Voidtouched Condition in Actrein | World Anvil


Cover image by Vertixico
The Void is a dangerous place. Many of those who find themselves in The Void never return.
Those who do return always return having become Voidtouched. The specific symptoms vary, but they all carry a common theme of the sufferer having gone mad. They cannot be cured.


Becoming Voidtouched is caused by entering and traveling through The Void. Whether they enter of their own volition or not, the survivors of The Void become Voidtouched.
There has been much research into The Void and its effects. Recently, however, scientists and researchers have become much more hesitant to continue experimenting on other people, seeing it as being unethical and cruel. This leaves no methods of studying The Void reliably, save for the unlucky few who are found after they staggered their way into The Void one way or another.


There are many symptoms of becoming Voidtouched. Which symptoms develop are seemingly random from survivor to survivor.
  • Insanity - All survivors of The Void return with insanity, in some form or another. They are unable to return to being functional members of society. Despite the best efforts of scientists and researchers, the survivors have to live with their symptoms for the rest of their lives.
  • Rambling - This is one of the most common symptoms. The survivor will talk on and on about topics, but many of their words have no connection to each other. All attempts at holding a conversation are futile.
  • Uncontrollable shivering - This is a fairly rare symptom. The survivor's body will shiver uncontrollably, regardless of the temperature around them. This often results in survivors accidentally overheating themselves, as their bodies are still shivering.
  • Rigidity - This has only ever been observed a small handful of times. The survivor's muscles will lock up entirely, even their eyes and mouth. In all of the observed cases, this has resulted in the survivor dying shortly after returning from The Void, as they were no longer able to breathe.
  • Hallucinations - This is another symptom of considerable commonality. The type(s) of hallucinations experienced vary wildly from survivor to survivor, anywhere from mild auditory hallucinations to hallucinations of every sense. Often, those experiencing visual hallucinations will begin screaming about "twisted shapes", "rotting corpses", and other alarming things. It is believed that these are memories of what they experienced while in The Void, although it isn't known whether these images were actually real while in The Void or whether they were also hallucinations then.
  • Obsessive touching - This is a symptom that, while not extremely rare, has not been observed very often. The survivor will obsessively touch objects around them, sometimes even other people. Sometimes they are consciously doing so, seemingly out of a sense of disbelief (perhaps at finally being out of The Void?). Other times, they are not conscious of their actions, and are caught off guard if called out on it. The exact reasoning for this symptom developing is unclear.
  • Vivid nightmares - This is an extremely common symptom. The survivor may seem to be fine enough during the day, but at night their mind replays the horrors of their experiences. Many a survivor has awoken screaming in sheer terror.


Currently, there is no treatment for becoming Voidtouched. The best that can be done for the survivor is to simply make them as comfortable as possible, and allowing them to live out the rest of their days. It has been found that external stress exacerbates their symptoms, especially those with the more severe symptoms, so it is recommended to keep them in a low-stress environment.
Ironically enough, it has been found that despite the research centers constantly poking and prodding the survivors, these seem to be the places that count as the most "low-stress". Some believe this is due to the centers having a constant regularity that reassures the survivor, as unpredictability and uncertainty greatly upset them. This also bolsters the ongoing theory that The Void is a place of inconsistency and change, in which even things that appear to be constant can suddenly change to something completely different. This theory, like any other theory about The Void, cannot be proven with the current methods of study.


The first recorded case is also the first recorded case of someone having returned from The Void. It was in 1872, shortly after Saugarth's Academy Of The Arcane was opened.
The survivor was a young man, although his name was never learned. He muttered to himself, perhaps even having mild auditory or visual hallucinations. He was found wandering outside of a small town, and given shelter in the local tavern. His erratic behavior unnerved many patrons, and he was sent on his way.
It wasn't until many months after he returned that reports of a man exhibiting strange behavior finally came to Saugarth's. After he was located, he was taken the the school to be studied.
In those days, research was more primitive, and as such he later died in the researchers' care. At the time, however, it was believed that his death was just another part of his affliction.

Cultural Reception

Most of the public seem to view those who have become Voidtouched with a great amount of pity. They know that the sufferer is unable to be "normal" again, and that they have lost any ability to easily return to their lives. Many of them live in the research centers, being studied and monitored by scientists and researchers.
It also acts as somewhat of a warning to those who would otherwise be curious about The Void. No matter who you were beforehand, if you set foot into The Void, you will never be able to be yourself again. No matter how careful you think you will be, The Void will warp your mind until there is nothing left of it.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species
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The Void
Geographic Location | Apr 15, 2018

A mysterious eerie realm, where those who enter either come back having lost their minds or never come back

Cover image: by Vertixico


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