Þígeans Ethnicity in Adynía | World Anvil
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The þígeans1 are descendants of Larúneans living in the Kingdom of Núrak, especially along the coast and in the southern province of Þígis. Most of their ancestors settled there after Dragons laid waste to ancient Larúnas around 500 a.Paþ, and though they've since adopted much of núrakic culture, certain traditions such as literature, cuisine and mythology still remain to some extend to this day. Þígeans are renowned for their sailors, artists (particularly sculptors) and arcane scholars.  



Traditional larúnean clothing is rarely worn by þígeans outside festive or ceremonial purposes, which consists of long-sleeved dresses and a kind of blouse for women, and long tunics for men, both decorated with checkered stripes and edges. Musicians and priests sometimes wear tall leather or felt caps as well.


Þígean dishes are a fusion of larúnean and native southern núrakic cuisine, characterized by seafood, dumplings and spiced breads of all sorts and carrots, especially red and white varieties.


Most þígeans are bilingual, speaking in larúnean tongue among themselves and otherwise switch to one of the núrakic languages as seen fit. Þígean literature, written in old lúkir script, forms a significant part of their culture and identity, a legacy of a huge effort by early scholars -such as Ettes of Larúnas- to write down and thus preserve as much of larúnean culture as possible.


Notable deities

God of wealth and the sea, protector of merchants and fishermen.  
Goddess of fertility in faronian mythology, whose cult spread to Larúnas from Faron via marissian merchants. Unlike the núrakic version, she retains some of her original bovine aspects among the þígeans, either depicted with horns or a cow's tail.  
A creator god depicted as a serpent, similar to Svahirkes of the núrakic elves and Svas in Marissía.  
God of hunting, his name means fleet-footed in larúnean tongue. Once among the most important deities in the larúnean pantheon, his cult has since been eclipsed by that of Alþyr and especially Va, but stories of Þús still form an important part of þígean art and folklore.

Notable people

  • Semsíses; a sculptor from Arþólen who flourished during the seventh century a.Paþ., most of his works depict hunting scenes, with particular emphasis on the animals rather than the hunters. The most famous one is a near life-sized sculpture of hunting dogs attacking a deer, dedicated to the divine huntress Nir.

  • 1Original icelandic: Þígisverjar, singular: Þígisverji
    Þígean musician by Lappalingur
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