Primus, The Item in Aeon | World Anvil

Primus, The

So you wish to know about the most powerful artifact ever created, eh?

That would be the Amulet of Time, the most powerful artifact ever given form.

It is said to be woven of a unique silvery silk-metal that forms the frame of a spiraling sphere which appears to protect or contain a glistening bubble of moisture. The surface of the bubble is iridescent with colours that ebb and flow as if influenced by some inner tide.

Seemingly fragile, the Primus is remarkably resilient, being as old as Aeon itself.

The legends say it was crafted by Regolith when Aeon was new, of matter excised from the very core before the World was moulded around it.

He then softened the World Heart in the depths of the Sun and wove the resilient filigree sphere from the pliant matter, quenching it in the River of Time and trapping that bubble; a drop of eternity.

Regolith then presented the Primus to his partner Cibil as a symbol of his eternal devotion.

Navigating Eternity
Being the Divine of knowledge and history, Cibil could not resist the temptation to gaze deeply into the Primus, to learn more, to learn all. They plunged into the River, into the icy depths of darkness between moments, then were wrenched by the surging flow forward and back, witnessing, experiencing, feeling everything eternity enveloped, all within a single heartbeat.

Drowned by time, reborn by timelessness, Cibil surfaced and wept for all that would be. Their tears fell to Aeon and cooled the land, filled the deep places, created the oceans and seas as Regolith comforted his grieving lover.

And with such comfort came peace, initially sporadic and fleeting but deepening with time.

Time heals yet leaves scars.

The curse of knowing the future is the silent solitude required to ensure it unfolds correctly. Cibil knew what would come, what had to come and knew the other Deities could not be told. The Primus had a vital role to play on Aeon and so they gifted it to their most devout and trusted follower, an Envoy of The Overseer dedicated to Cibil's teachings and ethos. From here it would pass from one mortal to the next until it came to be around the neck of the Primeheir, fabled to be the only mortal who could harness the Primus and navigate the River.

Reality Unravelled
In no uncertain terms the Primus is the key to time. It grants the bearer the ability to navigate the River of Time up and down stream and in theory move body and soul anywhere, any time. The potential for disaster is quite unfathomable even to my expansive mind. Changes to time, causality consequences, paradoxes, alternate realities and branching timelines are scholarly attempts to rationalise what could happen, if it were even possible.

I am aware of near-lost accounts languishing in dank libraries in mouldering tomes which hint at failed attempts to harness the Primus and the horrific consequences. It would require Divine Will to survive the submersion and subsequent surging storm. No mere mortal could weather those rapids for long, if at all. Consider also the further one travels the more severe the eddies.

So that is the most powerful artifact in existence.

Well, perhaps. It may be just a fanciful tale. Who can tell?

Item Names
The Primus.
World Heart.

Number Known to Exist
Unique, if it exists at all.

Point of Origin
The Heavens?


Current Location
Unknown, if it exists at all.

Gift from Regolith to Cibil.
Navigate the River of Time.

No records exist of this item being seen or used, merely legends, tales and very old accounts of second-hand rumours.
The World Heart being extricated from Aeon by Regolith.

Item type
Unique Artifact

Cover image: by Unsplash: Guillermo Ferla


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