
The people of the land of Ustana, run by tradition and massive banking clans


  A relatively new people, the people of Ustana are the most numerous inhabitants of the lands to the Southwest of the Great Gyatsoshin Desert - they organize themselves into families and place great importance on bloodlines and one's own lineage, which can be hard for many outsiders to understand as the internal hierarchy of an Ustanan Family as well as the traditions and strict actions that guide interactions inside of it. Clans are generally made up of anywhere from ten to fifteen families.  


  Ustanans boast fair skin, sharp cheekbones, broad shoulders and tend to have darker-colored hair. They favor overflowing, massive robes that are as voluminous as they are beautiful, and are legendary for their love of hats - the more fanciful, the better, often with feathers or similar decoration embedded in it for emphasis. Since temperatures can vary so wildly in their homeland they tend to dress in layers to make it easier to adapt their clothing if need be.  


  The Ustanan people are thought to have begun as a series of tribal clans that dwelled along the coastlines of what is now modern Ustana as well as in the islands off the coast, as an aboriginal people who very early on developed primitive boats and sailing vessels to sail across the archipelago that drifts off the coast, traveling to other tribes and bartering and trading in a plethora of goods. As they spread and civilized, they are thought to have spread all throughout the lands south and west of the Great Gyatsoshin desert, and in recent years have come together as the Great Ustanan Merchant Families banded together with the nearby Dharans to form the Ustanan Concord.  


  Ustana in recent years has been at the forefront of western Zheng-Kitaran culture, being the fulcrum and origin of many reformist religious institutions, humanism, the birthplace of the sciences, and many wondrous and different artists of all kinds. The Ustana Culture is one of great intellect and learning, as Ustana itself is one of the greatest seats of learning in the world, with the first and only University known to Zheng-Kitar. They place a great emphasis on the arts, and Ustana Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Scientists, Literature Masters and Musical Composers are well-known as some of the best in the world, rivaled only by the legendary wineries, sculptors, and more in Dhara - from their creation of opera, their iconic gastronomy and food which is commonly regarded as the most popular in the world, and its most priceless works of art and its fashion such that the Ustanan homeland is considered the fashion capital of the world, Ustanans are a cultured people who place a great emphasis on the arts and the sciences, as well as thinking and intellect.   Regardless of societal class, wealth, or job, the people of Ustana are some of the politically minded in all the world - because for them one's money and wealth directly translates to political clout or weight, they are often deeply invested in the politics of the areas they live in as a force of habit, often keeping their fingers on the pulse of not only the economy and trade, but on the political figures and groups of the area to determine which best suit them and are worthy of their trust and time. Always on the hunt for a new investment, small business, or valuable idea to get in on the ground floor of, Ustanans are uncannily aware of economic potential wherever it can be found - because they often think in matters of the long-term, they are always keen to invest in a new or small business or idea few others have that they think will go far, to ensure a vast return on investment years or even decades down the line. This is contrast to what many assume they WOULD be like, supporting large corporations and businesses to the exclusion of all else - which they see as little more than extremely safe investments.   Because their own economy and country encourages a deeply economic mindset, Ustanans are often very shrewd and wise with their money and investments - every wasted coin is, to them, wasted potential for making their voice heard. Often flamboyant, outspoken, and loud, Ustanans rage against those who dare to call their way of life excessively materialistic or greedy - to them, economics and the free-market is one of the truest expression of mortal freedom that can be found in life, and a thing to be protected at all costs. They often recognize that such a system isn't perfect, but deeply believe in its potential for greatness - where a being is not shackled to a singular monarch or system and is instead free to choose the course of their life. Unfortunately, this also means Ustanans are quick to dismiss the downtrodden as "lazy" and "unmotivated" - assuming that such beings did something to "earn" that place in society.   Much like the Dharans, the Ustanans produce many great thinkers and philosophers, but chiefmost in Ustanan Culture is currency, trade, and bartering - the Ustana Merchant Families run the country as kingpins of commerce, and Ustanans have long brought many revolutions to the banking systems of Zheng-Kitar. They are a people obsessed with personal possessions and wealth, and their culture places a great emphasis on shrewdness with money and one's possessions. One's duty to their family is considered paramount - in Ustanan culture, it is almost assured that children will be forced into continuing the legacy their parents have started or continued - such that an Ustanan merchant family will always remain so, until one child becomes bold enough to defy tradition and be branded an outcast. Their society is incredibly strict and hierarchichal, with a great importance placed on family, prestige, and appearance - face is everything, and to lose face and social standing is often the downfall of the entire family tree.   Because of this, Ustanans are often seen as strict, shrewd, and cunning - Ustanan culture demands them be wary of betrayal from every side, to always keep theirs and their family's best interests at heart, and to always be scheming and machinating towards their next big score to climb further in the ranks of Ustana's family based corporate society in which the fate of an individual is tied to the family they carry the name of.
Naming Conventions
Ustanan names are elegant and a delight to speak, and typically follow Old Italian naming conventions(from the Italian Renaissance, usually, though modern style names might exist). Once family name means everything in Ustana - it determines one's social standing, their path in life, and so much more - so changing it or editing it is a horrible social faux paus. It is, however, allowed under certain circumstances to "purchase" a new last name and enter into a new family - a political move available only to the richest and most prestigious nobles.
Male Names
Lorenzo, Bartolo, Pierozzo, Guasparre, Vieri, Marco
Female Names
Franchetta, Lucretia, Isabella, Anzola, Cicilia, Belloza
de Fiorino, di Barbacia, Calvenzano, Sforza, Foscari, Bernardo
Encompassed species


