Dragonelles Species in Xumlandia | World Anvil
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‘Dragon’ males with ‘human’ females make up this race of beings, and the majority of the females are in fact Spell-Weavers. While the female dragonelles are difficult to distinguish from human females, the males of the species are easy to spot: they look like dragons.


These creatures are actually reptilian in origin, and they certainly have great mystic potential. The females do in fact lay eggs despite their mammalian physical features including hair and skin that truly cannot be distinguished from their human equivalent as a general rule. There are a few times when under very close observation scales can actually be observed, often appearing to give a glittery appearance. There is one sub-race – the Dorgonlorf – and the females of this race have smooth but scaly skin. Often times the skin of a Dorgonlorf is colored in a reptilian fashion and is either striped or banded. These females produce venom of high potency and can kill a large bear with a single bite. This sub race tends to be stronger and more adept at combat but normally is not as adept at spell-weaving as other female Dragonelles. Male Dragonelles are very rarely spell weavers; they often have basic sphere skills at the most. What they are is decidedly larger, stronger and more durable than their female counterparts. A small Dragonelle male will stand as high as a full-grown Grizzly bear, not including his tail or wings. They have sharp claws and keen eyesight; they have sight that nearly rivals the Wind Lords. The skin of a male Dragonelle is akin to chain mail and is very difficult to penetrate. Dorgonlorf males are in fact stronger and where the female venom is a neurotoxin the male venom is extremely caustic and has been known to dissolve marble within several seconds. Male Dragonelles come in a myriad of colors; male Dorgonlorfs carry identical markings to their female counterparts. It is unclear if a male Dorgonlorf changes colors upon uniting with another Dorgonlorf but brother-sister pairs are always matched as are father-mother pairs.


Dragonelles are most populous near The Mount and in the surrounding areas including the forests at the base of the mount and the edge of the Pit Marshes. They are relatively few in number but can be found in almost any climate, the females often living as humans. The only regions where they genuinely shy away from are areas near the polar caps or the Ice belt , as they have little to no love of the cold. Where they are most commonly found is the area surrounding The Mount which borders Sky Rock.
  • DinaRiverfall. The heart of Dragonelle in Xumlandia is located on The Mount, farther down the mountain from AerieFreya and across from the waterfall that empties into Lake DinoAgua.
  • DinoBloodstone. Male Dragonelles are required to spend several years in this city where they learn to ply their formidable abilities. While Dragonelles do not believe in a military, this city houses the rough equivalent.

Global Politics

Dragonelles are peaceful creatures and do not care for the militant dispositions that are exhibited by some in the world. They also dislike the greedy nature of Humans but they see the hidden potential. For the most part they strive for harmony among and with their fellow races in Xumlandia and they are seen as the wise (but eccentric) advisors.
  • Allies: The humans of Mirada have always been major supporters of the Dragonelles, and Zenubians likewise show favor. Merasaurs tend to favor them less so but there is often a kinship there.
  • Adversaries: The Wind Lords do not care for the peaceful demeanor of the Dragonelles, but they respect them. But above any other race they are despised by The Harpeen and Dark Dwellers. The Harpeen are so rare however that they rarely cross paths with Dragonelles.


Dragonelles are very skilled in linguistics and it shows in their list.
  • Worldspeak . The common tongue.
  • Lluellenese. This is the language of their religion.
  • Fae. There are pixies & fairies in this world and Dragonelles can speak to them as if they were one of them.
  • Timber. They can converse with all timber folk and suffer no biological penalty.
  • Memerian. They speak the tongue of their cousins very fluently.
  • Local Tongue. In order to pass of as human they always learn the local tongue.


Somewhere between a hippie and the Elves of Rivendell lies the personality of the Dragonelle. They try not to be judgmental and always seem to strive for peace and love, but they will certainly lose their temper when pushed far enough. They abhor violence and are against the taking of any life other than for food – females in particular. Males are more likely to take a life than females but they also ultimately take the lead of the ladies in such situations. Dorgonlorfs on the other hand have no scruples about violence or violent acts and have been casual killers in the past. While they are more adept & willing to take place in physical combat they are in fact just as aware of the connections between all things that Dragonelles have, so they do not act blindly. Dorgonlorf females are more of the ‘Bad Girls’ to the Dragonelles’ ‘Good Girls’. In a party Dragonelles tend to be the advisor and a healer, but they can pitch in on magical items and situations. Dorgonlorfs are often the assassins, killers and the resident bad ass. Males accompany females so if there’s a male Dragonelle or Dorgonlorf in the party you can bet there’s a female present in some fashion.


