Councilor, APA

Councilor, Adirondack Park Alliance

The Councilors of the Adirondack Park Alliance are the highest officials of the Alliance. They are sent by the membership to represent their interests within the High Council.   They attend meetings, prepare motions, vote, discuss with other Council members, and lobby for their organization's interests. They are usually supported by a team of assistants, and the budget they work with is handled by their organizations, and can vary greatly from one organization to the next.


. The path to this position is different for each member of the Alliance. These differences are due to different traditions and structures.   The West Canada Nation has fully democratic elections every four years with few restrictions on who can run.   The Dryad Wilderness Federation of the Adirondack Mountains appoints two representatives for one year each, rotating through each forest within the federation. The two representatives are never from the same forest at the same time. In almost all forests, the representative is appointed by the respective hierarch. The exceptions are Deer Pond Marsh Forest, which elects its representative, and Tamarac Forest, where the hierarchs themselves represent the forest.   The Five Ponds Nation appoints a representative from the Warrior Council, and one seat is allocated to the military command.   In the Nyakwaiʼ Community, both representatives are appointed by the leadership for two years. Appointments have always been renewed. The only changes in representatives have been when a representative has resigned from their position, either due to retirement or other reasons.   The Black River Community rotates its representatives among the seven villages. Each representative serves for one year. The communities choose their representative by consensus.

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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