Shadows of the Umbrastone Forge Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Shadows of the Umbrastone Forge Report

General Summary

Baylock, the astute rogue, discerns the secret of the Duergar statues cradling Umbrastone shards. Covering one shard with his cloak, the party witnesses the forge's embers intensify, and the heat surges. Aldus deftly employs Mage Hand to cover the remaining shards, igniting the forge causing the MAster Platrofm to begin to move. As the master's platform withdraws, it reveals a dark staircase descending into uncharted chambers below.   Deep below the ruins of Rhazidur, The True Menagerie presses forward, the echoes of their footsteps resonating through the labyrinthine passages. As they traverse further into the subterranean realm, the corridor widens into a large chamber. The ambient glow reveals two whirling pillars of fire, their flames dancing in a mesmerizing, almost hypnotic, display. It is within this fiery spectacle that Skip's spider familiar, agile and stealthy, approaches the pillars, uncovering the presence of a majestic and formidable fiery elemental at their heart. The elemental's form seems to perpetually dance with molten grace, radiating intense heat that permeates the chamber. Its movements leave behind a scorched trail on the cavern floor, and occasionally, a fleeting and ominous face emerges from the swirling inferno, gazing with an intensity that reflects the elemental's untamed and chaotic nature. The air crackles with the energy of its fiery presence, setting an ominous tone for the challenge that lies ahead.   As the True Menagerie prepares for the impending encounter, Grimguard sends his visage into the chamber, this act triggers an unexpected response. Lava Spawn elementals, born from the very essence of the fiery depths, emerge in ambush, their molten forms pulsating with destructive power. The party finds themselves ensnared in a relentless onslaught, each elemental's molten limbs swinging with uncanny accuracy, delivering blistering attacks that cause searing fire damage.  The battle proves to be a crucible of intensity, at one point two of the elemental find thier way into the center of the party then detonating with incredible force causing Aldus to be severly injured and go unconsious. As the last elemental was brought down Skips rushed to Aldus to render aid saving Aldus from certain death. As the last echoes of battle fade, the True Menagerie takes a moment to assess their injuries and recuperate. The chamber, once filled with the crackling energy of combat, falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional flicker of remaining embers. The party, aware that more challenges await in the depths of the Mines, gathers their strength and resolves to press onward, their journey into the unknown taking on an increasingly ominous tone.   As the Party continues their descent the air becomes thick with an eerie atmosphere, punctuated by the haunting echoes of an infernal chant that resonates through the cavernous passages. The sinister incantation unveils a macabre ritual, speaking of sacrifices and the unlocking of a gate leading to searing realms beyond imagination. The party, intrigued and wary, deciphers the ominous message, realizing that their journey holds stakes far beyond the depths they've explored. Undeterred by the foreboding chant, Baylock, the nimble and perceptive rogue, takes on the role of the group's scout. Moving ahead with cautious determination, he navigates through the winding tunnels until the party arrives at a colossal cavern. Here, elemental forms dance upon the surface of lava pools, their fiery figures creating an otherworldly spectacle against the cavern's shadows. At the heart of this mesmerizing display stands a colossal elemental, a guardian of immense power, positioned before the enigmatic Primordial Gate of Fire. The gateway, a dwarven-carved stone portal, is surrounded by swirling flames that cast an eerie glow across the cavern. Before the gate, a robed figure, mysterious and adorned with flickering runes, commands attention. The runes seem to dance like tongues of flame, and an ephemeral cloak of coiling fire billows around them. The figure's face, etched with arcane symbols, reveals an intense focus on the pulsating energy emanating from the Primordial Gate.   This revelation marks a critical juncture for The True Menagerie. Before them lies not only a formidable adversary but also the nexus of the infernal ritual they are here to stop. The cavern becomes a stage for a confrontation that transcends the physical, hinting at a clash of elemental forces and dark magic that may shape the fate of Geldora.    Yogar shouts a warning to the mysterious figure, demanding a halt. The figure, illuminated by the molten glow, turns with piercing eyes, their attention drawn to the intruders. The True Menagerie stands at the precipice of a potentially catastrophic confrontation with the enigmatic figure and the mysterious forces surrounding the Primordial Gate of Fire. With Yogar's warning ringing in their ears and the mysterious figure's gaze fixed upon them, the party stands at the brink of a profound and potentially perilous encounter.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Players have found the Primoridial Gate of Fire

Hell of a Deal

Balok Illykur

Chaotic Neutral Drow Half-Elf (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 3
27 / 27 HP


Lawful Neutral Gem Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Warlock 4
38 / 38 HP
Report Date
30 Nov 2023
Primary Location

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