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Hell of a Deal

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Geldora
| Looking for Players


  • Midvar
    Map of the continent of Midvar
  • Grimgate
    Grimgate is a bustling Meran city that lies on the border with the Empire of Seggath, along the Lower Tiverwhal river where it meets the Shattered Bay. The city is surrounded by thick walls, towers, and gates, and is guarded by a garrison of soldiers who are always on high alert due to the ongoing war between Mera and Seggath.   The city itself is built on a series of hills, with narrow streets that wind their way up and down, making it difficult for armies to mount an attack. The buildings in Grimgate are made of stone, with sloping roofs, and the streets are lined with shops, taverns, and inns that cater to the needs of the locals and the refugees who have fled to the city from the countryside.   The Lower Tiverwhal river flows through the heart of Grimgate, providing a vital source of water for the people who live there. The river is also used for transport, with barges and boats coming and going from the city's docks.
Supporting Cast
  • Lord Aldus Forgemantle
    Aldus Forgemantle's influence is felt throughout the city, as he uses his vast wealth to support the city's infrastructure and political systems. He is a major donor to the Church of the Lawbearer, and many of the city's officials owe their positions to his patronage. Despite his power, Aldus is not universally loved. Some see him as a greedy tyrant who uses his wealth to control the city, and there are whispers of an underground movement that seeks to overthrow him and his cronies.
  • Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd Chairely
    Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd has found a new chapter in his scholarly journey, extending beyond the confines of the Sanctum of Eternity. Embracing his role as an educator, he has joined Baylok's School for Wayward Boys. From his handcrafted chair, Chairley imparts knowledge to the young minds of Brancburg, turning his once mischievous goblin origins into a source of inspiration for the orphans under his guidance. With each lesson, he becomes a living testament to the transformative power of education, proving that wisdom can bloom even in the most unexpected places.
  • Cobold Halthorn
    Cobold is a tall and lanky human with short, curly brown hair and soft, kind eyes. He wears simple, loose-fitting clothes and carries a worn leather satchel filled with healing herbs and supplies. As a devout follower of Ilmater, he is deeply committed to easing the suffering of those around him, particularly the refugees of the ongoing war.
  • Delran Lorthem
    Delran Lorthem, the owner of the Rusty Anchor, is a burly man with a thick beard and a stern gaze. He runs his tavern with an iron fist, making sure his customers are well taken care of and any troublemakers are dealt with swiftly. Despite his gruff exterior, Delran is known to have a soft spot for those in need, often providing food and shelter to those down on their luck.
  • Elgrod Thornbloom
    Elgrod is a middle-aged Firbolg with a weathered face and a haunted look in his eyes. Though he once led a life of debauchery and excess, he has recently found a renewed sense of purpose in helping the refugees of the ongoing war. He is deeply committed to making amends for his past mistakes and has sworn off alcohol and other vices in order to focus on his mission.
  • Keeper of the Lore Enoch Brightspark
    Enoch Brightspark, the venerable keeper of the lore for the Enclave of Arcanum, is a living repository of arcane wisdom and ancient knowledge. With his magnificent white beard flowing down to his chest and his eyes twinkling with both mischief and profound wisdom, Enoch captivates all who encounter him. His patient teachings and profound insights have shaped the minds of countless initiates, leaving an indelible mark on the Enclave's legacy.
  • Horith Winterbourne
    Horith is a large and powerful werebear, with thick brown fur covering his muscular body. He stands on two legs, towering over most humans at a height of almost seven feet. His sharp claws and teeth are always visible, and his glowing amber eyes give him an intimidating appearance. Despite his fearsome appearance, there is a sadness in his eyes, as if he carries a heavy burden. He moves with a surprising grace and speed for his size, making him a formidable opponent in battle. Horith, in his child form, is an innocent-looking young boy with wide, curious eyes and a mop of messy brown hair. He has a slender frame and is often seen wearing ragged clothes, which he may have scavenged from the forest. Despite his young age, there is a maturity and wisdom beyond his years in the way he carries himself.
  • The Enchanted Reveler Panos Everglow
    Panos Everglow is a mischievous and carefree satyr, known for his playful demeanor and quick wit. He radiates a whimsical charm that draws others into his world of enchantment, and his lighthearted laughter echoes through the Feywild. Despite his lively nature, Panos possesses a keen insight into the deeper currents of the mystical realm, and he often imparts wisdom with a touch of magical mischief. Always on the lookout for kindred spirits, Panos eagerly seeks out new best friends to share in the joys of the Feywild.
  • Master Tendril Van Hyden
    As the Leader of the Shadow Thieves in Grimgate Tendril has a confident and imposing presence, with a voice that commands attention. He carries himself with a controlled grace, his movements precise and deliberate. He dresses in finely tailored clothing, often sporting a black cloak with silver trim that billows behind him as he walks. His fingers are adorned with numerous rings, each one carefully chosen for its symbolic meaning and power. Despite his refined appearance, there is a cold and calculating edge to his demeanor that suggests he is not to be trifled with.

