Lluellen Myth in Xumlandia | World Anvil
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"She is the one, and the one is I. But we should not bear swords but bear compassion! Take my hand. I'll impart my love upon thee so ye can perceive the universe as i do."  
  • Tales of Lluellen, opening paragraph.
  • She is the basis of perhaps the largest organized religion found in Xumlandia, and is recognized across the map.


    According to the Tale of Lluellen, the Goddess Lluellen was a fairy who understood far greater than any other being how the world was intertwined. She imparted her compassion and love to many she came in contact with. She is viewed as the creator of all that is known.

    Historical Basis

    Tales of Luellen's influence are found throughout the historical accounts in many cultures in Xumlandia, but what is the evidence?  
    • Scriptures dating as far back as the second age describe a pet of The Blue Blazer, describe a gigantic beast made of solid lava known as The Crimson Skuurg. A creature mating the same description was seen in The Pit as recently as the end of the previous age . . . just over two thousand years ago.
    • The era where The Blazer exerted force through his agents on Xumlandia extinguished almost all speculation the accounts of Lluellen were nothing other than the truth.


    This legend is known worldwide. Even the calendar used is in her name.

    Cultural Reception

    Her presence has affected most of the intelligent creatures of the world, but there are several in particular that have been affected more.  
    • Dragonelles. They are evangelical in this religion and preach her teachings everywhere they travel. Any Spellweaver should be well aware of her teachings as they form the basis of the craft.
    • The Harpeen consider Dragonelles their mortal enemy. In the view of Harpeen culture, it was Lluellen who was in fact evil and struck down their ancestors in the before time.
    • Timberfolk very often beseech Lluellen to protect them from Wind Lords and other calamities.
    • Faries will claim they deserve deference since Lluellen was one of their kind.
      for most other cultures, her story has a lesser effect on their identity but does have a strong effect on the world around them.

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