Dacian | WBtV


Communities of the Dacian ancestry dominate most of the Balkans, France, Ireland and have a presence in Spain. In the past two hundred years some of them have emigrated to North America. Their territories can be found mostly in the northeastern United States and in the Canadian provinces Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Prince Edward Island.   Dacian communities usually follow one of two paths. Either they have their territories deep in mountainous regions where only few people live or they follow the path of the warrior and are part of a police force, paramilitary organizations or a nations military service. Individual wolves are rarely on their own and are fiercely loyal to their communities.   Dacian communities usually have neutral relation with the Hunter's Guild.  
The Dacian werewolves are skilled warriors worthy of the hunt. But they are no enemies of humanity. Many of them are even in service to protect us. From this day on the guild will no longer pay a general bounty on Dacian heads.
— Headhunter of the Past

Human Spouses & Marriage

As with all Therians the Dacians can only bear children with humans. In most Dacian communities it is common for the spouse to become a member of the community. The ceremonies of marriage vary widely.. However, in most communities the human members do not enjoy the same rights as the werewolves. Although this has been changing since the fall of the Veil as Dacians become more integrated into human societies. The humans main responsibilities are usually child care and taking care of the household. This is true regardless of gender. The werewolf is always expected to provide for the family.  

Spirit of the Wolf & The Moon Goddess

Mother Moon. You have given us the strength, the wisdom and the courage to tame the spirit of the wolf. May we use this power to protect our families and those which cannot protect themselves. Please guide us on our path.
— Ceremonial Prayer
As their power comes from both the spirit of the wolf and the moon goddess they pay their respects to both. In order to trigger their first transformation they have to undergo a moon baptism under a full moon after they have turned sixteen. Once this ritual has been completed the young werewolf experiences a month of unrest and painful partial transformations. Once the next full moon comes, the first full transformation takes place. About one in ten young werewolves do not survive the night. It is a night all Dacians both dread and look forward to.   If a Dacian does not undergo the baptism for too long the spirit of the wolf will grow dormant and the moons power will vanish. After the age of 24 all supernatural powers have left the young adult. It is not possible to restore these powers.
Eurasian wolf by Mas3cf
Eurasian Wolf
Origin Location
Dacian Mountains
West Canada Nation
Avalanche Village
New Scotland Clan, Albany
60th Precinct Community, Brooklyn
68th Precinct Community, Brooklyn
72nd Precinct Community, Brooklyn
Parent ethnicities
The lineage has their origin in the Dacian Kingdom. At the time, the kindom was at war with the Roman Empire. A powerful witch of the region used her powers, the power of the moon and the animal spirit of the eurasian wolf in a ritual to empower the elite warriors of the Dacian Kingdom. The ritual was even more successful than the witch imagined.   These supernatural fighters were crucial in securing victories against the invaders. But their power alone was not enough to stop the Roman advances and a part of the kingdom became a Roman province. After their defeat most of the Dacian wolves were killed, but a few families escaped. These families managed to preserve the lineage.

Cover image: Photo by Philipp Pilz


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