Elvish-Oronai peoples

The Oronai under the descendants of the great king Magas, specially king Boros the Conqueror invaded the realms south-west of the Kingdom of the Green Elves that were populated by numerous elvish tribes which, in the past, had rennounced to join the Elvish Kingdom. There they stablished numerous colonies across the land and populated it with Oronai peoples from the distant Oronia. Those colonists started to marry elvish women and become influenced by elvish culture, thus creating a hibrid Elvish-Oronai culture and ethnicity. Their religion was also affected by the mixing as it was a mixture of Oronai and Elvish religion. Fashion was also a hibrid thing, since it was a mixture of Oronai clothes, with their tunics and boots and Elvish elements such as trousers of colourful patterns.
They are also fearsome warriors, who fight mainly in the traditional Oronai style of pike phalanxes although Hoplites can also be found across the territories inhabitated by these peculiar people, fighting in a now archaic but still powerfull fighting style. They are also excellent archers due to their elvish ancestry. And when they fight on horse ( or deer) they are really a force to be reckoned with.
If you decide to invade their lands, prepare yourself as they are expected to fight for every inch of their sacred land, honouring their forefathers of both races. But be also careful if you want to trade with them or even having a debate!, as they are as cunning with their tongues as with the pikes, the famous Parssa.
In no other places in Teria you will see such a symbiosis of cultures and traditions as in the regions where these peoples live.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nikaia, Raila, Veron, Taron, Nike, Clao, Abana, Nix, Kassandra, Eibra, Phaba, Theia, Akallis, Tilis, Thesalla, Tephis.

Masculine names

Nikanor, Menander, Evander, Kassander, Zoisos, Panthaleon, Sophites, Magas, Sophradynos, Eibrennos, Phellepos, Peirrhos, Doson, Callonos, Ambolos, Makaros, Ikaros, Arkantos, Telamon, Eumenes, Eurkatides, Dorylaios, Boros.

Family names

Asdrianoi, Phellepou, Kassandrid, Menandrid, Zoisid, Lykiasid, Perdikkoi, Magid, Orontid, Nikanid, Evandrid, Arkantid, Borou,


Major language groups and dialects

The Oronai language is the official language in all Elvish-Oronai kingdoms, and it is the most common spoken language in the cities and in the fields. Elvish is considered a language of culture but it is also spoken at home and with talking to non-Oronai or Blatian foreigners or with other Elves. Many Elvish-Oronai people are raised bilingual.   Because of the mixture of cultures the Oronai dialect spoken by these peoples have incorporated many elvish words, and have a distinct accent with some elvish elements in it.

Culture and cultural heritage

As a mixed ethnicity they have inherited many things from the two peoples. As their Oronai forefathers they are a bit more warlike than the elves, but they also like engaging in debates about many subjects, they are abid of knowledge and they really love theatre. On the other hand, being descendants of elves too make them biologically able to use magic (specially the most powerfull one) and very skillfull with the bow. It also makes them really passionate about music, singing and poetry, as well as having very good sight and be slighly smarter than common humans, and also having a greater lifespan than full blooded Oronai.

Shared customary codes and values

They share a profound respect for nature as they belief that nature is a living thing and so, things like overexplotation of natural resources is unheard of. Even the act of cutting a tree has to be done with the consent of the goddess of Earth, Tyr, who created nature.

Average technological level

The Elvish-Oronai have a similar technological level to that of the full blooded Oronai and the Blatians, although as most of them are half-elves they have more powerfull magic at their dispossal than their neighbours.

Common Dress code

Dress code has been influenced by the intermingling of both cultures. Most Elvish-Oronai people wear a mixture of the fashion of both worlds. They tend to wear short tunics, under this, they tend to wear colourful trousers, usually with some decorative patterns. Most of the adult males wear a diadem of different colours on their heads (the golden diadem is reserved to the kings). They can also wear hats, like a connical hat called "Pelle" in the Oronai language or a beret called "Kassa", both are the national hats of the Oronai people and their mixed offspring have inherited that fashion too. Some Elvish-Oronai men also wear things such as ear rings or neckclaces and some have adopted the traditional long hair fashion of the elves, some even go to battle with war paintings on their face ( a practise that is considered barbaric by the full blooded human Oronai).   As for the women, face painting is very common both for noble women or commoners. The aristocratic women tend to dress like their full blooded Oronai counterparts while the middle and low classes women wear a mixture of both worlds. Most of them wear trousers and shirts, instead of the long tunic (specially women in the countryside) . Some can also wear the Pelle and Kassa hats but this is not common. Diadems are also common among Elvish-Oronai women as well as elaborate ear rings and necklaces.