Sessions Archive

1st Feb 2024

Smoke & Mirrors: Brawls and Betrayals in Hellfire Gemworks

As the True Menagerie stands amidst the chaos within Hellfire Gemworks, the air thick with the acrid scent of smoke, an intense battle ensues. Valthrun Shadowspire, the enigmatic figure intertwined with the secrets of the Gemworks, now confronts the party in a dire clash. The unexpected emergence of a Bone Devil from a mysterious rift adds a layer of peril to the already chaotic encounter.   The Gemworks, a once tranquil haven of gem crafting, now resonates with the clash of steel and the crackle of arcane energies. Valthrun's raven, a silent harbinger, weaves through the smoke, adding an unpredictable element to the unfolding battle.   The obscurity of the thick smoke not only obscures the combatants but shrouds the true intentions that linger within Hellfire Gemworks. Amidst the tumult, the party must grapple not only with the immediate threat of their adversaries but also with the cryptic connections between the Gemworks, the Primordial Gates, and seek answers about the elusive figure known as "The One Who Watches."   With every clash of blades and surge of arcane power, the True Menagerie inches closer to the revelations that lie concealed within the shadows. The fate of Geldora hangs in the balance, and the party's choices in this epic battle will echo through the streets of Havenshield and beyond. As the storm of uncertainty rages on, the shadows conceal both peril and enlightenment, and the True Menagerie must navigate this tempest to unveil the truths that lie beneath the surface.

25th Jan 2024

Shattered Horizons

The storm-wracked shores of Stormwarden's Beacon echo with the aftermath of a tumultuous battle. The True Menagerie, having climbed to the top of the tower, faced formidable adversaries, including powerful Elementals and a mysterious Dragonborn mage. The party acted swiftly to prevent the mage from completing the ritual at the Primordial Gate of Storms. However, in a desperate turn of events, the mage unleashed a colossal storm entity that obliterated the gate, sending a beam of electrical energy toward the distant city of Grimgate.   Now, standing amidst the aftermath of destruction, the True Menagerie must grapple with the consequences of their actions. The mage, now unconscious and captured by the party, remains a potential source of information. The beam of electricity looks as it it will cross paths with the beam of dark energy emanating from Grimgate, and the urgency to understand and control the situation is paramount.   With the Primordial Gate shattered and only three gates remaining, the True Menagerie faces a critical juncture. They must unravel the cryptic paper on the Dragonborn mage, interrogate their captive, and decide their next course of action. The fate of Geldora hangs in the balance as the party ventures into uncharted territories, where every decision shapes the unfolding journey. Will they emerge victorious and prevent the opening of more gates, or will the storm of chaos escalate further, plunging the material world into an abyss of unknown horrors?

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11th Jan 2024

The Unraveling Tempest: Guardians of the Storm Gate

In the aftermath of the storm's fury on Stormwarden's Beacon, the True Menagerie finds themselves on the brink of a pivotal moment. The startling revelation that the true Primordial Gate of Storms awaits at the tower's pinnacle propels the group into a daring ascent, while the island itself bears witness to their destiny.   With the clock ticking, the party, now joined by Maleki, the Light Domain Cleric, must face the daunting task of preventing the destruction of the Primordial Gate. The island, scarred by the elemental tempest, holds the key to averting a catastrophic breach between realms. The time-worn ruins echo with the urgency of a mission that transcends their own existence.   As they prepare for the ascent, one notable absence is felt – Skips, the bard, now in the Feywild at Panos' behest. The mischievous satyr sought to show Skips the wonders of the Fey, an invitation met with reluctance by the bard.   The gravity of their mission weighs heavily; the True Menagerie has faced failure at the gates three times before, and only three gates remain. Each step within the tower is a step towards saving Stormwarden's Beacon from an impending darkness that threatens to consume everything. The fate of Geldora rests upon their shoulders, and the party must rise above past shortcomings to defy the looming tempest.

