Chairely Character in Geldora | World Anvil


Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd Goblok the Gobbo

Goblok the Gobbo, once a mischievous goblin, found his fate irrevocably changed when the True Menagerie encountered him on their journey to the Sanctum of Eternity. A quest for treasure at the bottom of a mountain lake led to a harrowing encounter with a lake monster. Saved by Cardinal Koresh, Goblok endured the loss of his lower body but gained a second chance at life within the sanctum's walls.   Nursed back to health by the Sanctum's priests, Goblok embraced the opportunity for redemption. Immersing himself in the vast archives, he became a dedicated scholar. The once mischievous goblin, now known as Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd, delved into the world of knowledge with a fervor that surprised even the most seasoned academics.   Chairley's unique condition, with a chair replacing his lower body, became a symbol of resilience and adaptability. His scholarly pursuits were not confined to the dusty tomes; Chairley's insatiable curiosity and newfound wisdom made him a beloved figure within the Sanctum.   However, Chairley's journey didn't end there. Brancburg, a town in need, called for assistance in educating its orphans. Chairley, having found purpose within the sanctum's walls, saw an opportunity to extend his newfound wisdom. He became the headmaster of Baylok's School for Wayward Boys, a position that would see him guide young minds, instilling not just academic knowledge but also the virtues of resilience and determination.   From his handcrafted chair, Chairley's impact went beyond the academic realm. He became a mentor, proving that one's past does not define their future. His story, from the mischievous Gobbo to the scholarly and compassionate headmaster, is a testament to the transformative power of education and the resilience of the human (or goblin) spirit. Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd stands as a living testament to the idea that, even in the face of adversity, one can rise above and inspire others to do the same.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nestled beneath the looming Cragspire Mountains, Goblok the Gobbo came into the world within a lively goblin camp. The temperate climate of Mera, with its diverse landscapes and moderate weather patterns, shaped Goblok's early years in contrast to the harsh extremes found in other regions. Raised amidst the vibrant flora and fauna of the temperate zone, Goblok's mischievous spirit found expression in the verdant surroundings. However, fate had something extraordinary in store for Goblok during the True Menagerie's quest to the Sanctum of Eternity. Assigned the task of retrieving a treasure from the depths of a mountain lake, Goblok faced unforeseen challenges, including a confrontation with a formidable lake monster. The encounter resulted in the loss of his lower body, but the intervention of Cardinal Koresh spared him from further harm.   Nursed back to health within the sacred confines of the Sanctum of Eternity, Goblok underwent a profound transformation. Immersed in the pursuit of knowledge within the archives, he embraced the opportunity for redemption. Under the mentorship of the scholars, Goblok, now known as Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd, emerged as a dedicated scholar. His unique condition, a wooden chair replacing his lower body, became a symbol of resilience against the backdrop of the temperate Midvar climate.   As Professor Chairley, he ascended to prominence within the Sanctum, contributing to the preservation of knowledge and mentoring aspiring scholars. His reputation expanded beyond the sanctum's walls when he assumed the role of headmaster at Baylok's School for Wayward Boys in Brancburg, a town of refugees founded by the True Menagerie. From his handcrafted chair, Chairley became a beacon of education and inspiration for the orphans of Brancburg, showcasing that even in the midst of war, the warmth of knowledge could guide the way to growth and redemption.

Professor Chairley Esquire the 3rd has found a new chapter in his scholarly journey, extending beyond the confines of the Sanctum of Eternity. Embracing his role as an educator, he has joined Baylok's School for Wayward Boys. From his handcrafted chair, Chairley imparts knowledge to the young minds of Brancburg, turning his once mischievous goblin origins into a source of inspiration for the orphans under his guidance. With each lesson, he becomes a living testament to the transformative power of education, proving that wisdom can bloom even in the most unexpected places.

Character Location
Current Location
Bayloks School for Wayward Boys
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Current Location
Date of Birth
18th Day of Highsun
Current Residence
The Baylock School for Wayward Boys
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mottled green