Kingdom of Morathin Settlement in Zantin | World Anvil

Kingdom of Morathin

Morathin is the longest standing kingdom in Myrthul at almost 600 years, named after the dwarven god of the same name. The island it is founded upon has the largest known deposits of mythril in Zantin.


The vast majority of the population in the kingdom is dwarven, given its long history of discrimination against other races. In recent times, the dwarves have been more accepting of other races.  


The dwarves of Morathin are perhaps the only left in all of Zantin who still use a caste system to determine social status. The caste is broken into four levels; Noble, Craftsman, Vanlig, and Casteless.  


  The Noble caste can be granted at birth, gained at marriage, or bestowed upon a dwarf by the king. Noble status gives dwarves certain privileges over the lower caste such as preference for business or purchasing property. While the title still grants the the right to own casteless dwarves as slaves, the practice has largely been abandoned, with one exception; some casteless dwarves sign contracts to serve a noble as their champion in the Mythril Arena, where dwarves fight for the right to gain caste.  


  The caste of any recognized smith, carpenter, or other profession requiring experience or training, Craftsman is unique in that it can be granted one day and taken away the next. This is because the caste is granted only to those who are actively working their profession, meaning if a dwarf refuses to do work, he losses his caste, even if he has been recognized. Only a dwarf craftsman or higher can recognize another dwarf's work.  


  The caste bestowed upon any dwarf born to caste-bearing dwarves within the confines of Morathin territory, Vanlig is also known as the common caste. This is the lowest class a dwarf can be and still own property, marry, or have children. Dwarves of this caste are only offered one opportunity every six months to enter the royal chambers and voice complaints to the king.  


  Dwarves born outside Morathin, those disowned by their families officially, or named a disgrace by the king are stripped of caste. A casteless dwarf may not own property, marry, or have children. Although extremely rare, there are still cases of new casteless dwarves, usually from familial disownement, and almost all of them move away from Morathin.


The dwarven kingdom has always had some of the best equipment in Myrthul, especially that of its elegantly designed Mythril armor, but following the Abyss War and the following conflict with Halholm, the dwarves began working on a new project. They designed and built an army of stone golems, resembling dwarves, which are equipped with the same Mythril armor. The new construct army allows Morathin some peace of mind, in that should they be forced to enter any future conflict, there wont be needless sacrifice of dwarven lives.


Morathin was settled sometime around the year 700 originally under a Salorian dwarven kingdom, Feirnir, and served as a mining colony for 150 years. Following the unification of Saloria as a republic, the dwarves of Morathin demanded representation at official meetings. When they were denied, under claim that they received representation from Feirnir, a revolt erupted on the island. At this point, the large mythril deposits had yet to be discovered, and after it was clear that the dwarves of Morathin wouldn't back down, the Saloria Republic quickly recalled its forces.   Following the revolution, the dwarves began to argue what would become their system of government. One group called for a senate similar to that of the Saloria Republic, but the majority of the dwarves, resentful of their previous government, wished to bring back dwarven tradition and have a king. King Buerngrim Shattershield
National Territory
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