Geldora History of Mera Timeline

History of Mera

Timeline of the events on the continent of Midvar,

  • 19999

    The Great Alliance Formation
    Diplomatic action

    In response to the looming threats of the past ages, races across Midvar forge the Great Alliance, uniting in a common cause for peace, prosperity, and the advancement of civilization. This cooperative effort sets the stage for a new era of collaboration and progress.

    Additional timelines
  • 7458

    The Dwarven Compact
    Diplomatic action

    Dwarven clans of MEra formalize the Dwarven Compact, a cooperative agreement that emphasizes unity and mutual support among dwarven realms and the Kingdom of Mera. This compact fosters collaboration in areas of trade, defense, and technological advancements, solidifying dwarven influence on future of Mera.

    Additional timelines
  • 4708 AoU

    Great War
    Military: War

    Great War!! Orcs take Original Meran Capital of Whitecliff, King Llane Tarrenshade Killed

  • 4716 AoU

    Retaking of Whitecliff
    Military: Battle

    Devidan Tasimreth, Meran Marshall of the Field, retakes the city of Whitecliff but dies in the process

  • 4736 AoU

    Peace & Prosperity

    Prosperity in all of Mera is unprecedented, all look to the aging Queen Tarrenshades leadership as the reason.

  • 4742 AoU

    Curia Regis
    Political event

    King Tarrenshade creates the Curia Regis as the high advisors to the King.  King Tarrenshade appoints his childhood friend Arkadi Tasimreth, a Vayemnir as the High Mage of Mera.

  • 4743 AoU

    Rise of the heir
    Political event

    The aging Queen Tarrenshade abdicated her throne to her son Alveros Tarrenshade. King Alveros was crowned in a grand celebration in King’s Rest.

  • 4744 AoU

    Disaster / Destruction

    Widespread famine across Yohir, the people claim that it is a result of a curse from the Dragonborn to bring death to the Yohirin.

  • 4749 AoU

    Troops on the border
    Military action

    Yohir sets up a military camp west of Thenorale Pass, as tensions rise with Mera.

  • 4750 AoU

    The lost expedition

    Gnome explorer Calvyn Quindal and his party of 30 went missing in the Artamut Peaks, as well as two subsequent search parties.

  • 4751 AoU

    8 Highsun

    The Great Betrayl
    Disaster / Destruction

    King Tarrenshade along with thousands of Meran’s killed by High Mage Arkadi Tasimreth along with the destruction of the Grand Amphitheater.

  • 4751 AoU

    11 Highsun

    The New King is Crowned
    Political event

    Lord Cale Tisserand, the sole survivor of the Curia Regis, is crowned as King.

  • 4751 AoU

    12 Goldleaf

    Rumors abound
    Diplomatic action

    Stories of how the Ashen Dynasty was behind Tarrenshade death can be heard across Mera.

  • 4752 AoU

    2 Frostfall

    Tarrenshade Edict
    Cultural event

    Implementation of the Tarrenshade Edict outlawing Arcane magic and creation of the Knights Tarrenshade by the King at the behest of the Assembly of the Penitent. Only divine magic is allowed throughout all Mera, violators will be killed.

  • 4755 AoU

    Bariya Slave Pen’s
    Political event

    Bariya Slave Pen’s once used to hold Dragonborn slaves is now the prison for practitioners of the arcane arts as thousands are identified by the Knights Tarrenshade.

  • 4756 AoU

    18 Harrowing

    The 1st cleansing
    Cultural event

    1st Cleansing, over 15,000 practitioners of arcane magic were killed in public executions lasting 100 days across the Kingdom.

  • 4765 AoU

    12 Firstflow

    Border Raids
    Military: Skirmish

    Border incursions of contested farmland in northwestern Mera by Yohirin raiders.

  • 4766 AoU

    18 Harrowing

    The 2nd Cleansing
    Cultural event

    2nd Cleansing, over 10,000 practitioners of magic were killed in public executions lasting 100 days across the Kingdom.

  • 4767 AoU

    21 Goldleaf

    Pirate raids along the coast
    Criminal Activity

    Tiefling Pirates raid settlements all along the coasts of Mera and Yohir.

  • 4768 AoU

    Ambassador Killed
    Diplomatic action

    Seggathian Ambassador Elisander Sunport killed in Kings Rest by a group of assassins

  • 4769 AoU

    The Winds of War are blowing
    Military: Skirmish

    Seggathian Raiders assault mountain settlements along the border with Mera in response to the death of Ambassador Sunport.

  • 4770 AoU

    Gathering / Conference

    His Majesty King Tisserand institutes conscription due to rising tensions between Mera and Seggath. Vassals report for training throughout all of Mera.