The Blackjack Heritage

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of World of Wizard's Peak
11/24/2020 | Full


  • Western Krosia
  • Fortresses of the Kirinal Pit

    A hole in reality 30 miles wide ringed by walls and fortresses and cities. The Kirinal Pit is both the greatest threat and the greatest resource in the world. This map depicts the fortresses shortly after they were built in the early days of the Concordance for Survival.

  • Old Lozar Map
    The Sovranty of Lozar, 8 miles per hex.   Travel Times on Road/Rail Walking Normal Walking Pace - 3 hexes per day. Fast Walking Pace - 4 hexes per day.   Trains Trains travel at 30 mph and have a range of 600 miles before refueling = 3.75 hexes/hour, 15 hexes/4 hours, 75 hexes/day
  • Kirinal Pit Tactical Map
    1 mile to 1 hex tactical map of the Kirinal Pit.
Supporting Cast
  • General the Baron Aginnad
    Baron and General of the Nine Hells stationed at the Bulwark of Light. Has gotten into a hedron-message war with Lance Uppercut.
  • Alaberto Geminon
    Scion of House Geminon. The second son of the current Lord Geminon.
  • Amari Beastian
    The shifter descendant of the Heirophant Beast of Tarfydd. A
  • Aymer Ulalen
    An Entulesse Barbarian warrior of Menelost Telperion. Befriended by Lance "Uppercut" von Razak
  • Coyote Rose
    Skilled mix-o-mancer from Ta-Arma. She joins the crew of the Blackjack as a spelldriver and deck mage. Sometime lover of Lance uppercut.
  • Dirk Altmann
    The glamorous boisterous Tourneymaster of the Cavaliers of Light. The former Baron Silversang worked under his direction.
  • Hellenbrecht Tun-Razak
    Count Hellenbrecht Tun-Razak is rich, powerful, wealthy. He's the Grandmaster of the Order of LIght, one of the most powerful men on the continent, and a servant of House Molndal.
  • Jarod Ashin
    A descendant of Lord Ash, the third child of the current Baron of Greystone.
  • Leopoldo Durinhelm
    A scion of House Durinhelm. This wizard is the oldest child of a minor branch of House Durinhelm.
  • Marcelo Orian
    A fierce warrior descendant of Orion the Hunter.
  • Mariel Silversång
    Baroness Mariel Silversång is the mother of Niamhi and the widow of Nikolaus. She's an incredible singer, a Golden Balladeer who tours with the Cavaliers of Light half of the year. She has become more conservative and less tolerant with age. She reads the Aleph Zero every week and believes many of the conspiracy theories that it promotes.
  • Moon Breeze
    The celestial and heavenly protector of children in the Kirinal Concordance Zone. She has become Niamhi Silversang's new warlock patron.
  • Nikolaus Silversång
    The deceased Fourth Baron Silversång and Captain of the Blackjack. Upon his death, his title and skyship passed on to his oldest child Niamhi Silversång.
  • Nuheredni Ainin
    Became a Boroka Aswang, she ate a balut with a black chick in it. Given to her “for free” by a “green woman”
  • Of the Blues the Revenge
    The last blue goblin psi warrior in Ta-Arma. He protects the last six blue goblins. He passes them along to Of the Forge the Spark
  • Paz Ionite
    The volatile sorceress descendant of Ion the Evoker.
  • Rafael Ionite
    The cheerful gensasi descendant of Ion the Evoker and the oldest child of the current Lord Ionite.
  • Soledade Avaloni
    A descendant of the Royal House of Avaloni. She is poised, mannered, and wickedly funny.
  • Tanit Sanguesa
    An ally of Nikolaus Silversång with a final gift for Niamhi. She is a Karifaran sky captain who he obviously trusted. Her ship is the Anchored Zenith.
  • Urim Goldmaster
    Urim of Razun: Male Dwarf Aristocrat. Urim has a square face, with dark hair. He wears fine multicolored raiment and jewelry. Urim is fascinated by swords and blades and trades in off-world swords and weapons. Orange Icosahedron
  • Victorino Avaloni
    Victorino is the descendant of King Avalon and would be third in line for the throne of Lozar if the nation shill had a King.

