RPG Systems on World Anvil
Restructuring the Codex
We are currently moving articles around and changing the general structure of the Codex. Please come back later if you get lost!World Anvil has many RPG systems available. This page lists them all in alphabetical order. They are divided into two categories: Systems that have a character statblock template available, and Systems that do not. The systems that have a character statblock template are also listed in the RPG section of the site.
- Battlelords of the 23rd Century
- Battletech RPG
- Black Void
- Bladerunner
- Blood & Doom
- Bounty Hunter RPG
- Brightsword
- Call of Cthulhu
- Capharnaum
- Castles & Crusades
- Celenia D10 System
- Chronicles of Darkness 2e (Onyx Path)
- Chronicles of Darkness (New World of Darkness) by White Wolf
- Cogent Roleplay
- Conan: Adventures
- Coriolis
- Cortex Classic
- Cyberpunk RED
- Cypher System
- DC Heroes
- Dark Crystal Adventure Game
- Dishonored RPG
- Dragonbane
- Dune
- Dungeon World
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition
- Dungeons & Dragons 3.5
- Dungeons & Dragons 5e
- Savage Worlds
- Star Trek Adventures
- Star Wars 5e
- Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG/D6)
- Starfinder
- Stars without Number
- Storybook System
- Storypath System
- Symbaroum
- Tales from The Loop
- Talisman RPG
- The Burning Wheel RPG
- The Fantasy Trip
- The One Ring RPG System
- The Strange
- Torchbearer
- Traveller 2e (Mongoose)
- World of Darkness (White Wolf)
- World of Darkness 5th Edition (Paradox)
- Worlds Without Number
- Worlds in Peril
Systems without templates
The following systems can be selected on World Anvil, but do not have a character statblock template available yet. To create one of these templates follow the instructions in the guide below.
- A song of ice and fire RPG
- Abandon All Hope
- Achtung! Cthulhu?
- Actrein RPG
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG
- Adventurer Conqueror King
- Adventures In Middle Earth
- Aeon Imperium
- After\Burner
- Age of Exploration
- Agone
- Aliens Adventure Game
- All Flesh Must Be Eaten
- Alpha Omega
- Alternity (1999)
- Alternity (2017)
- Alterra LARP
- Amazing Tales
- Amber
- Anima: Beyond Fantasy
- Anime 5E
- Anime Campaign
- Apocalypse World 2e
- Aquelarre
- Arcane Codex
- Arcanis: The World of Shattered Empires
- Ars Magica
- Ascendant SuperHero RPG
- Ashen Days (Aschentage)
- Astonishing Swordsmen And Sorcerers Of Hyperborea?
- Atlas
- Atomic Highway
- Atomic Highway
- Avatar Legends
- Axes & Anvils
- B.A.S.I.C.
- B.I.O.S.
- Band of Blades
- Barbarians of Lemuria
- Barebones Fantasy
- Barebones Fantasy
- Barons of Braunstein
- Basic Fantasy
- Basic Roleplaying
- Battle Century Z
- Battle for Diratia
- Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth
- Blade of the Iron Throne
- Blades in the Dark
- Bleak Terminal RPG
- Blood of Heroes
- Blood of Pangea
- Bloodlines & Black Magic
- Bloodlust : Métal
- Blue Rose
- Brave Sparrow
- Brigandyne
- Bunnies & Burrows
- Burn Bryte
- Bushido
- CHILL Horror RPG
- Call of Cthulhu d20 (WotC)
- Carbon 2185
- Castle Falkenstein
- Cats and Mouse Guard
- Celenia Second Edition (C2D10)
- Cepheus Engine
- Chainmail
- Champions
- Champions 5th Edition
- Chapters
- Chimborazo RPG
- Chimborazo RPG
- Chivalry & Sorcery 5E
- Chroniques Oubliées
- Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Machine
- Cinemechanix
- City of Mist
- Clockwork & Chivalry
- Code of Warriors and Wizardry
- Conditioning System
- Core Micro
- Corporation RPG
- Cortex Plus
- Cortex Prime
- Coyote & Crow
- Crucible
- Cthulhu Confidential
- Cthulhutech
- Cy_Borg
- Cyberpunk 2013
- Cyberpunk 2020
- D20 Modern
- D6 Fantasy
- D6 Space
- DC Adventures
- DNDestiny RPG
- Dark Conspiracy
- Dark Dungeons X
- Dark Heresy 1st edition
- Dark Heresy 2nd Edition
- Dark Streets
- Darwin's World
- Das Schwarze Auge 1st Edition
- Das Schwarze Auge 2nd Edition
- Das Schwarze Auge 3rd Edition
- Das Schwarze Auge 4th Edition
- Das Schwarze Auge 5th Edition (DSA)
- Dawn of Worlds
- Dead Reign
- Deadlands
- Death & Taxes
- Deathwatch
- Degenesis: Rebirth
- Delta Green
- Destiny Beginner
- Die Schwarze Katze
- Dimday Red
- Doctor Who Role Playing Game
- Dominion Rules
- Don't Rest Your Head
- Doronai Nui Bionicle
- Dragon Age RPG
- Dragon Ball Z Paper Attack
- Dragon Warriors
- Dragonquest
- Dragonstar
- Drakar och Demoner '91
- Dračí doupě
- Dračí doupě +
- Dračí doupě 2
- Dread
- Dreamscape: Laruna
- Dresden Files Accelerated RPG
- Dungeon Crawl Classics
- Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book
- Dungeons & Dragons 2e
- Dungeons & Dragons 3e
- Dungeons & Dragons 4e
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern
- Dungeons the Dragoning 40k 7th
- Dungeonslayers
- Dystopia Rising
- Dystopia Rising LARP
- d00 lite
- Earthdawn Deprecated
- Eclipse Phase
- Edge of the Empire
- Elemental
- Elite Dangerous RPG
- En Garde!