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4th Jan 2024

Whispers of the Tempest

As the True Menagerie stands on the desolate shores of Stormwarden's Beacon, the tempest of fate draws near. The ritual to shatter the Primordial Gate of Storms looms ominously, with only one day remaining. The island, once a sanctuary, now echoes with the urgency of a task that transcends their very existence. The ruins hold secrets that may unveil the hidden gateway, but time is an elusive ally.   The elemental whispers that dance through the storm-laden air carry not only the promise of chaos but also the dire warning that should the gates be shattered, the material world will be laid bare to unfathomable evils from beyond. With the Primordial Gate of Storms acting as a linchpin, its destruction would pave the way for unknown malevolence to breach the boundaries between realms.   Navigating the shattered remnants of the island's history, the True Menagerie faces not only elemental guardians but the weight of a destiny intertwined with the fate of Geldora. Every choice becomes a thread in the tapestry of their journey, where the consequences may ripple far beyond the storm-wracked shores.   As the final hours tick away, the party must decipher the enigmatic clues scattered across the island, uncover the hidden gate, and thwart the dark forces orchestrating the ritual. The echoes of past failures serve as a haunting reminder, urging them to defy the tempest that seeks to plunge the material world into an abyss of unknown horrors. The True Menagerie's actions in the next 24 hours will decide not only their fate but the destiny of Geldora itself.

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28th Dec 2023

Embers of Fading Hope

In the aftermath of the tumultuous battle beneath the ruins of Rhazidur, the True Menagerie finds themselves standing on the precipice of uncertainty. The Emberheart Gem, acquired from their enigmatic adversary, holds a haunting reminder of their recent failure—the shattered Primordial Gate of Fire. The embers of hope flicker, not in triumph but in the face of a daunting reality.   With the countdown to the ritual for the Gate of Storms ticking away, the party faces critical decisions. The Gate of Storms looms just 16 days in the future, casting an ominous shadow over their every choice. The Gate of Earth follows closely, with a mere 11 days between them, and the Gate of Shadows emerges 5 days thereafter.   As the embers of hope wane, the True Menagerie stands at a crossroads, grappling with the weight of decisions that will echo through the core of Geldora. The gates, once beacons of potential, now symbolize the imminent threat of elemental chaos. The party's choices will not only define their journey but also determine the destiny of a world teetering on the brink of arcane upheaval. The countdown continues, and the True Menagerie prepares to face a future fraught with decisions, challenges, and the haunting echoes of gates that crumble in the face of Primordial power.

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21st Dec 2023

"Island of Ember Dreams"

The True Menagerie, now isolated between the cavern walls and a towering wall of surging lava, finds themselves abruptly awakening from a mysterious slumber. The haunting melody of a flute still lingers in the air as they gather their bearings. The realization strikes—Skips, Aldus, and Obsidian succumbed to a deep sleep, a consequence of the mysterious events unfolding around the Primordial Gate of Fire.   As the party regains consciousness, they witness a mesmerizing scene. The infernal chant persists, resonating from the enigmatic Primordial Gate at the center of the island. The dwarven-carved stone portal emanates a pulsating energy, and the robed figure adorned with flickering runes continues to orchestrate the dark ritual. The runes dance like tongues of flame, and an ephemeral cloak of coiling fire billows around them, a visual testament to the ritual's intensity.   The urgency in Yogar's warning echoes in their minds—the fate of Geldora hangs in the balance, and the True Menagerie must act swiftly to halt the ritual and prevent the unlocking of the Primordial Gate. The island's fiery barrier poses an obstacle, and the party must navigate through both elemental forces and dark magic to reach the gateway.   As the Embers of Enchantment beckon, the True Menagerie faces a challenge that transcends the physical, delving into a realm where elemental chaos and dark incantations collide. The echoes of the frostbound peaks are replaced by the fiery tempest, creating an atmosphere of tension and anticipation.   The quest to stop the ritual at the Primordial Gate of Fire awaits—a task that demands wit, courage, and unity. The island, surrounded by a sea of molten lava, is both a prison and a crucible. The fate of Geldora teeters on the brink, and the True Menagerie stands as the realm's last hope against the impending cataclysm. The stage is set for a session of peril, mystery, and the unyielding pursuit of victory.

