The Sapphire Necrotic Miasma Myth in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

The Sapphire Necrotic Miasma


From time to time deep within the Raesandel Forest a mist would seep up from the ground. The locals of Arpyneaketh call this the Sapphire Necrotic Miasma because it was a blue mist that would eat the flesh off of anyone that walks in it. The Arpynians at the time found the source of this mist. They would under go a ritual called Subsidy of Sinew. This was to tame the mists from below.

Historical Basis

This myth is rooted with one of the most ancient battles of all time. This battle was prior to any civilization laying claim to Raesandel Forest. It was a fight for control of the World of Stendaaris by three Dragon factions. The Metallic Council, Guardians of Light, and Chromatic Titan Terragons sought out to control their own domain of the World of Stendaaris.   One of the Chromatic Titan Terragons named Nadra set up lair deep within the sandy shores near the Raesandel Forest. However, Eldenser one of the Metallic Council members also settled near the forest. These two where part of rival dragon factions and dispised one another. To get an upper hand Nadra attempted to experiment with necrotic magic but ultimately destroyed themself in the process. Eversince their failed experiment a blue mist would seep up from her lairs opening.   In the years to come following Nadra's experiement strange noises would come from the ground whenever the mist was active. The people of Arpyneaketh sought out many ways to try and tame the mists. They finally found the ritual Subsidy of Sinew to be the best solution.   In further attempts to quell the mists they built a temple around a massive pit dug at the center of the mists. They put Cobalt stone around the pit opening and made a well. This well would be the basis of all Subsidy of Sinew rituals in the future. Along the walls of the temple they have script dipicting how to undergo this ritual.   In more modern times the mists are tended to the Kobolds that live in Zendor's Lair. Zendor heard about these mists and of a great rival of his mother Eldenser so he sought out to tame them. For the most part these mists are tamed at least until Nak'Zoog Mag Raz'Lay StoneGrave decided to awaken what slumbered deep within. The mist started up again more frequently. The Kobolds are having a hard time containing them. The reason being Nadra has reawoken as Nadra, The Sapphire Death.
Date of First Recording
Sometime after year 101

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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