Anatomy of an Article (Pronunciation)

Restructuring the Codex

We are currently moving articles around and changing the general structure of the Codex. Please come back later if you get lost!

The subheading section of the design tab appears in the article directly under the title

Credits appear under the subheading
This article has all the generic article fields filled in. The heading of each section is the name of the box in the interface.


The content of your vignette, together with the header section, appears in article Guide to Articles Previews & Tooltips
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.  
This is where the template specific sections appear. Check out the rest of the template showcases to see what they are.


This field appears below all the template specific sections.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Sidebar: Top

Appears above the sidebar panel.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Sidebar Content Panel

Sidebar: Content Panel Top

Appears inside of the panel and above the template specific content.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.  
All the template specific fields which are added to the sidebar appear right here.

Sidebar: Content Panel Bottom

Appears inside of the panel and below the template specific content.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Sidebar: Bottom
Appears below the sidebar panel.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Full Footer

This feature is available to Master, Grandmaster and Sage guild members.
  (SECTIONS > FOOTER SECTIONS)   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Cover image: Photo by Charles Deluvio


Author's Notes

The content of the Author's notes is displayed on the very top of the comments section. It is not considered part of the article but a message from the author to the reader.

Please Login in order to comment!
Aug 22, 2019 02:30

Is the CSS template for this page (Codex) standard? I can't seem to get my world to match the look of this.

Aug 23, 2019 17:03

Looks to be all standard to me.

Aug 25, 2019 11:09

The Codex uses standard CSS (except for a few things here and there, such as the yellow "this feature is guild only" boxes). What are you having trouble with, exactly?

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Oct 16, 2020 08:51

With limits. You don't have access to custom CSS or predefined themes, but you can use BBCode tags to polish the article's format. More information in the guide to BBCode commands

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Aug 31, 2019 22:33 by Horatio Hornblower

How do I get access to Fool Footer? I can't seem to find it in any of the article templates.

Sep 2, 2019 21:57 by Ademal

It's under the sections tab about halfway down the page, right above the authors notes and credits!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 20, 2019 10:11 by Ryder

In an article, what is visible to players as opposed to the GM? I'd like to share information on things without revealing my whole hand, and I know I can use subscribers, but is there anything that by default is GM only, or can the players see anything I can see that is published and public?

Dec 20, 2019 21:38 by Ademal

The "NOTES FOR STORYTELLERS AND GMS" under your Vignette is only visible to you unless you check the box at the bottom right of it.   If you wish to reveal it later, I suggest using secrets and embedding them into the article to later activate with subscriber groups.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 26, 2019 21:49 by A Universe

Is it possible to change the type of the article once you have already selected it? Eg. Change 'Location' to 'Building' ?

Dec 27, 2019 01:53 by Ademal

It is not, sorry!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Apr 28, 2020 23:22

Is there a way to alter the appearance and content of the Default Panel that appears above the sidebar? For example, on an NPC article , it lists a brief description, as section titled "DM-Only Information", secrets, State, Type, etc. Alternatively, is it possible to hide this default panel?

Apr 28, 2020 23:35 by Ademal

With settings, no. That will fill out automatically based on any info you've filled in. If it's that much of a hassle, you can either take on making a custom Character template derived from the current one, or quick-hide it with CSS.   I'd have a hard time providing samples on here, but if you have questions after reading the guides to Blocks and CSS, let me know or, even better, join the discord and sync your roles to get help from the overall community!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Apr 29, 2020 00:12

Thanks for the quick response. I found how to easily hide the panel using the theme CSS.

May 13, 2020 01:37 by The Exile

Is there a way to copy this template for use in my own world?

May 15, 2020 18:34 by Ademal

There is not, sorry!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
May 16, 2020 02:44 by The Exile

Oh, okay. Thanks! It's really useful regardless.

Jun 27, 2020 16:14 by Elia Browning

There was a popup that said if you're a guild member and you leave the sidebar content empty, that it becomes a full page. I am a Journeyman, and I have left the sidebar sections empty, yet when I preview it, the sidebar is still there. What am I doing wrong?

Jun 28, 2020 05:11 by Ademal

That only applies to generic articles, I believe.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jun 28, 2020 18:25 by Elia Browning

OH, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

Jun 28, 2020 17:59 by Pumpkin Juice

Thank you so much!

