Zirdinóans Ethnicity in Adynía | World Anvil
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The Zirdinóans1 are elves native to the eponymous swampland of Zirdinóin between the Sjorgús Mountains to the north and west and Marissía to the south and east, with small communities found in the neighbouring regions, especially around Kapor Lake.


The zirdinóans' way of life has changed relatively little since prehistoric times, despite the rise and fall of civilizations around them, as they've kept to themselves and their territory has never been seen as seriously worth conquering.


Most zirdinóans are simple farmers, hunters and fishermen inhabiting villages throughout the region, especially around Gyrían Lake to the north and near the border to Marissía.



Their clothing is quite similar to that of Paheiríen-Elves and lower-class Marissíans, with men wearing simple tunics and occasionally trousers and women wearing plain dresses. Footwear is uncommon outside the northernmost region bordering the Sjorgús Mountains, and is mostly worn during festivals.


Stilt houses of all sorts dominate zirdinóan architecture, with buildings either clustered on common platforms or connected by bridges.


Zirdinóan cuisine is characterized by wheat bread and porridges, fish, fowl and frogs, eggs, vegetables, goat meat and cheese. Tea is the most common beverage, though wine from Marissía is popular to the south.


Though worship of deities from marissían and paheiríenic mythology is practiced by some zirdinóans, the veneration of various household gods and nature spirits is far more widespread, characterized by prayers, food offerings and dances.
It's not uncommon for a zirdinóan to make pilgrimage to the Snake Monasteries in Sjorgús Mountains to bring good fortune to their village, as no such monasteries are found in Zirdinóin.

1Original icelandic: Zirdinóar, singular: Zirdinói
Zirdinóan girl
by Lappalingur
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