Alderians Ethnicity in A dance of orc's and elves | World Anvil
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The Men of Honor

At first glance you would think that the alderians are a people of honor and high morals. You would be forgiven to think that this is a people of noble laws and honor codes. And that they are above scheming and murder. But if you think that you are dead wrong!   If given a choice between walking through a nest of vipers and spending a year at a alderian court I would chose the snakes. For you can at least see in a vipers movements that he is about to strike. There are no such warning from this people. To them life is not but a game, in which the one whit the most power in the end wins.   If you have to interact whit a alderian noble do so on the battlefield. For there you at least know that he will try and slay you outright! They are in truth a culture of tyranny and falseness!   /Galim Ali al Hurnastus ambassador of the Tharn Republic

Mainstays of the Culture

Alderian society is somewhat hierarchical and therefore most alders spend most of their time playing what they call "The Great Game". The point of said game is to have you, and/or your family, rise in rank. This game in very complex and can be played in a number of ways. The only other thing of equivalent importance is their faith Monarchical Baltazarism.  

The Monarch

The rank of king, and/or queen, is seen as a holy title. A position granted by the Allfather and Allmother, whom the chosen monarch. Even tho said rank is passed from father to son in the same way all inheritance handled by alderian laws. That is to say the the firstborn son, or the few cases the old laws are followed firstborn child, gets it all and the second born gets noting. However no prince of princess truly gets noting.   In most cases a younger brother of a king is given the rank of duke. Tho this dukes only at times own land. They always holds powerful titles at court as one of the kings closest councilors. All dukedoms where at one point in time given to a younger brother by a king. Today however most dukedoms have dynasties of their own. And in many cases both princes and princesses get married away whit high ranking noble houses of the kingdom.   The monarch him/herself holds absolute power. At least in theory. As alderian society uses a feudal power system all dukes, barons and landed knights swears undying loyalty to the throne. Any whom breaks this oath is branded a traitor and executed for treason. But if enough nobles side whit a traitor and declare him as their new king, there may well be a civil war.   Its the monarchs duty see to it that such things do not occur. As well as making sure that the law is enforced and that their is peace whit in the kingdom. When it comes to governing of the realm that is also the role of the king/queen and his/her councilors. Said councilors are chosen members of court that the monarch chooses themselves. Therefore those that carry favor whit the king, or his council, have a better chance at growing the wealth or sphere of influence.  

The Nobles

The elite of the alders have many privileges but also many duties towards family, nation and people. A nobleman has for example the right to demand lodgings at any commoners house for three days. But he is also expected to lead, or at least send, troops into combat if his lands come under threat. Alderian nobility is made up by a great number of noble houses.   This family's are so large that many of the higher houses have of shots in all alderian nations. The main reason for this is that the kings of the alderians are also part of this houses and those more often then not give land to one of their own then rise commoners to any of the lower ranks of nobility. Speaking of ranks whit in ranks.   Alderian nobility can be divided in to three main groups. Highest are the royal family's whit their kings, princes and dukes. They rule over whole kingdoms or county's that are in turn made up of a number of barony's. Below them are the barons whom rule said barony's that are made up of a number of even smaller landholdings. Said landholdings are owned by landed knights.   Every tier of noble land holders swears loyalty to there liege lord and the throne. This feudal system of power only works when both noble and commoners play their roles. The nobles, lead by their king, most defend the rights and freedoms given to the commoners. And in return the commoners work the land and man the army's of the nobility.   In accordance whit aldarian law only the eldest son, or in the few cases the old laws are followed firstborn child, inherit all of the family estate. Younger sons and daughters most needs seek their fortune elsewhere. If a eldest son can't be found the estate is inherited by the eldest daughters husband or the current head of the family's closest male relative.   Because of this many second born sons take up the role of household knights at their liege lords, neighbors or family estate. This roaming knights for hire, often referred to as "The Cousins", are the lowest a nobleman can sink in alderian society. As few can find steady employment most of them roam the countryside looking for some landed nobleman to serve. But even when at their lowest a alderian knight might still rise to power through skill of arms or politics.   As for the sisters of a eldest son. They are married to noblemen that can help the noble house to rise in power. As whit all alderian women, noble ladies are expected to do only three things. Obey their father or husband, and aid the family in anyway they can. Give birth to a heir. And manage the household, including ruling when their husband is of at war.  