Jul 7, 2020 08:32

hello :) i cant see any preview of my own articles, but for example this one here is working for me. what am i doing wrong?

Jul 7, 2020 19:34 by Ademal

What happens when you try to see the preview?

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 7, 2020 22:51

with my articles - when i hover over them - nothing happens, i have to click on them. with this one in the example (and lots of the published community ones) i can hover over them and i see the preview as intended

Jul 8, 2020 16:40 by Ademal

Under your World Settings > Display > Global World Display Options, make sure that DISPLAY ARTICLE TOOLTIPS is checked. Then on your articles make sure that your Display -> Mouseover Box and Excerpts have text in them.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 8, 2020 21:43

Thank you! I didnt checked the options.

Jul 31, 2020 02:22

I inserted a table (in the Sidebar Content Panel) and can't figure out how to delete it. I've tried highlighting it and using the Delete key, placing the cursor after it and using the backspace arrow key, and placing the cursor before it and using the Delete key. Nothing works, and I can't get rid of it. :( Please help!

Jul 31, 2020 03:07 by Ademal

Go here and swap your editor to a different option and try again. Let me know if that works.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 31, 2020 04:47

My "Editor Selection" was set to Plato. After switching it to Euclid, I was able to delete the table. (Thank you!) I then switched back to Plato, inserted a table (just as a test), and again I was unable to delete it.   Is this a bug (that will be fixed), or is the Plato option just not designed to handle tables (and other elements?) and I need to switch to a different editor permanently?

Jul 31, 2020 05:13 by Ademal

This is a bug for sure. I don't know if anyone has reported it, but I'll poke the Plato dev and let him know!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 31, 2020 05:19

Okay, thanks again! :)

Aug 26, 2020 21:48

I have big trouble making any sense of how to edit the sidebars. Please explain how to make the sidebar content panel look like the one in the example above. Thanks!

Sep 29, 2020 17:27

How do you add multiple headings to an article e.g. to separate a character's early life, later life, etc.

Sep 29, 2020 22:03 by Ademal

By adding your own headers. For example, if you put [h1]Header Name[/h1] it'll add a header to a field. Experiment by putting these in the vignette or other fields.

Header Name

BBCode Tags
Generic article | Jun 28, 2024

This article lists most BBCode tags with an example on World Anvil.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 16, 2020 04:32

What format do we use to set the ARTICLE COVER IMAGE. I've tried

by Deven Rue (licensed) / Royal Frazier
img:1757994 1757994 None of them worked.

Dec 16, 2020 18:32 by Ademal

That's actually set under the design tab.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 25, 2020 12:28

That is where I am entering it. However, no matter how much I save, it has no effect and when I go back in that field is blank. Nothing I put in there stays. All my articles have the same header image.

Dec 31, 2020 21:58 by Ademal

Once you see the option you're looking for populate, you have to click the image to set it as the cover. Perhaps that's the issue?

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jan 1, 2021 05:08

I was trying to put a ID:# into the field, not recognizing that it was a SEARCH box, not a field to enter code into like other image fields. When I did see my image come up, i took that as recognition that i got the code right. NOT that it was a listing of just one image to choose from, that I had to CLICK on to choose. SInce I didn't click it, the image was never set.

Mar 13, 2021 14:24

All my articles shall have the same cover (the same as the world at large). Is there really no other way than to put it into every single article under design? Can I maybe put it in the css file somewhere? If so, where? I have the journeyman tier (in case that is a requirement).

Mar 27, 2021 22:11 by Ademal

You can set a global default cover in the world config, on the righthand side in the dropdown labeled "upload cover image"

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Mar 29, 2021 14:41

Thank you :)

Apr 16, 2021 17:03


Jul 27, 2021 17:38

Hello, my footnotes are appearing at the bottom of the right column, where the SIDEBAR:BOTTOM section is. It has the usual yellow scrollwork line below it, it's just in the wrong place. Is there an easy way to fix this?

Jul 28, 2021 15:28

My guess is that there are unclosed BBCode tags somewhere on that page that are making things move out of place. Can you double check that all BBCode tags are closed? If that doesn't work, please send me a link to the presentation side of the article. Let me know how it goes!