Sessions Archive

25th Apr 2024

Episode 65: It's Really Episode 69

17th Apr 2024

Episode 65: The Soul Cannon

11th Apr 2024

Episode 64: General Shago and the Hidden Moon

3rd Apr 2024

Episode 63: The Brain & the Boss

27th Mar 2024

Episode 62: The Blue Goblin's Skull

Read the Report
20th Mar 2024

Episode 61: Planning the Lunar Assault

Read the Report
13th Mar 2024

Episode 60: The Fate of Gryzorth Goblinboon

Read the Report
8th Mar 2024

Episode 59: A Ribcage Full of Illithids

Read the Report
28th Feb 2024

Episode 58: The Elder Brain's Lair

Read the Report
21st Feb 2024

Episode 57: Double Weddings for Nia & Lance

Read the Report
15th Feb 2024

Episode 56: Rehearsal Dinner & Pit Meat

Read the Report
9th Feb 2024

Episode 55: Return of The BlackJack Sky

Read the Report
1st Feb 2024

Episode 54: Lance's Steamy Bachelor Party

Read the Report
25th Jan 2024

Episode 53: The Final Form of the Blackjack Sky

Read the Report
17th Jan 2024

Episode 52: Nia's Bachelorette Party

Read the Report
14th Sep 2023

Episode 51: An Interlude With Mecha Tiamat

Read the Report
27th Jun 2023

Episode 50: The Rise of Mecha-Tiamat Beta

Read the Report
20th Jun 2023

Episode 49: Coldwing and Dirrhaas

Read the Report
13th Jun 2023

Episode 48: Siege of Tempest Tide

Read the Report
7th Jun 2023

Episode 47: The Belt Bros and Tempest Tide

Read the Report
31st May 2023

Episode 46: The Ashes of Goblin Town

Read the Report
24th May 2023

Episode 45: Elenwe Reborn

Read the Report
17th May 2023

Episode 44: The Lair of Myxapex the Menace

Read the Report
10th May 2023

Episode 43: Against the Talons of Tiamat

Read the Report
3rd May 2023

Episode 42: Gathering Their Breath

Read the Report
26th Apr 2023

Episode 41: The Breath of Tiamat

Read the Report
19th Apr 2023

Episode 40: Jenny's Avatar Ritual

Read the Report
12th Apr 2023

Session 39: Attack on the Blackjack

Read the Report
5th Apr 2023

Episode 38: Fateful Fast Forwarding

Read the Report
27th Sep 2022

Episode 37: Lunapalooza on the Moon!

Read the Report
21st Sep 2022

Session 36: Return to the Temple of Thaya

Read the Report
15th Sep 2022

Episode 35: The Chamber of the Ginunting

Read the Report
7th Sep 2022

Episode 34: Lunapalooza But For Kids

Read the Report
1st Sep 2022

Episode 33: Riding a Balloon to the Lapin Shard

Read the Report
24th Aug 2022

Episode 32: A Night and a Day in Carrot Town

Read the Report
17th Aug 2022

Episode 31: City of Sleeping Elves

Read the Report
3rd Aug 2022

Episode 30.5: Girls Night!

Read the Report
11th Dec 2021

Episode 30: New Moon Rising

Read the Report
16th Nov 2021

Episode 29: Flight of the Blackjack

Read the Report
9th Nov 2021

Episode 28: Three Acts

Read the Report
3rd Nov 2021

Episode 27: Elven Starships Ahead

Read the Report
27th Oct 2021

Episode 26: The King's Hunt

Read the Report
13th Oct 2021

Episode 25: Regrouping and Moon Planning

Read the Report
6th Oct 2021

Episode 24: The Squid Hunt Part 2

Read the Report
29th Sep 2021

Episode 23: The Squid Hunt

Read the Report
22nd Sep 2021

Episode 22: The Afterparty

Read the Report
14th Sep 2021

Episode 21: Lunapalooza

Read the Report
9th Sep 2021

Episode 20: Rising With the Wood

Read the Report
1st Sep 2021

Episode 19: Fast Times in Ta-Arma

Read the Report
25th Aug 2021

Episode 18: Bailing Out Nels

Nels has foolishly gone hunting for his twin sister Sigrid. Nia and her crew follow him to an island off the coast of Corgi.

Read the Report
7th Apr 2021

Episode 17: The Last Baron Silversang

Read the Report
31st Mar 2021

Episode 16: Nia's Birthday Party

Read the Report
24th Mar 2021

Episode 15: Searching for Answers

Read the Report
17th Mar 2021

Episode 14: The Fall of Xeno

Read the Report
10th Mar 2021

Episode 13: The Gray Angels

Read the Report
3rd Mar 2021

Episode 12: Revelations in Graystone

Read the Report
24th Feb 2021

Episode 11: From the Zone to Greystone Barony

Read the Report
17th Feb 2021

Episode 10: Magister's Enclave

Read the Report
10th Feb 2021

Episode 9: Escape From Goblin Town

Trapped in the home of Of the Forge the Spark's grandfather, the Crew of the Blackjack must fight their way out of Goblin Town to save the baby blue goblin, Of the Hope the Way.

Read the Report
3rd Feb 2021

Episode 8: Return to the Zone

Read the Report
27th Jan 2021

Episode 7: Rendezvous in Razun

Having arrived in Razun, the crew of the Blackjack gathers information and gets ready to return to the Zone.

Read the Report
20th Jan 2021

Episode 6: Arrival in Razun

The party arrives in the dwarven city of Razun, the capital of the Kingdom of Nathal-nalir. They are delivering the shipment of extraplanar tech for Urim Goldmaster.

Read the Report
13th Jan 2021

Episode 5: Flight to Razun

Journey to Razun

Read the Report
6th Jan 2021

Episode 4: Adventures in Eladriel

Read the Report
16th Dec 2020

Episode 3: The Excursion to Eladriel

Having completed their business at the Zone. The crew of the Blackjack embarks on their first paid jobs.

Read the Report
12th Dec 2020

Episode 2.5: Contacts & Contracts

Interviewing crew, exploring the Zone, gathering intel, and making contacts.

Read the Report
9th Dec 2020

Episode 2: The Shattered Zone

You arrive at the Kirinal Pit at dawn on Shatter as a noisome layer of the Abyss becomes the Manifest.

Read the Report
2nd Dec 2020

Episode 1: Inherit The Blackjack

You gather together to mourn the death of Baron Silversång and observe the execution of his will and the transfer of The Blackjack to his heir.

Read the Report
The owner of the Blackjack carries a valuable Writ of Passage, allowing the ship and its contents the right to enter and exit the Kirinal Concordance Zone. They sell space on the ship to the highest bidder, transporting goods and passengers from the Zone to the far reaches of the world. Choose your cargo wisely though! Not all your cargo is safe and your clientele can't be trusted!

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lance Uppercut

Niamhi Silversång


Of the Forge the Spark

8 / 8 HP