Arnogak Gulatar Character in Abios | World Anvil

Arnogak Gulatar

Written by SirElghinn

Arnogak Gulatar is the Boatswain of the Anellas. Originally from the Half-Orc settlement of Gloomward, he followed Rodrel Sask when he was hired by Enwen Adrel while the Anellas was being constructed. Originally a sellsword, he embraced a life at sea after an injury that left him unable to run long distances. He figures there is only so much deck before you're swimming, so it was a way to bring his mercenary experience to some good use without being hindered by his injury.
If there is anyone on board ship that the crew fears and respects more than the Captain, it would be Arnogak. As boatswain, his responsibility to the Anellas is crew discipline, as well as ship security, and being in charge of the ship stores. The crew have learned bribery is a mistake, along with flattery as it infuriates Arnogak and only encourages him to work them harder. He never lashes out or strikes any crew member, but both the Captain and Rodrel have witnessed him reduce the hardiest salty seadog into a weepy mess of a man within minutes.
Every bit of an honorable man, Arnogak's only concern is the safety of the crew and the ship, along with maintaining discipline to such a degree that onlookers view the crew as a professional company to be envied. He also shows Enwen a tremendous amount of respect, which strikes a lot of people as unusual given her elvish heritage. This is due to how she runs her ship, treats her crew, and the fact that she allows him to do his job as he sees fit. He couldn't be happier where he's at.
Year of Birth
2230 42 Years old
Current Residence
Light Green
6' 10"
267 lbs
Aligned Organization
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Cover image: Orc Commander by Dabana
Character Portrait image: Orc Commander by Dabana
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