The Commoners

The alderian commoners are everyone whom is not born into a noble house. They make up the wast majority of the population and do everything from farming, mining, crofting and trading, to work as common soldiers and lower officers. One should note that alderian society condemns slavery in all of its forms. Those all alderians are freemen.   Just like the nobility the commons can be divide into four subgroups. This smaller groups are however more about lifestyle then class, as they are rich members of all three groups. First there are the peasants. They work the land, mine, fish and run mills. Whit out the peasants all alderian nations would starve and die. The poorest of the poor are often from this group of commoners, but there are also rich farm owners that are nearly as influential as low nobles.   Second are the townsfolk. The townsfolk are the blacksmiths, carpenters, stonemasons, tradesmen and other crofters. They make up the backbone of alderian trade. Most of them are somewhat richer then the peasants, but there are also more thieves and beggars among their poor. And then we have the common sworn sword, or soldiers. This are men, or boys when they start, that has been given the chance to serve a noblemen as one of his soldiers. Commoners whom take up this role more often then not do quite well for themselves. Tho they seldom become overly rich or powerful they tend to live good lives, up until they die in combat.   Lastly are the servants. As only royalty may have servants of noble birth all other nobles have to make do whit a staff that is fully made up of commoners. Tho even kings have their meals made by cooks that are always commoners. This last group is somewhat out of place in all given situation. On the one hand their not nobles, they only live in their masters homes to better serve them. But on the other hand their not at home among the commons either as they live in tower-houses and castles.   Tho servants don't grow rich some grow close to their masters. And those their masters sometimes starts to listen to their opinions.  

The Rules of the Great Game

The rules of the game are at once very simple and at the same time extremely complex. The two main rules are, do whatever it takes to rise in power and wealth. As long as your not seen as a villain or schemer. To truly succeed in alderian society you the appearance of honor and loyalty is paramount. One can not steal a older brothers throne, that would be dishonorable. But you could lead a glorious revolt against a crazed tyrant, that happens to be your older brother.   Or even better you could send your poor crazy brother to a healer and rule in his stead until he gets better. The point being that it's not enough to rise in power you have to convince those around you that you did so in a goodhearted way. The reason for this is more practical then you might think. For if you "steal" the throne you and your heirs claim on it is very weak. Is it truly stealing of you steal from a thief? But if you seam to be taking up the crown because it's your duty, your position is far stronger.  

The Priests and Priestesses

As the alderians where once a religious group before becoming one of the civilizations of mankind, the role of the chapel can not be understated. Some have commented that all alderian kingdoms have two royal couples. The first in the palace and the second in the grand cathedral. This is a reference to the alderian custom of all nations having a Patriarch and a Matriarch that rule the nations chapel.   This holy couple represents the Allfather and Allmother on earth and are the highest ranks whit in the chapel of Monarchical Baltazarism. Unlike their Orthodox counterparts they are seen are only symbols of the two true gods not their mortal forms. Tho that is one of the main causes for the great Baltazariem schism the chapel of the alderians hold enormous power and wealth. Monarchical Baltazarism even has far more religious orders then Orthodox Baltazarism.   The conflict of faith has shaped most of alderian history as well as that of Baltazarism. To fully understand it one should read about the faith in detail in the Faith Codex. For it would simply take to long to go through it all here.  

Ethnic Features

Alderians are of middle height and build by human standards. They a a fair skinned people that at times have shades of bronze in their complexion. They have long straight hair. Said hair comes in a number of colors, such as blond, brown or in rear cases black.   Their eyes are blue or brown. They have small noses and soft faces. Most rich alderians tend to grow fat whit old age. And many men of this people become bald in time.  