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14th Dec 2023

Embers of Enchantment

As The True Menagerie ventures deeper into the mysterious depths beneath the ruins of Razidur, the subterranean passages resonate with an eerie energy. An infernal chant echoes through the winding tunnels, unveiling a sinister ritual involving sacrifices and the unlocking of a gateway to searing realms. Undeterred, Baylock, the rogue with an eye for danger, takes the lead, unveiling a colossal cavern where elemental forms dance upon lava pools, their fiery figures casting an ethereal glow.   At the heart of this mesmerizing display stands a guardian of immense power, stationed before the enigmatic Primordial Gate of Fire. The gateway, a dwarven-carved stone portal, emanates a pulsating energy that hints at the ritual's dark purpose. Before the gate, a robed figure adorned with flickering runes orchestrates the infernal ceremony, their gaze fixed upon the True Menagerie. The runes dance like tongues of flame, and an ephemeral cloak of coiling fire billows around them.   The party, now on the brink of an extraordinary confrontation, realizes that their journey holds stakes for the world of Geldora. With Yogar's warning echoing in the chamber, the True Menagerie must act swiftly to halt the ritual and prevent the unlocking of the Primordial Gate. As they stand against elemental forces and dark magic, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. The Embers of Enchantment beckon, and the True Menagerie faces a challenge that transcends the physical, leading them into a realm where elemental chaos and dark incantations collide.

Read the Report
30th Nov 2023

Shadows of the Umbrastone Forge

As your party stands victorious in the Umbrastone Forge Chamber, the air is thick with the echoes of recent battle. Towering Duergar stone statues, each cradling shards of mysterious Umbrastone, stand sentinel around a grand dwarven forge. You have yet to find the elusive entrance to the depths where the Primordial Gate of Fire lies in wait, its secrets shrouded in the shadows of the ancient city's history.

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20th Apr 2023

Session 10 - A Trip to the Sewers

The players find themselves in the sewers of Grimgate, following the trail of the Seggathian Spies

6th Apr 2023

Session 9 - Time for a Meeting

With the help of the Shadow Thieves the True Menagerie will attempt to set up a meeting with Forgemantle.

Read the Report
Since the time of chaos and when the dragons ruled the skies, there has been a constant battle for control of Geldora. In the Age of Upheaval this struggle for control still holds true, the winds of war blow throughout Midvar, armies prepare for battle, spies and saboteurs work their dark arts to gain advantage for their kingdoms, the gods of chaos eagerly anticipate what's to come. The balance of Midvar sits on the precipice of a cliff and only the stout of heart have the chance to bring peace to the land. This is the time for you and your party to set forth in this world of high adventure! It’s been 19 years since the Great Betrayal, the day the Great King was killed with his family and all but one member of the high council alongside thousands of commoners in the Grand Amphitheater of Kings Rest. This day marks the beginning of the downward spiral of the Kingdom of Mera. The new King has outlawed all magic aside from the divine at the behest of the Assembly of The Penitent. In this time of turmoil as practitioners of the arcane are hunted by the Knights Tarrenshade, the kingdom faces all-out war with the Empire of Seggath who looks for their advantage in the chaos that resides within Mera.   Your Character in the World You find yourself in the Meran border city of Grimgate. The city is in utter chaos as refugees from the northern settlements have flooded the city, the military is actively conscripting people off the streets, and the city watch is continually chasing down rumors of spies and saboteurs. Amongst this chaotic background bold entrepreneurs can find opportunity for fast money; you and your fellow adventurers have been offered one of these lucrative deals. A wealthy merchant needs you to cross the Seggathian border and meet his trade caravan at the Irabore Trading Outpost along the Hasrood River and ensure that its contents make it safely to Grimgate, time is of the essence.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Balok Illykur

Chaotic Neutral Drow Half-Elf (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 3
27 / 27 HP


Lawful Neutral Gem Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Warlock 4
38 / 38 HP

Aldus Doppel


Neutral Good Wood Elf (Sage)
Cleric 5
36 / 36 HP

Cardinal Koresh

None Custom Lineage (Cardinal)
Cleric 5
38 / 38 HP