Aldus Forgemantle Character in Geldora | World Anvil

Aldus Forgemantle

(a.k.a. The Ironhand)

Aldus Forgemantle's wealth and power have allowed him to live in luxury in one of the most lavish mansions in the Brightwater district. The mansion is built of stone and marble, with large arched windows that let in plenty of natural light. The front of the house is adorned with elaborate carvings and decorative ironwork, showing off the skill of the city's finest craftsmen. Inside the mansion, everything is opulent and extravagant. The floors are covered with plush carpets, and the walls are decorated with intricate tapestries and paintings. The furniture is ornate and made of the finest materials, and the rooms are filled with rare and valuable objects from all over the world.   Forgemantle's Emporium, the largest trade market in Grimgate, is a massive building that takes up an entire city block. The market is a bustling hive of activity, with merchants from all over the world selling their wares. The building is made of stone and timber, with a large central courtyard surrounded by smaller buildings that house individual vendors.   The Grand Forge, which produces weapons, armor, and metal items for the military and public of the region, is a massive industrial complex located on the outskirts of the Westside district. The forge is a sprawling collection of buildings and workshops, with tall smokestacks and chimneys belching smoke and ash into the sky. The sound of hammers ringing on anvils and the roar of furnaces can be heard for miles around.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Forgemantle is described as a middle-aged dwarf with a stern face. He wears a well-tailored suit and often carries himself with an air of authority and confidence, befitting his position as the richest and most powerful merchant in Grimgate. His clothing is often adorned with expensive accessories, such as a gold watch or cufflinks, indicating his wealth and status.

Body Features

As a dwarf, he is relatively short in stature, standing around 4' 6" tall, with a stocky and muscular build.

Facial Features

He has a broad, square-shaped face with a strong jawline, thick eyebrows, and a prominent nose. His eyes are a deep brown color and are usually set in a serious or stern expression.

Physical quirks

Forgemantle has a prominent Black beard that reaches down to his chest, which he often strokes when deep in thought. His skin is weathered and rough, with several scars and callouses on his hands from years of working in the forge. He also has a slight limp in his left leg, which he compensates for with a sturdy cane made of dark metal. Despite this, he still moves with purpose and energy, and his voice carries a commanding tone that demands respect from those around him

Apparel & Accessories

Aldus Forgemantle is typically dressed in high-quality, practical clothing that reflects his position as a wealthy and powerful merchant. He often wears a black leather apron over a white linen shirt, which is tucked into his dark brown trousers. The apron has numerous pockets and loops for holding tools and other small items. Aldus also wears a thick leather belt with a silver buckle, which serves as a symbol of his status as a successful businessman. On his feet, he wears sturdy leather boots that are well-worn from his daily work in the Grand Forge.   As for accessories, Aldus wears a gold signet ring on his right hand, which is engraved with his family crest. He also wears a thick gold chain around his neck, which is adorned with a large, polished gemstone. On occasion, he may wear a small pair of spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose, which he uses for reading small print on documents.   Overall, Aldus' attire and accessories are understated, but still convey his wealth, practicality, and attention to detail.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aldus Forgemantle was born into a family of skilled blacksmiths and metalworkers in the dwarven city of Karak Norn. From a young age, he showed a natural talent for metalworking and quickly became an apprentice in his family's forge. However, Aldus was never content with simply creating objects for their own sake. He had a sharp mind for business and saw the potential to expand his family's forge into a thriving enterprise. As he grew older, Aldus left Karak Norn and traveled the land, seeking out new markets and opportunities. He eventually settled in Grimgate, a bustling city with a thriving trade industry. Here, he established Forgemantle's Emporium, a massive trade market that became the center of commerce in the city.   Over time, Aldus expanded his operations to include the Grand Forge, a state-of-the-art facility that produced weapons, armor, and metal items for the military and public of the region. Through his shrewd business sense and unparalleled workmanship, Aldus became the richest and most powerful merchant in all of Grimgate.   Despite his success, Aldus never forgot his roots as a skilled metalworker. He continued to hone his craft, creating some of the most impressive and intricately designed metal objects in the realm. His work was sought after by kings and nobles, and his name became synonymous with the finest metalworking in the land.   Today, Aldus Forgemantle is a respected figure in Grimgate, known for his wealth, power, and exceptional skill. He remains dedicated to his craft and his business, and his legacy as a master metalworker and savvy merchant will be remembered for generations to come.

Morality & Philosophy

He values wealth and power, as well as shrewd business acumen and strategic decision-making. He may prioritize profit over ethics or morality, and may be willing to engage in less-than-savory business practices in order to maintain his position at the top of the economic ladder.

Personality Characteristics


Forgemantle's main motivation is to maintain his position as the richest and most powerful merchant in Grimgate. He strives to expand his business and wealth, and he is willing to make deals and alliances to achieve his goals. Additionally, he takes pride in the quality of his workmanship and strives to produce the best weapons, armor, and metal items for the military and public of the region. He values loyalty and he is willing to go to great lengths to protect his interests and those he considers his allies.

Vices & Personality flaws

Forgemantle has a few quirks and flaws that make him a complex and interesting character. Here are some examples: Obsessive Attention to Detail: Forgemantle has a tendency to obsess over the smallest details of his work. He can spend hours, even days, perfecting a single piece of armor or weapon. While this level of attention to detail makes his products some of the best in the region, it can also make him a bit of a perfectionist.   Short Tempered: Forgemantle can be short-tempered and impatient, particularly with people who he feels are wasting his time or not taking his work seriously. He has been known to lose his temper and lash out at those around him.   Suspicious: As a successful merchant and weaponsmith, Forgemantle has had his fair share of business dealings with unscrupulous individuals. This has made him naturally suspicious of others, particularly strangers. He tends to be cautious and reserved until he has a chance to get to know someone.   Materialistic: Forgemantle is very focused on wealth and material possessions. He is constantly looking for ways to increase his profits and expand his business. This can make him come across as greedy or ruthless to some.   Secretive: Forgemantle is a private individual who keeps his personal life and business dealings separate. He doesn't like to share too much about himself or his plans with others, even his closest associates.   Fearful of Failure: Forgemantle has worked hard to build his business and reputation, and he is terrified of losing everything he has gained. This fear of failure can make him cautious and hesitant to take risks, even if they could potentially benefit him in the long run.   Overall, Forgemantle's quirks and flaws make him a complex and multidimensional character. While they can sometimes work against him, they also make him a formidable opponent and an interesting ally.

Aldus Forgemantle's influence is felt throughout the city, as he uses his vast wealth to support the city's infrastructure and political systems. He is a major donor to the Church of the Lawbearer, and many of the city's officials owe their positions to his patronage. Despite his power, Aldus is not universally loved. Some see him as a greedy tyrant who uses his wealth to control the city, and there are whispers of an underground movement that seeks to overthrow him and his cronies.

Character Location
Current Location
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Current Location
Date of Birth
24th of Harvesthaul 4,614 AoU
Date of Death
12th Day of Blossomtime 4,770 AoU
4614 AoU 4770 AoU 156 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the True Menagerie while conducting a ritual to open the Gate.
Place of Death
The Gate of the Dead below the City of Grimgate
Current Residence
Ironhaven Manor
Short, stocky and muscular build.
Deep Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His skin is tough, weathered, and calloused
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The finest blades are tempered in the hottest fires." "Gold is the blood that flows through the veins of commerce." "A true merchant is not one who sells, but one who serves."