Non Human Integration

Orcs are seen as brutes by alderians. And orc that is not part of the knightly order* or mercenary troop are assumed to be a thug. Therefore it is seen as a great disgrace for a alderian women to bear a orc child. Such mothers are either cast out by their people or taken under the protection of a nobleman whom wants to have a orc soldier in his household.   Most orc alderians are soldiers* sworn to a noble family or the throne. Orcs are treated whit a mix or fear, respect and disgust as they are seen as less then humans.   Trolls are on the other hand seen as beasts. At worst their hunted as unwelcome predators, and at best their seen as beasts of burden or war. It all depends if they are "wild" or "tame". A wild troll is its own master and more often then not roams in the wild. Tho this trolls seldom bother humans or even deal whit humans at all. This type of trolls are seen as dangerous beasts and are often killed.   There is one exception of course. That being the bride troll. Said type of trolls are seen as a good sign that the land is healthy, and this trolls are therefore not harmed. Indeed, many tradesmen and villagers often defend said trolls if over zealous knights find them and try and kill or drive them of.   Tame trolls, trolls that follow a human master. Are seen as beasts, such as a dog or horse. If a tame troll breaks any laws, its the Troll Keeper that is held responsible. Such tame trolls are most often used a war beasts and stonemasons. And those most Troll Keepers are warriors or masons as well.   * The knightly order mentioned is of coarse The Blood Knights of the Imperium. One of the Nadrac Imperiums greatest military arms. Most other orc soldiers are sadly seen as thugs in some nobleman's employ.  

Elven Relations

(Coming soon)

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

A few examples:
Velichia, Allicha, Ann, Zhara, Saga, Ursela, Felich, Petranna, Vera, Bella, Jaquine, Mellina, Alora, Ericha, Maderlina, Lina, Jaqlien, etc

Masculine names

A few examples:
Uhtred, Will, Samwill, Tom, Drakan, Fablioz, Hohan, Jonn, Erik, Simon, Balthazar, Christian, Jack, Hansen, Zorn, Aldarun, Allbreath, Brakum, Gotfrid, Gregor, etc

Family names

Alderian family names come in three types. Firstly the names of commoners and second the names of nobles. Then there are bastards names, as the bastards of nobles are not noble nor commons they hold a unique place among Alderian society. And those have unique names.

Commoner names

Many commoners have no family names at all, instead simply using the classic son/daughter of <fathers name>. Those whom do are more often then not named after a family homestead or profession. Some soldiers and servants are named after a place, such as a tower-house or a part of their masters castle. Only townsfolk have proper family names.   Here follow a few examples:
son of William, Towerborn, daughter of Gregor, Smith, Carter, of Heathhill Farm, of Greenglen house, etc.

Noble House Names

Noble house names sometimes has a "de" or "von" in front of them. This is a old custom that was adopted by some alderians as the tribe grew in the southwest of Theuronien. The words simply means, "master" or "in honor". As many noble house grow to be rather enormous some put a nickname in front of their house name to distinguish their brash of the house from another. Tho many also use a title that names the place of the noble family's domain to do the same thing.   Here follows a few examples:
Mawstien, Harkan*, von Fiolandins, de Feacen, Dhal, Klearac, etc,

Bastards Names

Male bastards are given the branding name Flexur before their family name. And Girls are given the branding name Drexa before their family name. So a bastard of house von Ulmnak, for example, would be named Simon Flexur von Ulmnak if it was a boy and Sara Drexa von Ulmnak if it was a girl.   Of coarse this only happens when the father acknowledge the child or mother admits to have been unfaithful.   * House Harkan, it should be noted, where once the rulers of the Alderian Empire. A fact they still have not forgotten.


Major language groups and dialects

The alderians are not a people of travelers. They are indeed more bound to their lands then most human civilization, whit only their faith holding greater power over their lives. Those most of their kin only learn the languages of their own people. A handful of traders and mercenaries knows more then two of the following tongues:
  • The Common Tongue - A mix of Alduranian and Imperium Scriptor

  • Alduranian - The tongue of the first Alderian kingdoms

  • Kheenan - The tongue of the Khainar

Culture and cultural heritage

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Shared customary codes and values

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Common Etiquette rules

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Greetings and Gestures

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Are greeted whit the right hand lifted palm forward to the level of a persons eyes. This gesture clearly shows that the right hand is holding on weapon and that you come in peace.  

Family and Friends

(Coming soon)  

At Parleys

See strangers.  


Both arms are crossed over the head, which is bowed, and the palms are open. This shows that you are holding no weapons and are accepting to have your hands bound.

Common Dress code

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Art & Architecture

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Common Customs, traditions and rituals

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Birth & Baptismal Rites

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Coming of Age Rites

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Funerary and Memorial customs

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Common Taboos

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Beauty Ideals

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Gender Ideals

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Courtship Ideals

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Relationship Ideals

(Coming soon)

Major organizations

(Coming soon)

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Articles under Alderians

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