- End All Be All
- Endless Realms
- Eon RPG
- Ephoran
- Era d10
- Esper Genesis
- Essence 20
- Essence and Energy
- Ethnis Core
- Everquest RPG
- Everway
- Everyday Heroes
- Everywhen
- EvoCraft RPG
- Exalted
- Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok
- Fates Worse Than Death
- Feng Shui
- Feng Shui 2
- Final Beginning
- Final Fantasy RPG 3e
- Final Fantasy d6 4e
- Fire Emblem
- Five Moons
- Five torches deep
- Flow State
- Forthright Open Roleplay
- Fractal Universe
- Fragged Aeternum
- Fragged Empire
- Fragged Kingdom
- Fragged Seas
- Freeform Universal RPG
- FrontierSpace
- Frostgrave
- Gamma Haven
- Gamma World 3e
- Gates
- Gates of Eternity
- Gateway RPG
- Gen-Cell Basic
- Gen-Cell Quickstart
- Genefunk 2090
- Generic [Generic Blocks Only]
- Glitch
- Godbound
- Golden Sky Stories
- Greatlands
- Grimm
- Guild Chronicles Storytelling System
- Gumshoe System
- Hackmaster 4th Edition
- Hackmaster 5th edition
- Halo Mythic
- Hard Wired Island
- HarnMaster
- Hc Svnt Dracones
- HeXXen 1733
- Hero Kids
- Hero System
- HeroQuest
- Heroes Unlimited
- Hitos
- Homelands
- How to be a Hero
- Hydria RPG
- Hyperlanes
- Identeco
- Imagine Role Playing
- Index Card RPG
- Interface Zero
- Into the Odd
- Invisible Sun
- Invisible Sun
- Io RPG - Knuckle System
- Iron Crusade
- Iron Kingdoms RPG
- Iron Kingdoms RPG
- Ironclaw
- Ironsworn
- Ironsworn: Starforged
- It's the End of the World
- Kamigakari
- Kids on Bikes!
- Kids on Brooms
- King Arthur Pendragon
- Kingdoms & Warfare
- Knave
- Kult Beyond The Veil
- Kult: Divinity Lost
- Labyrinth Lord
- Labyrinths and Legends
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Lancer
- Lazers & Feelings
- Legacy: Life among the Ruins
- Legend of the Five Rings 5th Edition
- Legend: Rule of Cool
- Legendary Lives
- Legends of the wulin
- Level Up Advanced 5e
- Level Up: Advanced 5e
- Lex Occultum
- Lion & Dragon
- Lite v.2
- LodlanD
- Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
- Lords of Gossamer and Shadow
- Low Fantasy Gaming
- Lowlife 2090
- Lucid Gaming System
- Lucid Gaming System
- Lyonesse
- Mage the Ascension
- Mage the Awakening 2nd Edition
- Magical Kitties Save the Day
- Majimonsters
- Marvel Multiverse RPG System
- Marvel System
- Masks: A New Generation
- Mass Effect 5e
- Mass Effect d20
- Maze Rats
- Merc: 2000
- Metal Adventures
- Meteor Tales RPG
- Microlite20
- Microscope
- Midgard
- Mighty Blade
- Millenium's End
- Mind's Eye Theatre LARP
- Mini Six
- Mistborn Adventure Game
- Modern AGE
- Monarchies of Mau
- Monster of the Week
- Monsterhearts 2
- Monsters and Other Childish Things
- Morrow Project 4e
- Mothership RPG
- Mouseguard 2nd Ed
- Mutant Chronicles(2D20)
- Mutant Crawl Classics
- Mutant: Year Zero
- Mutants & Masterminds
- Myranor
- Mystic Empyrean
- Mystic Forces 2e
- Mythic Hero
- Mythic RPG
- Mörk Borg
- N.E.W.
