both for your protection and to actually get a decent rest, unmolested — you are free to.   Dwardazik: Thank you for the offer, but as for myself, I've got a couple of errands I need to take care of outside of here.   Tex: Of course. I will be here. I have much work to do.   Dazki: Thank you. If there's anything additional that we can do to assist, let us know. We are at your disposal.   Tex: According to the lich's reports, each entity commanded "henchman"-type entities?   Theran: It would seem that the worms would be this for our target.   Dwardazik: *confusion noises*   Dazki: The "sycophants". Baxton had —   Tex: I have the list here. We have false monks of Imagination, we have short men covered in rags, and we have strange clockwork automatons. And, I assume, the corrupting force here would have these large worm entities.   Theran: ... ... ...hmm... ... ...   Tex: I seem to be missing one.   Dazki: Yes... ...yeah.   Tex: She is having others clean this Turmoil and infesting it with her own. I'm sure of it.   Dazki: The Quicksilvers are that for Riley. That's my current thought. Mayhaps, she is even manipulating us into helping.   Theran: But these other henchpeople had Turmoil making up a part of their body or their system, right? That doesn't seem to be the case for the Quicksilvers, or for us? We were already here, we didn't need to get "made".   Dwardazik: I had a thought that maybe it had something to do with specters or ghosts, but that's not making so much sense... maybe that was just... what other creatures have we encountered?   Dazki: Does Riley have any links to BFI, that you know of?   Tex: No. But she loves to manipulate people.   Dazki: Something that we should investigate, today, and see if we can figure it out. But the one who is the biggest danger, by far, is the "Fogwalker".   Tex: I'm uncertain of this individual.   Dazki: Unfortunately, so are we.   Tex: Best we keep our heads in the game that we do understand. We can have the bookworms figure out what we don't.   Dazki: Sounds good.   Tex: Now is not the time for vague research. It's the time to connect what we already know. So. My saloon here is open for the day.   Dwardazik: Well, I appreciate you opening it, but I think there are other things that we need to take care of.   Dazki, confused: Dwardazik, what he means is that we're welcome to return at any time, if we —   Dwardazik, a bit irritated, back at him: And I'm tryin' to suggest that we ain't comin' back... or, at least, I ain't.   Dazki: I think this would be a good place to hole up for the night.   Dwardazik: You're not wrong, but... I've got a couple of other things that I have to take care of, and I'd rather spend more of my time outside this pocket dimension than inside of it.   Dazki: What I'm saying is, after we take care of everything we need to out in the city, we rest here for the night until transportation is arranged in the morning.   Dwardazik: And what I'm saying is that I'd rather stay outside the portal while you guys rest in here.   Dazki: ...why? (Almost immediately after asking, he has a realization.) You know, we can discuss it later. It's fine. Apologies, we will take our leave now. Thank you for your assistance.   Marvin: Yes, this has been very enlightening.   Tex: It's all in the day's work. You stay safe out there.   Dazki: We will certainly do our best. Thank you.
They leave the saloon area and discuss plans. The immediate intent is to follow up with Wendi to see how her introduction went. She was told to hit up the House of Crystal museum, so they start there. A courier runs up, delivers a letter to the party, and runs off after Dazki gives him a tip. Scrawled across the front: "Secrets for LIARS".
Don't you think it's time we aired out some dirty laundry?
  • Marvin Steals: Whether he knows it or not, his luck is tied to his father, and the two have been stealing luck from each other. Two-way street!  Would he care even if he knew?
  • Theran Lies: That little druid of yours isn't telling the whole story.  A kind and innocent face is a façade for manipulative intelligence.
  • Dwardazik Betrays: He is working with the enemy.  The being within him uses him like a shell, same as the brother worms use the purple worms.  I do hope that he is teaching it well for when it takes over his body completely!
  • Dazki Controls: He holds back his own thoughts and emotions from the rest of you.  Does he think you unworthy, or does he not want to lose his power over you?
The note is unsigned, so it's impossible to know who sent it; they start bickering amongst themselves for a while about how much of it is true, and what to do about it.
  • Dwardazik insists that he's not going to let himself get taken over by Gemineye, but Dazki is unconvinced that Dwardazik has enough of a handle on the situation to be able to say that.
  • Dazki admits that he holds back — though he claims not to have outright lied about anything, and the reasoning of the "unknown" sender is faulty: it's more because he is unconfident.
  • Theran does not dispute the "[not] telling the whole story" angle, but he is still not ready to come clean on whatever secret(s) he is hiding, (he claims) so that the others can maintain plausibility deniability even under a truth spell. Dazki voices that he would prefer to know, but he will not pry.
  • Marvin is unsure what to think about his item. He hopes that attuning to the Far Gear will give him some clarity on that, since it was also a piece of the Orrery that got his father into this.
With that out of the way, they resume trying to find Wendi. The secretary doesn't remember seeing a dwarf, and the officials are running around trying to get together the requisitioned items, so the party decide not to push it and look around. Theran casts "Cheat at Hide-and-Seek" anyway to try to find her. She barely registers at the edge of his range, right as...