  "Dio Santo!" - A curse similar to "Holy God!" or "Good God!". An exclamation of surprise or shock.   "Cazzo"(Kaht-zoh)- Used to express anger, frustration, or surprise. Vulgar word meaning simply 'genatalia'.   "Wrack and Ruin" - A flexible phrase that can be used as a curse or expletive. A phrase that originated from sailors who survived encounters with the great oceanic godbeast Zakalyso, better known by the nickname "The Crimson Calamity".   "Shining Serah!" - A sailor's curse that refers to the popular sailors myth of the ocean goddess Sherah, said to hold dominion over the Oseishin Ocean. Many sailors remain cautious of using this phrase, as some believe saying her name invites her attention.   "Drowning Damara!" - A sailor's curse that refers to the popular sailors myth of the ocean goddess Damara, said to hold dominion over the Liuwang Ocean. Many sailors remain cautious of using this phrase, as some believe saying her name invites her attention.  


  "Vivid" - A compliment used to refer to one with a beautiful appearance, or one who is simply put 'interesting' - fun to be around, exciting to look at, good fashion sense, etc. All-around compliment.   "Magnan" - Refers to someone with good business sense. A good leader, good with money, and savvy politician and/or businessman. Also used to simply refer to a good child, or worthy heir.   "Chameleon" - Refers to someone with a healthy degree of suspicion, who takes nothing for granted. Compliments ones' social awareness, wisdom, and judge of character.   "Old salt" - An old Ustanan term that refers to one with years of experience on the sea. A guru of sailing and all things oceanic - a trusted hand when it comes to ships, boats, and such. An affectionate term, and one that Ustana sailors work very hard to earn and/or prove themselves worthy of. Holds so much sway in Ustana it can somewhat be considered an unofficial societal rank.   "Encenza"(In-chen-zah) - A unique Ustanan word that refers to the feeling of comfort, home, and pleasantry. Can be used in a large variety of ways, from referring to delicious food to complimenting a beautiful woman. The closest common equivalent is "amazing", "perfect", etc.  


  "Trim" - A simple and common phrase used to call someone boring, bland, drab, etc. A bore, a stick in the mud, someone with awful fashion sense, etc.   "Gelloroga" - A grave insult that is used to refer to one who abandons their family and their name. Someone who cannot be trusted, the worst kind of person, only out for themselves, no respect for tradition/family, etc.   "Narixian" - An insult used to refer to a borish brute or a barbarian. Also used to refer to one who preaches for equality between the sexes by some extremely hardline traditionalist noblemen. Someone with foolish ideas, someone uncivilized, etc.   "Rata" - One of the most serious Ustanan insults. Refers to one who succeeds by leeching off the success of others, such as a deadbeat, pirate, bandit, criminal, cutthroat, etc.   "Tableboy" - An insult that has greatly decreased in usage in recent years that implies one either works for a woman(A MASSIVE insult to most Ustanans) or would happily work for one as a subordinate. Carries a strong cultural stigma that will likely get one slapped for using it outside of extremely traditionalist crowds.   "Locust" - An insult that refers to someone extremely dangerous to others. One who causes misfortune for others by existing, onr who should be shunned, etc. A slang term for the downtrodden, the poor, and for sailors from The Gāngtao Migrant Fleet.  

Turns of Phrase

"And next the women shall run the banks" - A turn of phrase that hints to the sexism present in traditional Ustanan society. Implies something said is ridiculous, unreasonable, or just plain nonsense.   "The (boy/man/girl/woman)'s palms never close" - A turn of phrase used by Ustanans to suggest someone is way too generous, too giving, too trusting, and too kind with their possessions.   "Careful, Bonifacio" - A tongue-in-cheek warning used by Ustanans to warn another of striving for too much, of being too ambitious, of exceeding their abilities, etc.   "Trust wont un-perforate your liver" - A very blunt and comical phrase used by Ustanans to warn others of trusting others too much, of putting too much faith in others, and of not being careful.   "May they rest at last with eyes unopened" - An Ustana Prayer offered up to the dead wishing them well in the afterlife.   "The whistling of your head shall soon make a symphony" - An Ustanan phrase calling someone an idiot by insinuating the inside of their head is completely empty, and thus gusts of wind will produce singsong melodies as they blow through their ears.


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