4th of Lenzin by Arlanval | World Anvil

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4th of Lenzin

4th of Lenzin

by Arlanval Rudra

We arrived in the City of Maford today. It's here that I was to deliver the locked box and missive from Vice Headmaster Drakewarden.
I find it odd with all the subterfuge but I guess I don't have any room to argue.
It seems Geoffrey and the others had their own things to handle so we parted ways, but Ashton and Mara opted to accompany me. Honestly I'm relieved. I don't know either one that we'll yet but I think I'd be too nervous to do this myself.
Ashton seems like the strong stalwart type. He's a farmer who looks to have turned into a warrior, with a big sword. He mentioned he was from the academy so maybe he's a student? He has a strange attitude against tieflings but hey everyone has their own issues. Mara on the other hand also seems the warrior type. She also wields a big, emphasis on big, sword. She can definitely take a beating, and anytime the goblins on the road hit her she just seemed to get mad. Definitely want to stay on her good side. Seems a little aloof to me.

I delivered the goods to Duke Aelthus Stagdew as expected. I'm not sure what I expected but wow. When I hear "Duke" he fits what I'd expect to see almost exactly. Tall, blonde, short curly hair, large mutton chops. Although he did have an eyepatch with his one red eye exposed, so maybe he looked like more like a pirate captain... He did have a rather splendid jacket. Blue and silver.
I'm... getting off track. Well, I delivered the goods and turns out I guess Vice Headmaster Drakewarden is expecting a favor from him. In exchange for the favor, Duke Stagdew requested we help with a bandit problem. They are attacking trade caravans along the road. Mara, Ashton, and I agreed and we went to meet Captain Adelaide Budd who was managing the operation. Another lady was there and will be joining us, Velvet. She's a tiefling. She seems a little quiet. I didn't get much of a good read on her. Seems the nimble, athletic type.
Captain Adelaide definitely inspired confidence standing tall in her chain shirt with a longsword at her side. She said we'd be leaving out the west gate from Sunset Way and heading out at first light tomorrow. They're offering 150g per person to assist, with potentially more if the looted goods can be recovered. It sounds like they have hostages too so it's even more important that we resolve this. The bandits are holed up in a dilapidated old fort.
We met two others who enlisted to assist with the bandit problem. The first is a tiefling by the name of Harper. He seems very loud and boisterous. Most definitely a Bard, given the number of instruments he had with him and the fanciful, almost obnoxiously ostentatious clothing. The other is Chael, a shorter, more quiet man who talks in a bit of a strange, but not unpleasant, accent.
The group of us went shopping at various stores including the Ten of Eyes, the Lovers Fragrances, and the Wobbly Bellow. I bought a potion of healing for Ashton since I figured he would be more likely to be in danger than I would. Turns out I need to buy another potion once we get back. The owner of the Ten of Eyes is a bit temperamental...
Once done we resigned to the Groggy Spirit, the local inn. Chael was very excitable and talked my ear off for a while. That was a little exhausting but kind of nice to see someone show interest. Shortly after all that we went upstairs to turn in.
Tomorrow will be interesting. My first real mission in the field. Not going to lie, I'm a little anxious. Hopefully I'll be writing back with good news of success. I hope.

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  1. 4th of Lenzin
    4th of Lenzin
  2. 5th of Lenzin
    5th of Lenzin
  3. 6th of Lenzin
    6th of Lenzin
  4. 7th of Lenzin
    7th of Lenzin
  5. 8th of Lenzin
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  6. 9th of Lenzin
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  7. 10th of Lenzin
    10th of Lenzin
  8. 11th of Lenzin
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  9. 12th, 13th, & 14th of Lenzin
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  10. 15th of Lenzin
    15th of Lenzin
  11. 16th of Lenzin
    16th of Lenzin
  12. 17th of Lenzin
    17th of Lenzin
  13. 18th of Lenzin (Interlude)
    18th of Lenzin
  14. 19th of Lenzin
    19th of Lenzin
  15. 20th of Lenzin (Interlude)
    20th of Lenzin
  16. 21st of Lenzin
    21st of Lenzin
  17. 22nd of Lenzin
    22nd of Lenzin
  18. 23rd of Lenzin
    23rd of Lenzin
  19. 24th of Lenzin
    24th of Lenzin