Narcisa Dinca Character in World Behind the Veil | World Anvil

Narcisa Dinca

She was executed for her actions by Cassidy. She was a Friend of Cassidy and a Dragon Loyalists.  
  • Was born in a poor family and sold into servitude because of her special ability. She can hide things from premanently and nobody except her can then find them. This innate power makes her very valuable.
  • She was treated like a slave and forced to hide valuables, information and more for a mafia organization.
  • She was eventually found by a dragon loyalist when she turned 16. She came to a orphanage run by a caretaker.
  • There she lived for two years. THen she became a loyalists herself. She helped various loyalists with her powers. However, she felt that everyone just continued to exploit her for her ability.
  • This changed for a time when Cassidy took note of her and used her ability to hide a few powerful artefacts that she did not want found.
  • She built a connection to Narcisa and eventually made her a Friend of Cassidy.
  • Narsica did not feel like this appreciation was for her. But only for her powers.
  • As she was used by everyone around her she started to use the people around her for her own gain. She hid these actions.
  • She started with small things which eventually escalated her helping various organizations to get their hands on special orphans from the orphanages. These trades were masked as genuien opportunities and in some cases this was actually the case, but often these orphans were jsut exploited. The people around her did not ask too many questions and let it go on as she was highly respected and trusted. She even was a friend of Cassidy!
  • She was killed by Cassidy herself when Cassidy learned of the full extend of what was going on. The rage that Cassidy felt was broadcasted by her teleempathy to all the people around her and everyone marked by the Dragon Tattoos. This event left a lasting memory in many of them and many other people were releived of their duty with the dragon loyalsits and their involvemnt in the orphanages.
  • She remains a very famous story amongst all the loyalists to ensure that nothing like this happens again.  

    Contacts & Relations


    Supernatural Ability

    Narcisa has the ability to hide any object. This object could then no longer be found by anyone other than herself. Even if it was hidden in plain sight any person which was not her would simply not recognize the object for what it was, but mistake it for something else. She can use the ability only once or twice a day as it is draining her mentally. Once an object is hidden she no longer expends and energy on it. Meaning that she can hide as many objects as she wishes. She has to touch the object both to hide and show them. The object cannot be above a specific size and needs to be movable.
    Previously Held Ranks & Titles
    1642 CE 1668 CE 26 years old
    Paris, France
    Place of Death
    Paris, France
    Aligned Organization

    Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin
    Character Portrait image: Portrait by Artbreeder


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