The Void Geographic Location in Actrein | World Anvil

The Void

The Void is a mysterious realm outside of Actrein that not much is known about. It should not be confused with space, as the two are not the same.
Not much is known about what exactly is experienced by those who journey to (or otherwise end up in) The Void. It is known, however, that not everyone survives this experience. Many Actreines have gone into The Void, only to never return.


The survivors, however, are a more worrying matter. They return with their minds warped beyond recognition, babbling incoherently until the day they die. The things they babble about are seemingly random, from claiming to seeing hideous monsters to believing that they can reject the laws of nature. It also seems that whatever they experienced, they have vividly horrifying nightmares about it every night until their death. Many have attempted to ask the victims what their nightmares were about, but to no avail.


Not much is known about the geography of The Void. There are whispers that its geography violates several laws of nature, and that's why the survivors come back with their minds warped beyond functioning.

Fauna & Flora

Based off of the accounts of the survivors, there are creatures present in The Void. Some talk about seeing horrifying monsters, warped into shapes that shouldn't be anatomically possible. Others talk about seeing the rotting corpses of those who have attempted to travel through The Void and failed.
By all accounts, there are no plants, however. It is unknown whether this is truly a bad thing, or a blessing.

Natural Resources

Unless insanity counts as a natural resource, The Void has no natural resources.
"I have never seen someone come back from The Void mentally sound. This is unfortunate, as they are the only ones who may have gotten even a small glimpse into the Vel Ghiti's kingdom. All attempts to extract information from them have proven useless, they just incessantly babble about nothing."
— Research documents from a library owned by the Vel Tuturi

Conspiracy Theories

There are many conspiracy theories about the true nature of The Void. Some believe it's a hole torn into the fabric of reality itself, and that it shows a glimpse of another world that does not run on the same rules and laws. Others believe that it's not actually real, and that the victims are merely recalling vivid hallucinations.
Some members of the Vel Tuturi Church believe that it's actually the pathway to the homeworld of the Vel Ghiti, and that if they can survive the journey they will be rewarded with everything they could ever wish for. However, none of the members of the Vel Tuturi seem too terribly eager to test that theory out.
Dimensional plane

Cover image: by Nat


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