- Neuroshima
- Neversnake
- Nexus LARP
- Nights Black Agents
- No, thank you, evil!
- NoReturn
- Nobilis
- Noctum
- ODG System
- Of Dreams and Magic
- Off the Cuff
- Old Dragon
- Old School Essentials (OSE)
- Old School Reference and Index Compilation OSRIC
- One Ring
- OneDice
- Onslaught
- Open D6
- Open Versatile Anime RPG
- Opilan: Destiny Rising.
- Ops and Tactics
- Orcerta
- Original Dungeons & Dragons
- Orphics
- Other Dust
- Outbreak: Undead 2e
- Over Arms
- Overlight
- RPXpress
- Ravare
- Raven of the Scythe
- Reclaim the Wild
- Red Markets
- Red Tide
- Reign
- Renaissance
- Requiem
- Resistance Toolbox (Spire/Heart)
- Rifts
- Risus
- Rogue Trader RPG
- Rolemaster
- Runa
- RuneQuest (6th Edition)
- RuneQuest 3e
- RuneQuest II
- RuneQuest: Glorantha
- Ryuutama
- SLA industries
- Sage & Sand RPG
- Sanguinaria: TTRPG
- Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
- Scarlet Heroes
- Scum and Villainy
- Sentinel Comics
- Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG
- Shadowdark
- Shadowrun 1st Edition
- Shadowrun 2nd Edition
- Shadowrun 3rd Edition
- Shadowrun 4th Edition
- Shadowrun 5th Edition
- Shadowrun 6th Edition
- Shadowrun Anarchy
- Shadows of Esteren
- Shattered
- Shayô
- Shifted Lands LARP
- Sigil System RPG
- Silent Legions
- Silhouette CORE
- Simple D6
- Simulacra
- Skyfarer RPG
- Song of Blades and Heroes
- Song of Swords RPG
- Song of ice and fire chronicle
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer & Sword
- Splittermond
- Spycraft 2.0
- Stalker RPG
- Star Frontiers
- Star Wars Narrative Dice (EoE/AoR/F&D)
- Star Wars Roleplaying Game (WotC/D20)
- Star Wars Saga Edition
- Stargate SG-1 RPG
- Steel & Faith RPG
- Strands of Fate
- Strands of Fate 2e
- Stranger Stuff
- Strike!
- Super Heroes RPG
- Supernatural RPG
- Superpowered Roleplaying system
- Swords and Wizardry
- Swords of the Serpentine RPG
- Swordsfall
- Tactical Hex battle (THB)
- Tails of Equestria
- Talespinner
- Talislanta
- Te Deum Pour un Massacre
- Ten Candles
- Tenra Bansho Zero
- Tephra RPG
- Tharun
- The Black Hack
- The Chapter
- The Delve
- The Dresden Files RPG
- The Fantasy Trip
- The Fantasy Trip
- The Hero's Journey
- The Land: Roleplaying System
- The Magitech Chronicles
- The Morrow Project
- The Mutant Epoch
- The Nightmares Underneath
- The Resurgence of the Dragon
- The Sprawl
- The Spy Game RPG (5e)
- The Veil
- The Wildsea
- The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
- The riddle of Steel
- Those Who Dare
- Tide Breaker
- Tiny Dungeon 2E
- Tiny Frontiers
- Toon: The Cartoon Roleplaying Game
- Top Secret/S.I.
- Top Secret: New World Order
- Torchbearer 2nd Edition
- Torg Eternity
- Tormenta RPG
- Tranchons & Traquons
- Traveller
- Tri-Stat dX
- Triten Gaming System
- Troika
- Trudvang Chronicles
- True20
- Tunnels & Trolls
- Twilight: 2000
- Ubiquity / Hollow Earth
- Ultra Modern 5
- Ultramodern5 Redux
- Unborn
- Uncharted Worlds
- Unhallowed metropolis
- Unisystem
- Unisystem
- Unity RPG
- Unknown Armies
- Unwritten
- Urban Shadows
- Valor Heroic Roleplaying
- Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
- Velvet Generation
- Victory System
- Virus RPG
- Vortex
- WWII: Operation WhiteBox
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Black Crusade
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Edition)
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Deathwatch
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Only War
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Rogue Trader
- Warhammer 40k RPG (WH40K)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles Roleplay
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
- Warhammer Quest i
- Warlock!
- Warrior Cats
- Warrior Rogue Mage
- Wayfarers
- Weapon of the Gods
- Weaver Dice
- What's Old Is New (WOIN)
- Whitehack
- Wild Talents
- Wolves of God
- World of Darkness 20th Anniversary
- World of Dungeons
- World of Warcraft
- World's in Peril
- Wrath and Glory RPG
- Wurm
I would love to see a CoC Pulp character sheet.