Session 16: Callum's Reflection by Callum Virtaernus | World Anvil

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Mon 27th Mar 2023 06:42

Session 16: Callum's Reflection

by Callum Virtaernus

Is it safe to say we're all finding a common understanding with one another? I'd like to believe it's not overly generous given what we've accomplished and what we continue to do in our mutual efforts. They all brought me back, then wasted no time in getting right back to what we set out to do in the first place, and I've noticed how quickly I'm willing and able to dive right in beside them. Or how they continue to do the same for me. I'm even smiling more often. Laughing. The world is facing numerous threats that could end it all forever, yet there are still moments of peace. It strikes me as odd, but welcome. Human.
Hearing it from a fellow angel that I was free of Bolas' curse, and hearing that I may yet find the redemption I seek was cause to smile. Even after the mistakes that led me to seeking forgiveness, I see the Devil can't maintain his grip on me if I don't let him. And the friends I've surrounded myself with helped me realize that too. Then yet again as set about acquiring what we'd need to explore the depths and hopefully find that scale we're looking for, everyone proves themselves in the way they know how, for the benefit of all. We can all move on toward something better, especially with the help so freely offered.
I'm writing this listening to Illidrex play an old sea shanty for the crew. There's some celebrating happening after we took down the Obliterous, and yet again, I reflect on I feel more at peace than I have in a long, long time. At peace with knowing what I'm fighting for, and not just the fight itself.
I will prove myself to you, Loyal Fury, and I will do so through the duty you've asked of me. One day at a time, but I'm grateful for the days as they come.