
The deadly anti-magic material so incredibly powerful it can kill archmages

Mechanical Benefits

HP/inch As steel;   Hardness As steel;   Like all of the ancestral elvish metals, it takes enchantment very well. It also inherently possesses an anti-magic property; arrows forged from it are able to dispel or pierce any protective wards that a target of theirs has active.   Items made of Zlakol are always considered masterwork. This is included in their prices below.   Weapons made of Zlakol are unheard of due to the extremely small quantities it can be made or found in, but should they exist they would likely confer the same effects as ammunition.   Armor made of Zlakol is unheard of due to the extremely small quantities it can be made or found in, but should it exist would likely give one outright immunity to spells and magical effects.   For Ammunition: Ammunition made of Zlakol automatically dispels any and all magical effects on a target when it hits them, even if they are only dispellable by a Mage's Disjunction or Wish Effect. They not only cut off the hit target from the Lattice, preventing all casting for 2d4+2 minutes, but also automatically break through any walls of force or similar magical barriers between the user and the target and destroy them. These arrows have no effect on magical items like Mage's Disjunction does, and do not deal actual weapon damage when they hit. Ammunition made of Zlakol is destroyed when it hits and dispels effects on a target. On a confirmed critical, the target must roll a d100 - on any number but a one they are unable to cast spells of any kind for 24 hours. On a 1, they are forever cut off from the lattice and unable to cast, and cannot take levels in casting classes until this effect is undone by divine intervention.


Zlakol is not sold. It is one of the ancestral secret metals of the Elven people and is never sold even among their own number. Each Arrow or Ammunition made of Zlakol is so valuable as to be considered an artifact.   It is believed that if any non-elf or any creature not given express permission by the Crown were were known to be carrying any Zlakol, the elves would hunt them down and kill them to take back the metal.


Material Characteristics

Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.

Geology & Geography

Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.

Origin & Source

Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.

History & Usage


Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.


Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.

Everyday use

What is known about Zlakol's use is most of what is known about it - despite the Elves' best efforts, rumors of its power have leaked into the world as the bane of all casters everywhere. A single arrow of Zlakol is so powerful that it is said to allow even basic commoners to take down an archmage, given the chance and proper setup.


Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.


Trade & Market

Zlakol is so extremely rare that one arrow alone is an artifact, so it is not sold on market even to the Elves, much less to outsiders. If it appears on other markets outside Elven society, it is done with utmost secrecy, lest the Elves come to kill all involved in selling or buying it.


Moreso than any of the other Elven Metals, Zlakol is zealously protected by them, so details about it are almost nonexistent.

Law & Regulation

The Elves have countless laws to protect the Ancestral Metals, and Zlakol is no exception - they will rarely give it out to even their own kind, much less outsiders.


Alternative Name(s)
Bloodmetal, Magebane Iron
Unbelievably rare.
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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