Why Did You Make Me Have To Write This?

Your hummingbird returns back to you, slightly malfunctioning.
Dazki takes it and listens to the message.
The message is short, almost unintelligible through the bird's malfunctions. The bit you can make out, in Siraye's voice: "...don't blame you...". She doesn't seem happy to say the words, from what you can make out.
Dazki informs the rest of the party, and they spring into action to run back to the manor. Marvin sends her a message asking if she's OK and letting her know that they're on their way. She does receive the message, but she sends no reply.
As you approach the estate, there are guards, clerics, and a few other officials roaming around. There are two main gathering points: one around what appears to be Riley sitting on the ground, and the other around the main entrance.
Dazki, to a random guard: What seems to be going on here?   Guard: More Turmoil infection, I guess?   Dwardazik: What can you tell us?   Dazki, ignoring the dwarf: On whose orders are you here?   Guard: ...the... government.   Dazki: Which individual —   Guard: It's a crime scene, my dude! House of Steel!   Dwardazik: We're specialists, working on behalf of the government. We'll handle this here.   Dazki: Can we have access?   The guard doesn't seem to stop him.   Dwardazik, rolling his eyes: We don't need to ask.
People are flitting around, guards and clerics. Riley is sitting on a stump, clearly dazed and shaking as people are cornering her, trying to get statements. Her usually clean and pulled-back hair is imperfect, and her dress is torn. There's a large smeared handprint of blood that goes all the way across her cheek. Despite everybody trying to get answers out of her, she doesn't seem to respond to any of the questions.
Dazki moves his way through the crowd and motions for the rest of the party to follow.
You can easily work your way through the crowd. A lot of the government and guards here know what you're up to; you pretty much have permission to do whatever you want. She really is sitting there, shivering as if cold. She looks up, and she sees Dazki.
Riley: Why did you make me have to do this?   Dazki: What did you do?   No response.   Dazki, standing up: Riley. What did you do?!   Riley turns her gaze to the floor and starts violently shaking.   Dwardazik: You need to tell us what's going on!   Dazki: She's out for a little while. Let's go inside.
He starts running towards the house without waiting for the rest of the party to acknowledge — though he paces himself to allow the others to keep up. Dwardazik stays behind with Riley, and he puts the Dimensional Shackles on her.
Dwardazik: Listen, Riley. You're under investigation. We need you to cooperate while we figure out what the hell's going on, OK? Don't take it personally.   Riley doesn't put up a fight, and she's unresponsive to him.   Dwardazik, to the onlookers: Listen, all of you. We're specialists from Ashport, and we're here to investigate the situation that this seems to be related to. Go ahead and clear the crime scene and make sure that no civilians come close, and we'll start handling the investigation as well. You've been doing a good job so far.   The other officials follow his lead and get out of the way.   Dwardazik, speaking quietly to Riley: Look. I know it's hard, and not a lot of people are willing to listen. I am, but you have to trust me, OK?

Dazki isn't paying any attention to what's going on behind him as he runs towards the mansion proper.
Guards have restricted access to the building, but they will easily let you through. There's an eerie silence in the interior, and your eyes dart around quickly to make sense of the situation, in a panic.   A dagger sticks in the bark of the central bluebell tree. A streak of blood across the floor leads to a small severed arm. A few feet further along that line, clerics seem to be cleaning up bits of a small body that rest next to a large sheet that they've put over... something. Guards struggle to hold back a partially petrified Kris. He's trying desperately to drag himself towards whatever contents lie beneath that sheet.   In the furthest corner of the room, you spy a couple of clerics tending desperately to your fiancée. She's leaning against the back wall, her eyes unfocused, staring into the middle distance. You hear these rattling, almost gurgling gasps for air as she shivers intensely.
Dazki runs towards Siraye, no longer pacing himself for the benefit of the others in his party.
As you approach, you notice a large chunk of her right side is missing. Exposed through the blood are potmarked ribs, muscles struggling to maintain any sort of cohesion with each breath. Through the warmth of the cavity leaks some sort of steam or fluid. As her eyes attempt to focus on the sudden movement in front of her, she will reach out to you with her hand — the palm of which is completely missing its skin. A blood-red oozing mess. She uses what strength she has to pull you close to her.
Dazki instinctively pulls out a healing potion and gives it to her.
As she grabs you, her hand is cold, despite the actively bleeding surface. Hardly audible, she mouths the words more than saying them: she begins to recite the meditation that you taught her. Her eyes attempt to stay focused on yours, as if to beg you not to leave her side as she mouths these words.
Dazki mouths the words back, staying completely oblivious to what anyone else is doing.   (Medicine 16) She has been at the brink of death, but the clerics have gotten her back to "something". More concerningly, there's a large bit missing from her side: not torn, just... gone. The way her breath rattles, there may have been some internal damage as well. For the moment, she might be stable? Certainly not the kind of wound that a healing potion would just clean back up.