Art & Architecture

The architecture of the Elvish-Oronai realms isn't much different from the architecture of their Oronai relatives and their Blatian cousins. Its true that they use wood and bricks more often than stone for building their houses and temples. They use domes and columns for adorning their temples and they tend to be built in a rectangular shape with two chambers, one for the temple's treasure and other for the statue of the god or goddess.
Their art, as well as that of the Oronai and Blatians is very reallistic, trying to immitate nature, but because of their partial elvish ancestry the Elvish-Oronai peoples artisans excell in carving wood sculpture and jewels and figures made of gold.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

People belonging to the Elvish-Oronai ethnicity and culture share the same religious rites (which are also common for the Oronai and the Blatians). And they tend to held athletic competitions during sacred festivals in honor of the gods.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The birth, baptismal rites of the Elvish-Oronai peoples are mostly the same as The Blatians and the Oronai. As they have roughly the same religion as them.

Coming of Age Rites

The coming of age rites are also very similar to those of theĀ  The Blatians and Oronai. The only difference is that instead of doing it in the temple of the goddess Tyr they do it in front of what they called Sacred or Holy Trees ( also asociated with the goddess Tyr), that are an element borrowed from the Elvish religion.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Elvish-Oronai used two types of funerary rites. They can either bury their dead or cremate them. The latter is what have become the most popular. In this rite the ashes of the dead are divided. Part of it are given to the family and the other is scattered near the sacred tree (simbolizing the returning to the mother Earth, the goddess Tyr).   Each year they share a banquet, as the Oronai and Blatians do, but instead of doing it over the tomb, they do it in the presence of the funeral urn (simbolizing that the deceased comes that day from the afterlife and shares the meal with his/her family).

Common Myths and Legends

The myths and legends are those of the Oronai-Blatian religion, part of the common beliefs of the Davidovian peoples. The Elvish-Oronai enjoy reading and representing legends such as the siege of Dorstulon, and the life of their mythical ancestors, Davidion and his son Ikaros.

Historical figures

Zoizos I (r. 610-635 AP): Son of Boros the Conqueror and first independent Elvish-Oronai King.
Menander I (r. 635-656 AP): Elvish-Oronai king who converted to the seris sect of the Followers of Yemu, and that is considered as the greatest of all Elvish-Oronai Kings, briefly united all the Elvish-Oronai realms under his banner.
Nikaia: Wife of the Blatian King Mucius and grandmother of David I.
Zoisos III (r. 656-769 AP): Grandson of Menander II and King of Bire, he formed a Coalition with his cousin king Nearchos of Stormitia and king Antiochos of Steplia against the kingdoms of Wesdaland and Whitharfia in what would be known as the War of the Five Kings.


Beauty Ideals

The beauty idea for the Oronai is either a women with light or dark hair, with light eyes and fair skin, not very fat or thin. If the woman is brave or has an strong character, the most beautiful it is as they would give birth to stronger and braver men who would defend their land. Also facial painting, specially around the eyes is considered also attractive.   As for men, the archetype of male beauty is that of a short or long haired man, with his face shaved or with a neat beard. With strong complexion and light coloured eyes.

Gender Ideals

As in Elvish societies the Elvish-Oronai peoples consider women and men equals unlike their Oronai relatives. Both genders can perform the same tasks, hold the same political power and even go to war!. It is not unlikely to see Elvish-Oronai female soldiers go to battle riding either horses of deers or even fighting as pikemen or hoplites!.

Major organizations

The Elvish-Oronai people are the main ethnic group in the kingdoms of Stormitia and Brire. And they are also an important minority in the neighbouring kingdoms of the Green Elves (specially the southern regions) and in the Oronai Kingdom of Steplia.

Cover image: by Callyxtus


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