Cobold Halthorn Character in Geldora | World Anvil

Cobold Halthorn

Cobold Halthorn

Cobald Halthorn is a tall and lanky healer whose life's purpose is deeply intertwined with the principles of Ilmater, the Crying God. Born in the temperate region of Midvar, Cobald faced personal struggles with alcoholism during his earlier years, a battle that led him to the brink of self-destruction. However, a chance encounter with the True Menagerie and their noble cause became the catalyst for his redemption. Since overcoming his struggles, Cobald has become a devoted healer and an integral part of the True Menagerie's efforts to aid refugees and restore Branchburg. His demeanor is marked by kindness and empathy, and his unwavering commitment to Ilmater's teachings shapes his every action. Cobald's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of compassion, friendship, and the resilience found in the pursuit of healing and redemption.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cobald Halthorn possesses a tall and lanky physique, with an unassuming yet sturdy frame. His build reflects the endurance gained from a life dedicated to healing and service. While not overtly muscular, there is a subtle strength in his posture, a testament to the physical demands of his profession. Despite the weariness that can occasionally be glimpsed in his eyes, his overall demeanor exudes a quiet resilience and unwavering commitment to his role as a healer.

Facial Features

Cobald Halthorn's facial features are a portrait of kindness and empathy, etched with the subtle marks of age and experience. His face bears the soft lines of compassion, hinting at the countless hours spent tending to the needs of others. Short, curly brown hair frames his countenance, adding a touch of warmth to his overall appearance. His eyes, the windows to a soul burdened by the weight of past choices, convey a genuine desire to alleviate the suffering of those around him. Despite the sorrow and resilience reflected in his gaze, there's an undeniable kindness that reaches out to those in need.

Special abilities

Cobald Halthorn, as a dedicated healer and follower of Ilmater, possesses special abilities rooted in the divine arts of restoration and care. Some of his notable abilities include:   Divine Healing: Cobald can channel the divine energy of Ilmater to mend wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality to those in need. His healing abilities range from mending minor injuries to more advanced curative measures.   Sacred Benediction: By invoking the blessings of Ilmater, Cobald can provide spiritual fortification to individuals, granting them temporary protection against harm and bolstering their resolve.   Cleansing Rituals: Cobald has mastered rituals that purify and cleanse both physical and spiritual maladies. This extends to curing diseases, dispelling curses, and alleviating the effects of harmful enchantments.   Empathetic Connection: Through his deep empathy and connection to the suffering of others, Cobald can often discern ailments or emotional distress, allowing him to tailor his healing efforts more effectively.   Channel Divinity - Mercy's Embrace: In moments of dire need, Cobald can call upon Ilmater's divine grace to amplify his healing abilities, mending severe wounds and providing a brief respite from pain.   These abilities not only showcase Cobald's proficiency as a healer but also emphasize his commitment to easing the suffering of those he encounters.

Apparel & Accessories

His attire projects an image of simplicity and humility befitting a devoted healer. He wears loose-fitting priest robes, predominantly adorned in the calming colors of white and red associated with Ilmater. The fabric, while plain, bears a certain well-worn quality that speaks to both the practicality of his profession and the numerous hours spent in service. A worn leather satchel hangs at his side, the weathered surface hinting at the countless journeys and the healing supplies within. His overall appearance is unassuming, yet the sacred symbols of Ilmater subtly woven into his attire convey an underlying devotion to his faith. Despite the simplicity, there's an undeniable sense of purpose and genuine care that emanates from his every gesture and the intentional arrangement of his healer's garb.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cobald Halthorn, born in the temperate region of Midvar, faced personal struggles that led him down a path of self-destruction. Despite being a healer, he grappled with the demons of alcoholism during his earlier years. This battle with addiction took a toll on him, impacting not only his own well-being but also the trust and respect he had earned from those around him.   The turning point came when he encountered the True Menagerie and witnessed the genuine care they exhibited for the refugees. Touched by their noble cause, Cobald saw an opportunity for personal redemption. With the unwavering support of the True Menagerie, he embarked on a challenging journey of recovery, choosing to confront and overcome his own demons.   Through dedication, resilience, and the healing powers he wielded, Cobald not only mended the physical wounds of those around him but also healed his own fractured spirit. The camaraderie forged in the crucible of shared hardships with the True Menagerie became a beacon of hope and a source of strength.   Since overcoming his struggles with alcoholism, Cobald has become an integral part of the True Menagerie's efforts to aid refugees and restore Branchburg. His personal history, now intertwined with the collective story of redemption, serves as a testament to the transformative power of compassion, friendship, and the unwavering commitment to healing.


Religious Views

Cobald Halthorn's faith in Ilmater is an unwavering source of strength and guidance in his life. Ilmater, the Crying God, represents endurance, compassion, and self-sacrifice—values that resonate deeply with Cobald's own journey of redemption. His devotion to Ilmater is not merely a religious affiliation but a profound and personal commitment to embodying the deity's principles.

Cobold is a tall and lanky human with short, curly brown hair and soft, kind eyes. He wears simple, loose-fitting clothes and carries a worn leather satchel filled with healing herbs and supplies. As a devout follower of Ilmater, he is deeply committed to easing the suffering of those around him, particularly the refugees of the ongoing war.

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