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Aug 2, 2021 03:52

I don't know what's going on. Thinking it would be simpler I tried to make a new article, but on it, the footnote wouldn't show up at all. These are Military Conflict articles. I tried a Geographic Location, and the footnote was there, and in the proper place. Below is the link, thank you.

Aug 2, 2021 10:53

Your article is private/unpublished so I can't view it. But I've tried using footnotes in a Conflict article of my own and they aren't showing up either. I'll report it as a bug, but meanwhile, you can use the "full-width footer" as a work-around.

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Sep 28, 2021 23:51

Hello, how do I post an image or a link in the body of an article and not have it take up the whole space from left to right? I see some folks who have images on the right side and text to the left of said image, both are in the body, not the sidebar.

Sep 30, 2021 13:37

You can specify a size and an alignment as parameters. For example, [img:123|left|50] will align the image to the left and make it 50 pixels wide. You can find all the options in the guide to images!

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Nov 16, 2021 04:48

This worked great, thank you.

Apr 9, 2022 11:28

Is it possible to add images? Apologies for the silly question, I'm still very new to this whole thing haha

Apr 12, 2022 07:49

Of course! Upload them in the Images section of your world, then use the image's ID to insert it. The guide to images has all the information you need about images. Let me know if you have any other question!

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Jul 28, 2022 17:01

I'm having a minor issue with one of my articles. As I was checking it after some minor grammar adjustments, I noticed that the sidebar had suddenly been moved to the bottom of the article and a horizontal scroll bar appeared. I have no idea what I did, and I don't want to screw around too much with the CSS. What should I do?

Jul 29, 2022 09:01

Hi! This means that there's an unclosed tag somewhere in your article, it's usually [row] or [col]. Can you check if you have any of these tags without the closing one?

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Jul 29, 2022 16:57

Thanks! I found a closing indentation tag in the article that I missed. Apparently, putting the {/in} tag all by itself breaks articles outright.

Nov 11, 2022 12:57

I was writing about the medical side of my world's flora in the content section, and the entire paragraph text turned red. I don't know if that's a limiter or a bug.

Nov 11, 2022 16:40

That shouldn't happen, but I'll need some clarification. Could you take a screenshot of what you're seeing and show me? You can upload it to your world and embed it here as usual. A link to the article would also be helpful.

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Nov 15, 2022 01:42

Sorry for not replying for a few days, I was busy and didn't get to check the notifications.   Also the red paragraph text went away when I logged back into my account.   P.S.: I'm still a bit new here, so I don't know how to send screenshots or links in chat, also sorry if I sound stupid

Nov 15, 2022 09:27

No problem! You can just upload screenshots to your world as you would any other image. Then, in the Images interface, click the little button at the top right corner of the image thumbnail to copy its ID, and paste it here.   But if it's fixed now and everything is working properly, there's no need for that!

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Nov 15, 2022 22:05

Okay, thanks! :)

Mar 24, 2023 23:01 by Shinqstars the Goblin

I've recently been having an issue where the sidebar moves to the bottom of the page. I was wondering if there was a fix to this issue.

Mar 27, 2023 07:53

Hi! This is a symptom of unclosed BBCode tags. It often happen because you've used the [row] or [col] tags without the respective [/row] and [/col] tags. I suggest checking your article in BBCode mode and make sure that all tags are properly closed.

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Jun 17, 2023 04:15

Is there an "undo" option when writing and editing articles???? Multiple times, I have lost lots of information while typing because it randomly got deleted...FYI, i am certain I didnt actually hit the delete button, and there is no way to undo it.

Jun 19, 2023 08:15

Hi! I'm so sorry you lost your work—unfortunately there's no undo option other than Ctrl+Z. When editing articles in the future, please make sure you don't have the same article open for editing in another tab, browser, or device. The reason this happens is that the auto-save will keep triggering with the older version, which will replace the new one. A future update will address these issues.

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Aug 24, 2023 14:15

Is there a way for me to put the artist credits and contact info on or under the Article cover image?

Aug 24, 2023 18:06

Yes, the credits for the article cover image are displayed by the fault in the article's footer.

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Aug 27, 2023 21:31

Is there any way to change its location?

Aug 28, 2023 09:03

There isn't, but you can manually type it somewhere else if you want.

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.