Dragonelles & Dorgonlorfs have the following Stunts, separated by gender.
Vision of Lluellen. All Dragonelles & Dorgonlorfs have this power. They are able to perceive the world & its gossamer threads necessary for spell weaving. This gives a bonus of +1 to Awareness in all situations and a +3 in perceiving magic sources, but this bonus does not affect casting & weaving. Cost: 6
Dragonelle Females. As follows:
  • Spell Weaver. All females are spell weavers and can create magic on the fly. They are not restricted by the rote of the magic user but must dedicate a significant portion of their time to study, review and the understanding of mystical law. In exchange they can draw magic from the world around them by following the gossamer threads of connection (they must perceive these threads first) and moving from there to create their magic with an additional +3. Cost: 6 for the basic spheres, 4 for intermediate (must have Basic), 4 for each Advanced (must have Intermediate), 6 for Master (must have 3 Advanced), and 10 for Grandmaster (must have Master).
Dragonelle Males: As follows:
  • Flight. Their wings give them flight at significant speeds. Cost: 6.
  • Dragon Body. A thick scaly hide, wings, a tail, claws & added strength gives them a +2 to Fortitude & Strength and gives them the ability to strike with their claws. Cost: 8
  • Breath Weapon. Each one has a ranged breath weapon that will vary depending on where they are from and how they are taught at DinoBloodstone. Cost: 4.
  • Traveling Voice. They can speak across miles and hear across miles, but this only applies to other male Dragonelles. This begins at 10 miles and doubles for each increment. Base: 2
Dorgonlorf Males. As Dragonelle Males.   Dorgonlorf Females. As follows:
  • Spell Weaver. All females are spell weavers and can create magic on the fly; however Dorgonlorf females normally do not receive as much instruction as they are often shunned. As a result it is very uncommon (but not impossible) for a Dorgonlorf to become adept at the Advanced level of sphere mastery. They are not restricted by the rote of the magic user but must dedicate a significant portion of their time to study, review and the understanding of mystical law. In exchange they can draw magic from the world around them by following the gossamer threads of connection (they must perceive these threads first) and moving from there to create their magic with an additional +3. Cost: 6 for the basic spheres, 4 for intermediate (must have Basic), 4 for each Advanced (must have Intermediate), 6 for Master (must have 3 Advanced), and 10 for Grandmaster (must have Master).
  • Venomous Bite. All female Dorgonlorfs produce venom of great potency and can even secrete this from their skin. The intensity is equal to their fortitude if secreted but a bite is Thrice as powerful. Cost: 4
  • Strength. They are stronger than their more humanistic cousins and gain a +1 to Athletics rolls. Cost: 1.


Each of them has aspects as follows.
  • Dragonelle. They are all familiar with the Dragonelle culture and can receive a bonus in these matters. They also have a pacifist approach toward the world and the world knows it. Invoke: communicating with a fairy in the woods. Compel: Trying to save a woman about to be burned at the stake.
Additionally, female Dragonelles have the following.
  • Reluctant Spell Weaver. The females are known to be spell weavers and they prefer to keep this information to themselves, as many are sought after by those who lust for their power. They know that to reveal themselves is a great risk.
  • Evangelist. They constantly praise Lluellen and will rarely pass up a chance to speak of her ways in hopes of converting someone to her teachings. In some ways they are akin to clergy on a pilgrimage, and people are very aware of that fact.
Female Dorgonlorf: The following is mandatory.
  • Reluctant Spell Weaver. The females are known to be spell weavers and they prefer to keep this information to themselves, as many are sought after by those who lust for their power. They know that to reveal themselves is a great risk. Cost: 1
  • “Blazer Child”. They are normally shunned by the majority of Dragonelle Society (or at least looked down upon) because of their alleged connection to the Evil One. This replaces Dragonelle as an aspect but they are still very familiar with Dragonelle culture. Cost: 1.

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