Session 7: Nomad's reflection by Callum Virtaernus | World Anvil

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Tue 17th May 2022 07:51

Session 7: Nomad's reflection

by Callum Virtaernus

Sometimes I wonder if things are changing too fast. I've often noticed there's not much I can do to alter the course of history, fate, divine will, whatever you want to call it. I just try to get by in this world and do the best I can, but here I am getting far more invested than I've been since the War. Not exactly transient in my ways anymore. And now...First it was the dream, then all of us meeting, and now an ancient wizard returns to enact gods know what kind of evil...
Feels a lot like fate or divine will to me. I learned a long time ago not to believe in coincidences. Now, I guess I have to decide what role I want to play in all of this. Something I haven't had to do in a long time and didn't think I ever would again.
I wonder where the others stand on it, though. I know to a few of them this is nothing more than a golden opportunity, and maybe it is. But to others, they're seeing the bigger implications. I'm probably overthinking this. After all, there's always going to be an evil overlord or maniacal fiend looking to seize power or wealth. If we can stop one of them and make ourselves rich at the same time, they have every right to think of this as nothing more than a fortuitous circumstance. So do I, I guess. But I can't help but feel I shouldn't take this lightly, so in the hopes that I'm wrong, I go forward in the assumption that I'm right and that there's bigger forces at work here than we yet realize.
It makes me think of Arkan and his son. I didn't know Ushen or any of the Scarred, but I know of their deeds. I know Ushen wielded immense power of life and death, and in the end, made a choice that cast him into oblivion. He left behind a mourning father, a group of friends that were family, and from what I can tell, a daughter he never knew. I'm blessed enough to know mine, and know there isn't a length I wouldn't go to save her or give her the best in life, and I owe that largely to Arkan and his son for the choice they made to answer a call. Fate's call, the Raven Queen's, it doesn't matter. They answered it. Maybe not at first, but upon realizing the truth, they didn't blink, even in the face of annihilation.
I look back on my path and the worlds I've walked. The lives I've lived. Perhaps I've answered in my own way, each choice leading me to this place. I wonder what calls might yet come to me, and what choices I'll have to make still and if I'll make the right ones or not. Are they as significant as the ones I made in the past? Or more so? I may never know until the moment is upon me. I don't think we ever do. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
For now, I plan to do what I can to look after my friends. Yes, friends, at least for the most part. I plan to honor the sacrifices others have made before me. I plan to take down another tyrant vying for power, and then I plan to return to my daughter when it's all said and done. And I'll do it all one step at a time. It's time to go see the sages about this stone.